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Malifaux resculpts for 2.0...design philosophy?

Iron Heel

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There's been much discussion of the first couple of leaked crew box covers.

I , for one, generally like what I've seen thus far.

One thing that I'd love to see in the resculpts is more period dress that visually link the malifaux table to the turn of the century earth time period within which the storyline takes place.

I'd also like to see more gears on things.

What are you hoping to see?

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+1 for more period stuff.

I would also like less Samurai/Ninja/Oriental stuff as the whole Ten Thunders thing put me off Malifaux for a while and only when the news of Malifaux 2E and the resculpts of old masters broke did my interest come back.

Also I'm not a big fan of plastic but I could learn to live with that.

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Also I'm not a big fan of plastic but I could learn to live with that.

This is something Im fearing. While not a fan of plastics I can deal with them to. But crew boxsets done in plastic that you can not get the pieces separately is a huge turnoff for me. One that will actually limit my purchases instead of increase them.

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OR this is the wakeup call to stop spamming Witchling Stalkers or whatever and start constructing more interesting crews like adding Guild Riflemen or some constructs or hire some mercenaries.

Either way you can still buy the metal Stalkers and just use them as the summons if you have to and this is true for the steampunk arachnids and so on.

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the point is summoning, actually. the metal models are going to go away. as the plastics are introduced, they will be harder and harder to get, and likely won't match the rest of the crew.

If I bring 3 witchlings, or 2 swarms(minimum for playing a game from box sets Currently) then I can't summon anything, making part of the abilities useless. And honestly, the models are good enough that I might want to take 3 witchlings or 2 swarms, even if I'm not playing box sets. Anything summonable should have a way to get more of the model. Heck, Malifaux rats for Hamelin, or mindless zombies already require buying quite a bit, and possibly proxying. Just saying "Don't take boring lists" is both counter productive, and missing the point.

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If I remember correctly, unique models that appear in starters were going to be phased out, not non-uniques, so Stalkers, Guards, Gremlins, Tots, etc. seem, until we hear something different from Wyrd, rather safe.

That's the official stance, sure. And maybe that means we can expect individual boxes of those models eventually. But currently we have no way to buy the non-uniques from any of the plastic box sets released so far. So I wouldn't expect to see anything released in a box set available outside of the box on release.

I would love to be wrong, but that's where the evidence points so far.

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I'm not sure that helps much. Take Witchlings: if you make them Rare 3, if you want to summon them you can't bring more than 2, and it only works once (until some die that is). If you make them Rare 4+, you still have issues with 'hotdogs vs hotdog buns' (ie: not getting enough to field a full crew or summon backup).

I mean, I own 6 WS's. I rarely start with more than 2-3, and it's not like Sonnia's been able to summon her way up to a full 6 yet either, but I like knowing that I have the figures (without proxying) and the cards on hand to double or more her starting allotment of redeemed dark magic tainted sword bearers.

Personally I'm hoping they do just release mini boxes of the non uniques so people can buy, say, Wastrels if they want them but don't want McCabe. Having to buy one extra box might not be a big deal for most, but rounding out multiple potential crews that way would get old fast.

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I dont think plastic is bad at all, wyrd has all my attention now that the mini sculpts are so much better.

the plastic market on ebay(yeah I know) is huge, look up warhammer bitz and the result is in the near thousand marker. As a community I am certain we shall find coplayers or at worst ebay, to sell off that extra clockwork trap or gamin, wait and see and reach out to fellow players, why not split the purchase?

Malifaux is one of the few table top games you get alot for your buck, so crying about 21 dollars and not using a model, we still win as a community malifaux is still the best deal going!

Edited by Roenalt
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One thing I'd like to see particularly attended to is a slight shift in aesthetics for 10 Thunders, should any new models be introduced for them. The initial 10T models I had seen (before 10T was a thing) tended to show a lot of Chinese influence, but the vast majority I had seen in Storm of Shadows felt heavily Japanese. I know that the faction is a blend of the whole region, but it sometimes feels like the Japanese aesthetic is overwhelming the Chinese aesthetic.

Beyond that, so long as non-uniques will receive their packaging in a timely manner (I'm thinking possibly within three months of the follow-up M2e release) I'll be satisfied. It's a huge pain for the hot-dog-and-bun reason addressed above, and should be attended to. However, I suspect churning out new sculpts is going to be the top priority, and the secondary blisters/boxes will follow after that.

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I love the concept art I've seen. The Ten Thunders plastics were ace - very dynamic and highly detailed. We've certainly come a long way since the likes of the Flesh Construct. Even the better metal sculpts like Colette's crew have been blown out of the water.

I could see myself buying plastic starters for all the base gangs(minus Nicodemus and Lilith).

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One thing I'd like to see particularly attended to is a slight shift in aesthetics for 10 Thunders, should any new models be introduced for them. The initial 10T models I had seen (before 10T was a thing) tended to show a lot of Chinese influence, but the vast majority I had seen in Storm of Shadows felt heavily Japanese. I know that the faction is a blend of the whole region, but it sometimes feels like the Japanese aesthetic is overwhelming the Chinese aesthetic.

I don't think the Japanese aesthetic overwhelms in 10T heck the Yan Lo and Mei Feng/Kang soul porter and Yin are all non Japanese. the minions for the most part except the archers are Japanese however in look, armor and name.

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To add my two-penneth worth, I have to say the quality of the plastic sculpts is overall very impressive. All the models i have seen, bar a couple of exceptions, have had plenty of character. Admittedly, they can be a bit of a pain in the arse to assemble (yes, im looking at you Torakage!), and require a little bit of filling to sort them out, but the possibilities that plastic sculpts offer over metal ones is quite astonishing.

I have to agree that certain models should be available out of the starter boxes, well, in general all of the current "minion" models (torakage, rail workers, ashigaru and wastrels) should be available as there own box sets, and i hope that when the new boxes come out I will not have to buy multiple starters just for the sake of minions.

Adding additional pieces to the plastics would be a cool idea, so not every crew contains wastrel that looks like their opponents wastrels (for example); I'm not saying we need GW-esque plastics with 100 bits that will end up in a bits-box, just some variety; a selection of alternate heads/weapons/arms perhaps.

As for crew that need X times Witchling Stalkers or X times Malifaux Rats, surely we cannot judge this until Malifaux v2 is released for public beta and we can make judgements on what is viable.

Just my thoughts.

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