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Webmonkey's Garage Kits,...


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Agreed. Her breasts,.. (while ridiculously large),.. are by no means the overall focal point of this when finished. I find that my eye has so many other places to go, that her chest becomes a bit of an after-thought. Or maybe it's just me. And I tried multiple different hair colors,.. black, 20 different shades of brown, even tried pulling the fox orange down into the hair. The blonde is the only thing that didn't look totally out of place. You might think that being such an asian inspired piece that black hair would work well,.. but on the contrary, it just didn't work at all. I mean, if you just stare at the image and picture black hair in your head, you'll see what I mean.


And thanks by the way,.. it's nice to be appreciated.

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And while I wait on the base to dry,.. here's an image of the right wing. (with chompy of course, for scale reference)


I'm gonna have to figure a way to pin these two pieces together,.. and some green-stuff is gonna be called for. After that, I need to decide on color. A basic white wing?? A raven wing?,.. maybe some color fade on the feathers?



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  • 1 month later...

ok,.. finally got it to let me post. Not sure what the boggle was.

Anyhow,.. here's a pic of the wings. It had a nasty gap in it where the two halves meet. (big enough to stick the business end of a screwdriver through). But I think I got the greenstuff blended in well enough that once I paint it,.. it should hide the seam well enough. The backside is a little rougher, but again, once I think it'll hide with paint.

Anyways,.. here it is in primer stage. Now the question is, white??? or black???,... or perhaps a fade from white down through a dark brown at the tips. (I'm leaning towards this last one)



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