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Paralysis and manifesting



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When a model is paralyzed it's activation, "doesn't occur," in the sense that activation effects (like poison and such) don't go off, but they still count as having activated. They don't get an activation though (confused yet?). About the only effect of "activating" a paralyzed model is that they'll get their melee threat range back (since they would no longer be paralyzed).

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I have a feeling this one will fall to the undecided (we don't know) category like other questions and just require a house ruling. It is just me or is this happening more and more?

I have a feeling it's more a Oh sh!t, GenCon is FOUR MONTHS AWAY!!! We have to get everything perfect before then. We're sorry but some rules questions may have to wait until we've finished with Through the Breach, Puppet Wars Unstitched, the elusive Hoffman Avatar, Book 5, the models we hope to have ready from book 5 in time for GenCon, the Nightmare Edition Sculpts and the next "Miss" alt sculpt that also need to be ready for GenCon...

There may also be shouting, crying, and rocking back and forth in a straight jacket involved.

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I have a feeling it's more a Oh sh!t, GenCon is FOUR MONTHS AWAY!!! We have to get everything perfect before then. We're sorry but some rules questions may have to wait until we've finished with Through the Breach, Puppet Wars Unstitched, the elusive Hoffman Avatar, Book 5, the models we hope to have ready from book 5 in time for GenCon, the Nightmare Edition Sculpts and the next "Miss" alt sculpt that also need to be ready for GenCon...

There may also be shouting, crying, and rocking back and forth in a straight jacket involved.

You forgot Alt. Kaeris! ;)

...and twirling in chairs...

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I would like to think that but there have been other questions that have been asked multiple times and have been pending for months with no response. If they are overwhelmed then they should just give Nix a badge and let him go at it. He's on here 21 hours a day anyway.

Edited by Twisted Metal
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With yearly releases and adding more and more projects to their portfolio, the core members of the company and those certified as Marshals, probably don't have much free time, unfortunately.

Gotta figure it's a vicious cycle:

Prep and playtest and double check everything to gear up for GenCon.

Process, package, ship all orders from GenCon and immediately thereafter.

Fix any mispackaging or other problems from all of that volume of shipping.

Catch a slight breather. See how things are doing in the community. Address some rules.

The holidays and all that they entail come around.

Start gearing up for the next GenCon all over again.

It can be frustrating to not have rules answered, but go with a consensus answer from your local gaming group or from the forums for now, then, when they finally get a chance to address it, play it by the official ruling. I know that doesn't always do it, especially if you play with more than one group, especially now that Vassal has opened the doors to international play, but, like the rules say, flip for it and use that ruling for the rest of the game.

They did just overhaul the Dreamer and Hamelin crews recently, and have given us new tournament rules and campaign rules. That, for me, has been a breath of fresh air in the game.

Two games into a campaign, and we're debating whether we'll want to continue with these crews for only three games, five games, or even the long haul with ten games. Certain upgrades are definitely meant for some long range planning.

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I would like to think that but there have been other questions that have been asked multiple times and have been pending for months with no response. If they are overwhelmed then they should just give Nix a badge and let him go at it. He's on here 23 hours a day anyway.

Fixed it for you. :-)

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