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The Freikorps Mk IV Landship


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For a special scenario in an upcoming campaign: A Freikorp scout vehicle.

Its a miniature clockwork version of a British Mk I with a single crewman and a Flammenwerfer turret. Please review and take the poll, then feel free to rage at me in your comments.


Freikorps "FireBug" Mk IV Landship

Construct, Special Forces (Freikorps), Unique


Wk/Cg Ht Wp Ca Df Wd

5/-, 3, 4, 3, 1, 12


Rg 8

Cb 5

Dg 2/3:blast:blast/4:blast:blast


Armor Plating: Armor +2. Object 2. Armor must be applied before Object.

If this model takes 2 or less Dg from an attack before applying armor, this model may ignore that Dg.

This model may ignore Dg and effects from :pulse, :aura and :blast effects, and its armor may not be ignored.

Incased in Iron: This model may not make Interact actions. It's Immune to Influence may not be ignored.

Experimental Machine: When this model flips a Black Joker, it suffers 2 Wds. Immediately discard a card or this model receives paralyzed. This model may not be healed.

Freikorps Asset: This model may only be hired by crews led by Von Schill and has Animosity: Lazarus


Immune to Influence


"Sure Beats Walking": Friendly models on 30mm bases in base contact with this model gain the (0)Link action, but may only use (0)Link to target this model. This model may have 2 friendly models linked to it at a time. Reduce the Df of linked models by 2.

Terrifying 12

Unstoppable Advance: This model has scout. This model may not be blocked while disengaging. If this model's move or tank shock action brings it into contact with a breakable terrain element, perform a free Bash attack, replacing the Bash Dg with 8/8/10.


Flammenwerfer: Attacks with this weapon ignore Armor and cover modifiers. When this model is killed it generates a :pulse3, 3Dg.


Cb (:tomes) "You're Flammable" [Flammenwerfer]: Defender suffering Dg from this weapon must make a Wp-12 Morale Duel


(1) Tank Shock:

Push this model up to 5". This model may move through intervening models. Push those models 2" away from this model. Models moved through must perform a Morale-12 duel or immediately Fall Back. Tank shock does not affect models with the Spirit characteristic, Flight or Float.

Edited by AtomicKeen
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Is the damage reduction from Object calculated before Armor and, more importantly, does it affect the "If this model takes 2 or less Dg from an attack before applying armor, this model may ignore that Dg." part of the rules? If the answer to both is a resounding "yes" then boy oh boy is this thing difficult to hurt... It would require a minimum of 5 dg to even ping it for one point. o_o

If the answer is "no", then I'd estimate it to be around 14 points if it's Ht is increased to 3+ and Df dropped to around 2-3 (it's a very durable tank belonging to a group with really, REALLY easy access to loads o' healing so low def should be okay)

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Armor subtracts the damage dealt by 2 to a minimum of 1. Then Object 2 reduces any remaining wounds by 2 until a minimum of 1. If it only takes 2 damage, however, it ignores it. That, plus ignoring :pulse, :aura & :blast means that it's going to be plenty resilient, even before factoring in a dedicated Librarian on board.

A tank from then would probably be a cramped, tall ht 2, instead of a short ht 3. The folks inside would be seated, so a person standing next to it would probably be as tall, if not taller.

Are we putting it on a 50mm base or something larger? If a Supply Wagon can fit on a 50mm, an early tank (aside from the behemoths) should too. When not using it in this scenario, it'd make a great Supply Wagon, too.

I might add something to its Immune to Influence that prevents it from being Hexed or ignored by any Talent, as peering through optics from that period, in a tank that loud, surrounded by metal would preclude being mentally targeted at all. If Magneto's helmet can keep a telepath out, a tank should be able to do the same.

Ruthless and / or Terrifying should also be included. If a Peacekeeper can be Terrifying, and it's probably a familiar sight to the people of Malifaux by now, then a new tank should be just as fearsome. I say Ruthless because there's no time to care about creepy kids or crying ladies on the battlefield while trying to pilot such a monstrosity.

Even with my proposed changes, I'd still say it's an 8ss model. It can only be hired by VonSchill. Not just if he's in the crew, he has to be leading the crew. So it's not like another crew will get to take advantage of it. It's just barely more mobile than a Specialist, and only has the Flammenwerfer. Get up close to it and it has to use its Tank Shock just to get out of melee to use its primary weapon. It has the regular Freikorps Armor with the extra damage reduction from the Strongarm Suit, and Object 2. So while some people might be thinking omg, a tank! It's not as scary as it might seem when you take a look at the stats by themselves.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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I would recommend a Panzer 38t or Panzer II. and would put its DF down to 2... or if not make it unable to be healed from someone else but maybe give it an all action to heal 4 Wds or something because really you would need an engineer or something to fix it. or even it can heal after an activation and then spends the next turn immobile. Good Idea though.

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I agree with Hunter-thom; i would lower the defense down to 1 or 2 as the reality of the matter is that a tank as big and slow as this would be easy to hit. (this is comming from years in armored and light role reconnassaice)

Great i dea though, wish i had thought of something like that for a one off :)

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So there has been discussion of Ht2 vs Ht3, and I hope this clears up why I made it Ht2:

It's tiny! Just look at Sidir in the back there.

Because of the size, it won't have any room for passengers inside of it, but I figure a couple Freikorpsmen would sit on it as it huffed along, albeit at greater risk of being shot. What do you all think of this:

"Sure Beats Walking": Friendly models on 30mm bases in base contact with this model gain the (0)Link action. This model may have 2 friendly models linked to it at a time. Reduce the Df of linked models by 2.


Edited by AtomicKeen
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I could put that model next to the effigy dolls and make it look like it should be height 0.5, or next to stitched and make it look like it should be height 3

malifaux model scaling is not the best way to judge the height this model should be methinks...

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Nope, that just looks silly, it is all too obvious it is not the right scale.

I am fairly easy about proxy, within reason. But I think this is a case of do it right or don't do it at all.

Its 30mm tall, its small. But it isnt supposed to be a troop transport. It's a clockwork scout vehicle with a single crewman.

More of an armored car than a tank really.

I do still have to make the turret for it, which will bump it up around 35mm.

Edited by AtomicKeen
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Its 30mm, its small. But it isnt supposed to be a troop transport. It's a clockwork scout vehicle with a single crewman.

More of an armored car than a tank really.

I do still have to make the turret for it, which will bump it up around 35mm.

A 30mm crewman inside a vehicle is already going to bump it up to either a 40mm or a 50mm. A horse is 50mm, and they're not that big.

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I love the "Sure Beats Walking" thing of it... and most of the other ideas.

Here's what I really, really hate... (and hate is a strong word!)

That you can heal it, at all. Something this big and tough and unstoppable shouldn't be able to heal. Especially 1/3 it's total wounds. Remove it and it gets a whole lot more reasonable.

But as it stands right now, even in a Story Encounter, I would hate to play against that thing because the healing aspect of it makes it basically unkillable, which is no fun.

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Something this big and tough and unstoppable shouldn't be able to heal. Especially 1/3 it's total wounds. Remove it and it gets a whole lot more reasonable.

Yeah, I play tested it a bit today and it was too much. Having it explode at some point and become a terrain feature is half the fun too.

It will be dropped.

Here is the encounter I'm working on:

A shared stake a claim with the entire range of Freikorps models, Lazarus and the "Firebug" vs Nicodem. And 50 Mindless Zombies, of course, staggering around outside of the deployment zones. The Mindless Zombies are placed by players in initiative order, after all other models have been placed.

---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ----------

Combat Maintenance is a great idea, but the repair ability that the Pigapult bestows on other models migh make more sense.

I've never even read that thing's profile, I'll check it out.

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I really like the concept of this! Great idea!!!

Maybe instead of having object/armor/improved...For simplicity, Increase improved armor 3...4 or even 5 Kind of like a concept of Armor piercing (although this improved armor couldn't be ignored) This would still mean a high damage amount would be needed to hit it, but would mean if someone hit it hard, it would go away.

Another thing, Maybe add Animosity Lazarus... Laz with friekorps and that.... just ouch

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Another thing, Maybe add Animosity Lazarus... Laz with friekorps and that.... just ouch

Do you think I need Animosity Lazarus if it states it can only be hired into a crew led by Von Schill? That is Von Schill as the Master, so he would have to be the only master you are using (with the current rules at least. I guess I should get it 2ed compatible, eh?).


---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------

In regards to models gaining link - Specify that they can only link to the tank. Right now, they gain Link but can RAW link to anyone that's close enough.

Double fixed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No problem with size. Its about the same size as a Bren Carrier.


To add to its 'feel' on the table, I'd consider something to limit movement to give it a bit more flavour.

As it can pretty much move through anything on the table, maybe it should only be able to take a walk action in a straight line.

If it has to weave in and out of models or terrain it will end up slowing down.

You could also require it to set the direction of its first walk action at the end of its previous activation (but that would be introducing facing into Malifaux).

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