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Freikorps Armor - Simple vs Complex duels



Hi, my question is about Freikorps Armor and what it protects from.

If a a model throws a blast the initial model takes damage but any damage from placed blast markers is ignored by models with Freikorps Armor?

If my Punk Zombie uses Slice and Dice to make a strike on every model within 2" models in Freikorps Armor may NOT ignore damage the strike generates? (Why is this?)

What about a Mechanical Dove's spell that causes 2 damage? It forces a simple test prior to the damage, does that mean it bypasses Freikorps Armor like Slice and Dice?

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Hi, my question is about Freikorps Armor and what it protects from.

If a a model throws a blast the initial model takes damage but any damage from placed blast markers is ignored by models with Freikorps Armor?


If my Punk Zombie uses Slice and Dice to make a strike on every model within 2" models in Freikorps Armor may NOT ignore damage the strike generates? (Why is this?)
Slice and Dice doesn't cause a strike, it causes damage to those who fail to resist the spell. Freikorp armor can ignore this.

What about a Mechanical Dove's spell that causes 2 damage? It forces a simple test prior to the damage, does that mean it bypasses Freikorps Armor like Slice and Dice?
I'd lean towards freikorp armor ignore this as well. The only ability I know that bypasses Freikorp armor is a Specialist detonating his tank since the pulse generated causes a ranged strike, and its a the strike that does the damage not the pulse itself. The question then becomes with the dove is the pulse doing damage, or is it handing out a test which does damage.
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Freikorps Armor ignores DAMAGE caused by blasts, pulses and auras, it does not negate any other aspect that these create. So, yes Freikorp armor will ignore the damage from blast markers.

Slice and Dice creates a Pulse that does 2 damage, so the armor will ignore that damage.

As for the doves, I do not have that book with me, but if it causes you to take a test, and failing that test causes you 2 damage, then I would say that the Friekorp armor does not protect you from that.

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To make it clear here is the exact text of what Freikorps Armor does:

"This model may ignore damage from pulse, aura, and blast effects."

If the pulse, aura, or blast is what is causing damage you ignore it. If it does anything else, wounds, buff, debuff, etc you don't ignore it.

As for the Mechanical Dove, I too don't have its card but I've played the a few times. I'm quite positive it's a damaging pulse - which Freikorps ignore.

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I don't think so. That's like saying that models with immunity to terrifying have to take the Wp -> 12 duel or fallback.

That's a pulse that deals damage with a condition. The reason Detonate Tanks can't be ignored is because it explicitly states that you make a Strike against each model. It's not a Cb -> Df pulse that also inflicts a damage flip's worth of damage.

As always, I am open to the possibility of being wrong - but that's not how I'd interpret that.

Edit: After re-reading, it's a TN Duel - so I may well be wrong. So I'll admit that I'm not sure on this one!

Edited by Ryu
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This also brings up an interesting question. Is there such a thing as a "Pulse attack?" If this was a pulse, that generated a ranged strike it would be clear or, as Dracomax suggests, if it had clear wording that it couldn't be ignored.

As it stands it is a duel, that does damage, that is generated by a pulse. How is this effectively different than a damaging pulse that doesn't require a duel? Strictly speaking this is worse than a no-duel pulse. In which case I'd still be inclined to say this gets ignored because the damage is still generated by a pulse.

My head hurts.

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ASonnia Searing wave :pulse 8 deals damage caused by its effect friekorps ignore. Hoffman using open circuit does dg, also ignored. these spells cause damage directly from their effects.

Detonate soul stone is a pulse that causes an effect, which causes damage, if a duel is failed.

Freikorps armor says: this model may ignore damage from :pulse:blast:aura effects.

so i say it ignores detonate soul stone.

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My personal view is the Dove pulse causes an effect.

That effect is take a Df duel or suffer damage. It does not create a pulse that does damage.

So the Friekorps armor does not protect you against the "pulse duel" as that is not damage. You have to take the duel and suffer the effects of the result.

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