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They had it on E bay


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So the other day, while checking out the malifaux section of ebay, I noticed someone was selling Jakob Lynch. Not the box set, just him himself, not even hungering darkness. That got me thinking. Would you buy parts of the new box sets if they were sold on ebay? If so, what box set would you think would do the best to break up and sell?

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This is all very situational. Different boxes for different tastes. Personally, I would like more Ashigaru for when Toshiro comes out. The other boxes come with what seems like the maximum number of any given minion that you would ever want to include in any soulstone value game.

Conversion material, on the other hand, is something different. There are some pieces from every box that I wouldn't mind having more of but I'd probably never buy another box to get them. Cheap bits somewhere or broken-down boxes is where to go for these. That said, I won't be purchasing any extra e-bay bits and pieces until after I see the final sprues from the kickstarted for Through the Breach. Those models may feed my conversion hunger.

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Gotta agree with more Ashigaru. Heck gotta agree with all of it, except maybe possibly wanting more Illuminated, as, from all the other boxes, they're also not unique or maxed out at rare 3. For conversion bits, more of the mini Hungering Darkness so I can use 'em to represent a model having brilliance.

I agree with Illuminated...but I would probably still only use 3 in a brawl so rarity doesn't matter to me. The conversion bits (especially mini huggy) are what I would be after. If I saw a clearance full box, I would take it for sure. The spirit figure that comes with Lynch is really cool.

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I think that there would be high demand for parted out box sets. More specifically minions such as ... Yan Lo's beard.

Hrm.... maybe I need to consider this.

You need to think long and hard about what you've just done. YES. I want a mini that is comprised of Yan Lo's beard and nothing else. Heck, if Yan Lo ever gets an avatar it will be nothing but a huge beard. I approve of this.

Also moar Ashigaru are necessary forever.

~Lil Kalki

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Looks like I started something. Some has the Relic Hunters split up on ebay now.

Not sure what their terms with Wyrd are regarding such things, but if it isn't banned, than it'd be really smart for a store to sell split up box sets over ebay. I'm guessing they'd make more money than a box set would, but even if they don't, they'd make some profit, and do so selling a lot more kits than they would selling full box sets. If you aren't picking up the box sets at a decent discount, I'm not sure if you'll dependably make a profit when ebay and paypal fees are factored in.

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but if it isn't banned

I can't see how Ebay or Wyrd could possibly take issue with such sales. As long as they're clearly marked accordingly, it's no different than any number of transactions that take place there every day.

It's basically just a 'bits' auction that happens to make up a single figure from a sprue that has others on it.

Wyrd has said they don't want to clutter shelves with blisters of unique figures, that opened a possible niche market for people who wanted to split 'em. If they want to release single sprues of those figures themselves they could totally do that too.

It's not like there's an EULA involved in opening the box. :P

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Given the distaste that Wyrd generates from LGS when it does something like pre-release Birthday Sales, I really doubt that Wyrd would even think of creating one more roadblock between them and LGS. Telling retail how to run their business would not be in Wyrd's best interest. As Forar said, they are basically bits auctioning and not even GW has tried to shut that down.

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