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What do you want as tournament prizes?


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What are the options? ;-) As the recent winner of your last tournament, it was great to win such a substantial prize. This was my first Malifaux tournament, but having been to many Warmachine tournaments the prizes have varied greatly (although I'm struggling to think of a more generous prize than £60 of vouchers and free entry to the next tournament!)...

Thinking of Warmachine tournaments I've received prizes for, I've had a £15 voucher, A Steamroller Coin / Certificate, Steamroller prizes + a small voucher, and in the first one after MK 2 came out, a copy of the rule book signed by the entire creative team...

These vary greatly in rarity and value, but a win is still a win! A nice prize is definitely a sweetener, but I'd still attend tournaments just for the challenge and the tournament itself...

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For me, I'd always like a tin cup rather than cash/credit. Something to remember the day and achievement by, be that a trophy or a certificate.

Next would be things I could not get elsewhere, like the limited edition figures. Also terrain like the sarissa buildings is always great.

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For me, I'd always like a tin cup rather than cash/credit. Something to remember the day and achievement by, be that a trophy or a certificate.

+1 to that. I think that even the most competitive players enter to win the event, not win the prizes so having something to remember the day sounds good. If models are awarded as prizes then they are too often lost among the mass of metal that most people have.

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Not voting as I don't really have a preference of my own. But I will say that my local crew has really liked my current system. They fight over a trophy for each event, but the prizes are handled as a raffle. Tickets match up with TP. This way, everyone has a shot at the prizes, but the top players have a better chance, and the top player still gets something to remember his victory.

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I think recognition is pretty good, but not if it means charging extra for the entrance fee. Prizes are what a lot of players go for and if I am spending a fair amount of money on entrance, I think prizing should be a given. Even a nicely printed certificate is good enough for the recognition side.

As for prizes, LE models are cool but often hard to get. Box sets are great but pre-purchasing sets often means that one of the prize winners often wins something they already have and don't want more of (particularly with the way Malifaux players' collections explode.) Store credit is a good solution in these cases but it means that out of towners have the possibility of getting prizes they can't use.

However, custom gaming aids made of wood or acrylic are really cool and can often be stamped with the tournament name on the opposite side. As an award, they work as a trophy and durable gaming aid. They are also advertising for future tournaments.

Sarissa buildings or Zuzzy mats would also be something that I would feel incredibly happy with receiving as they are mail-order items that a lot of players think are cool, but are somehow restricted from accessing.

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Personally I dont mind, I like the idea of a trophy, I think store credit it much better than fixed boxes / blisters (which alot of people may already have) I like the idea of some kind of achievment / raffle system to give all atendees the chance of winning something even if they arent particularily good or cant paint very well and I also like the idea of custom gaming aids (or even fate decks?) that can be practical and also can be customised as a memento of the day

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  • 1 year later...

Im running a tourney in June and managed to pick up 3 different see through steampunk watches in a display tin for 1st 2nd and 3rd (gold silver and bronze) once the tins arrive ill get them engraved with the name of the tournament and places.


Does this sound like a good idea ??

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I would vote for limited edition miniatures, terrain and other stuff you can use in game but aren't models and free entries for the next tournament. I do like free vouchers though but I feel a lot of the time I don't really have anything I want to spend them on. The mug you gave on Haul of eggs it is also my new favourite tea mug :D

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