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Malifaux Crews ... Gotta Catch Em All!!!


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Hi my name is Boon aka. Phil and I am a Malifauxholic.

I saw the Ophelia and fell in love with the kin. So I read in the internet what to buy. I thought getting Som’er as well is the best idea. As you need lots of Gremlins for him I got even two boxes (just working on making one war pig as a supply wagon; btw thank you Wyrd for taking that away :) ). I then went on and got all the Gremlin stuff. Was a good choice to start Gremlins as you anyway need lots of stuff for them. I also got all books as I love the fluff. Even though I would like to see more fluff for Gremlins!!! :) I got Zoraida (single model) as I thought her anyway on the Gremlins side.

At one point came my birthday and my girlfriend got me Hamelin and Kirai. Well, they also need some models, right?

After that I thought: Why not get Collodi with marionettes for Zoraida and Lilith box plus young Nephilims and Cherub for Zoraida as well as to maybe have a second crew to demo with.

I then continued with the Gremlin collection and got it under control. Except the Dead Justice box that came along the way but that was pure collector reason… ok, and the scale of justice as I want to make a nightmare version of it. Ah, and the University of Transmortis box as I waited one year for it.

And now Gremlins will be their own faction… and I would love to have some new skeeters and it looks like totems will be only in the box sets. I don’t even start about new master, new book, Tara, and of course the second book of TtB. Go Gremlins!!!

Let’s see what happens :)

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Started off with Dreamer just over a year ago, which escalated drastically to all the neverborn masters and I was convinced I'd be a one faction man . . . .

Startd henching, thought lady j was a good idea, Seamus becam available second hand, a 6 pound purchase here a 7 pound purchase there, bday christmas . . . .

Now well over a 1000 soulstones, the reason why its curtailed? 2.0 got announced and i'm waiting for all the new goodies!

Malifauxholic? Keen collector I say! . . . . .

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Hahahaha, jondoe, that is a damn fine collection if it goes over 1000 soulstones :)

What I have been thinking, is that I want to get McMourning, Kirai and Tara from rezzers, Dreamer from Neverborn and Marcus from arcanists and then I am satisfied. *grin*

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I was telling people for the longest time that I was only collecting Never born. Then I won a few auctions on ebaay. Then I became a henchman and was running a bunch of events. Then, I sold some war hammer stuff. Now I own:

All the boxed crews for all the factions

All the Never born through book four

All the arcanists through book two and a bunch from three and four

All the guild (except peacekeeper) through book 2 and a few from book three and four.

A good portion of the ressers

A good portion of the outcasts

All the ten thunders faction models

All of the limited edition and Nightmare models except The Carver (which I would kill for...I'm just saying')

I am using the m2e raffle to justify purchasing three blisters a week.

So yeah.....I understand. Now ask how many of them are assembled(75%)

Now ask me how many are painted......no comment.

Edited by Shadowopal
forgot limited edition models
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I started with the Guild, snagged 2 crews, had some really good games with solid victories, picked up a pair of Arcanists, got my butt kicked (in part, I think, due to working with too many completely unrelated playstyles), committed myself to sticking with the Guild and snagged the remaining 2 crews and henchman, picked up McCabe when he became available, and now I sit here with almost the entire faction (basically just missing the avatars other than Sonnia and 2 models (Sonnia's totem, which sucks in 1.5, and the Pistoleros Latigos, who also suck in 1.5).

All of them are assembled and primed, but only 3 crews (Perdita, Sonnia and Hoffman) and some general minions are painted.

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Haha wow. Okay so what I might take from this, my addicition is just beginning :D what crew/crews do you play with that many options?

In theory, McMourning, Somer, Ophelia, and Colette are my gf's crews. I've played Colette once or twice. She's also, for the most part, laid claim to my Viktorias, which I used to run quite a bit. [Good thing the alt sculpts came out for her to paint to match the avatar she had already painted. Now I don't have to worry about her wanting to repaint my originals.]

Lilith, Ramos, Vikies, VonSchill (with or without the Vikies), and Sonnia have all seen quite a bit a play time. Nicodem a few times, with his usual roster, or with Levi's abominations. I've given Levi a few tries, but usually Alyce just gets hired out to Ramos.[Can we please put Mercenary back on her? Without her Scavenger Master only restriction, I'd like to see her make the rounds, playing along side most masters.]

I had originally purchased Zoraida's crew planning to save money on Silurids and Bad Juju, and thus had traded her away to a Collodi player. I've since purchased Zoraida's alt as my gf's choice for when she runs her, and Donna the Cauldron Witch (from Wyrd's Twisted line) for when I run her.

I had avoided Pandora, altogether (aside from buying her original avatar), until Lynch, as I could get her woes cheaper by buying her box set. Figured I might as well get her actual avatar as well, as, even if I never play Pandora personally, I do want to paint her, and she would make another option for my friends to field. [Goes back to my talk of assembly line painting some models, such as a master and its alt and avatar together, when possible to ensure I have the same colors / mixes on each.]

I had some fun running Misaki. Heck, Misaki actually got my buddy to play a chick master for a change. He'd tried fielding McMourning, but without any ranged models aside from the doc, himself, he kinda stayed in the corner that match. The next time, in a four player game, he tried going all out, also to his detriment. So having him play with Misaki, and going all crazy with the ninjas everywhere was quite the sight. His son fielded VonSchill. It was a four player game, as well, with my gf running Ophelia & kin, and I was running Sonnia. Got to watch his son make Bishop shine with one charge after another down the gremlin line of advancing models. Fun times.

I still haven't fielded Mei Feng or Yan Lo. Nor Marcus, despite most of his crew being painted. Hoffman is a new arrival, so he hasn't hit the field yet, either.

Lynch, I've ran with a few odd lists. A perma-brilliant Kang makes a great snack for the Hungering Darkness if you start with him on the field. Running Lynch with the kids (woes) is fun, but I didn't fare so well with them against showgirls.

McCabe, well, his slow and paralyze can shut a crew down. Played a few weeks of him before setting him aside. Strange Metal Shirt and Invigorating Bridle, with his In the Thick of It, make him fairly unstoppable. Waded into and out of Collodi relatively unscathed. [I really want to run McCabe and Sonnia together in a brawl to end up with an army of Witchlings. McCabe is less killy than other Guild options, and, as such, might leave them down at that last wound instead of splattered dead.] McCabe with Lucius' help was quite the force. [Was borrowing Lucius. Still don't own his crew] McCabe, as 10T plus what would now be enforcers, if not henchmen, was very tanky. Walked right up to Hoffman's crew taking it out one robot at a time. [Strategy, schmategy. I think we had shared Slaughter, anyways.]

When I set McCabe aside, I went back to Lynch for a Campaign. From the Shadows on the Hungering Darkness is terrifyingly good. Had everyone thinking I was going to go after one player's objective, when, instead, I had him snag the other player's treasure and make a run for Huggy's own defensive line.

So, long story short, I tend to field crews that I've drafted up in advance to have fun with. Sometimes, those plans fall flat when I decide, last minute, to try for something more effective based on the other players' announced factions and strategies. [Well, I wanted to try this list, but Gremlins as a (then pseudo-) Faction have far too many AP for me to want to even try it. Maybe next time.] Sometimes I get the chance to field that list later. Other times I abandon the idea entirely.

Most of the time I'm hosting three or four player games from home, so a lot of my choices are going to involve the terrain we're using and the chance to leverage one opponent against another, deflecting some of the heat from myself. [In one game, Sonnia literally did so, having cast flame wall down the only direct route Nicodem had to my deployment zone.

We play for fun, but we do get competitive. And we learn from our mistakes. [Never have Avatar Lilith drop trees on / near models that are trying to plant evidence. It just hands them the game, especially when the nearest terrain was still another activation or two away.]

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Yep, I've definitely got the Pokemon disease. I'm currently at 19 crews, 20 if I ever manage to get a So'mer model and probably more than 22 once Gencon rolls around!

By 1.5 rules I'm sitting at 1084 soulstones, 247 models and 78% painted. That'll obviousluy go up once I translate the SS values to M2E, but I'm waiting for the Wave 2 rules first.

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Yep, I've definitely got the Pokemon disease. I'm currently at 19 crews, 20 if I ever manage to get a So'mer model and probably more than 22 once Gencon rolls around!

By 1.5 rules I'm sitting at 1084 soulstones, 247 models and 78% painted. That'll obviousluy go up once I translate the SS values to M2E, but I'm waiting for the Wave 2 rules first.

With the ss costs going up, you have to aim for 3000, now. :-P

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With the ss costs going up, you have to aim for 3000, now. :-P

Now now, one step at a time. I'll have to see how close I get to 2000 first. ;)

Next goal might be to either get every Master from a second Faction (Currently have everyone from Neverborn, but I'm not far off with Outcasts and Guild), or bring my total number of crews to 2/3rds of what's available (I only need ~6).

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I started with Lady J and the Viks. I went crazy from there, buying almost all of the Arcanists (I skipped Marcus), and have been picking up some Neverborn (I like the strange/freaky nature they give off).

Up to 13 currently (14 counting the Nightmare Lady J I picked up - but I likely won't field it much because I'm paranoid of breaking them!).

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