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Would you ever use more than 3 Ronin?


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Hi, everybody, need some advice.

So I recently ended up with 6 Ronin models. I have the Victorias, but I dont see myself ever using more than 2-3. Should I get rid of the 3 extra models?

Has anyone used more than 3 successful Perhaps some sort of spam list like 5 ronin and a convict gunslinger?

Any advice would be welcome.

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Sure, anything is possible.

Would I (A long time Viks player)? Nope. I am down to using 1 or 2 most games. With Vanessa coming out it will be an even harder choice to keep 2. I do think I will always have one ronin, just the threat of re-summoning a Vik is worth it. I've had opponents go right at a 5 SS minion simply for that reason.

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Really? I remember when Run Through was a (1) action... they were disgusting.

But now they still prove to be so useful in so many situations. The are offensive in nature with only Hard to Kill to protect an average Def and average WND total... (yes, Harmless and there Defense ability....) but they have +1 AP (Melee expert) and a + Flip weapon that ignores armor. A fallback pistol... geesh, I could go on.

Not to mention Seppuku if the Hard to Kill saves them... a 2 SS return on investment is just awesome!

anyways, as you say, YMMV...

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I always run at least 1. I find them good for objective grabbers since they have harmless. Harmless is more of a hassle than anything. Even though the WP is easy to pass for most models, it's just easier to go after a bigger piece like Taelor. Lol. Maybe that's just something specific to my playgroup. It's also a good idea to have one just incase a Vik dies in battle.

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It honestly depends on the Strategy and opponent. I played a slaughter scenario at 35 SS w/ the Viks and I went w/ 4 Ronin, and Convict Gunslinger, a Student of Conflict, and my cache. It worked well because there was a lot of armor and not a lot of ranged models on the board. This was also before book 4 came out. In brawls maybe 6 would be useful, but again, it depends. So in strategies that don't require running over the other side of the board and interacting w/ things, then maybe Ronin-spamming would be worth it.

I never leave home w/out one when I play the Viks. I know people think they're slow, but I really like them and they've never let me down.

It doesn't hurt to have 6 I guess. Just keep in mind that the more Ronin you field, the less flexible your crew becomes.

As with all things in Malifaux, your crew really should be designed around the Strategy. That's what makes list-building fun and challenging. The "take-all-comers" list building from other games really doesn't apply in Malifaux (at least in my opinion).

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If you were facing Hoffman then an all Ronin list could be very effective.

Alternatively, if you are playing Slaughter then load up on Ronin. Seppuku the lot and enjoy playing the Viks with about 18 SS between them.

It would be fun for an occasional game, though might make you feel dirty.

In the new Gaining Ground Beatdown, this would be putting all your eggs in one basket, but your opponent would only have 2 of your models to kill, and so couldn't score more than 2VPs for the Strategy.

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In the new Gaining Ground Beatdown, this would be putting all your eggs in one basket, but your opponent would only have 2 of your models to kill, and so couldn't score more than 2VPs for the Strategy.

In the new Gaining Grounds that was just released, you still get points if you opponent has no models on the table.

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In the new Gaining Grounds that was just released, you still get points if you opponent has no models on the table.

But in Beatdown, to score 1VP at the end of any turn from 2 onwards you must have killed more models than your opponent during that turn.

Obviously, your opponent might find it easy to score their Schemes, if you have no models on the table, but for the Beatdown Strategy, they won't be able to score more than 1VP in two turns...and that if the Viks don't kill anything themselves in the turns that they die.

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In the wording in the recently released version, you get points if your opponent has no models left:

At the end of each Turn after the first, if your opponent has no models in the game, you score 1 VP. Otherwise if your Crew killed or sacrificed more enemy models than the enemy Crew killed or sacrificed of yours, you score 1 VP. You may score a maximum of 4 VP for this Strategy.

On topic, I probably wouldn't run more than 3, as space if always tight in any Viks crew.

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