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Is this cool or what...


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This is pretty sweet. What's funny is I've made one of these (technically in the process of making) and it cost me a helluva lot less than 500 bucks, probably closer to the realm of $50-75. I'm certainly no master sculptor/modeler when it comes to my work but it's pretty good for what it is. And I've seen some of the stuff people come up with on here and there's some real talent on these boards so it could be done even better.

I'll get some pics up tonight but so far it's been pretty simple. A sheet of plywood from Home Depot cut into 1'x1' squares, a couple of sheets of foam board from Michael's equally cut, some Elmer's glue, and some paint. Carve your design into the foam, glue it to the boards, and paint. Haven't gotten to the resin water step yet, it's too cold now and you gotta do it outside cause the smell while it cures is unreal. The hardest part actually was the initial design, cause I'm ocd about the waterways and had to make sure they all lined up no matter which direction they face. It's truly modular though, you've got 9 boards that can be interchanged to come up with any number of canal based designs.

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probably closer to the realm of $50-75.

Maybe, depending on what used for the water.. Ill take closer look when get home (on cell phone so can only see it so well.) The good water products are not cheap. Also have to add in the persons time. People seldom do when comes to terrain. Ive gotten lot request to buy terrain Ive made.. yet people always offer basically what cost in materials. Why in hell would I put 4-5 hours into a building then sell it for what got in materials?

Not saying that its worth 400$, just saying its worth lot more then 50$.

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Ive gotten lot request to buy terrain Ive made.. yet people always offer basically what cost in materials. Why in hell would I put 4-5 hours into a building then sell it for what got in materials?

I had this thought just the other day in regards to the idea of having some of the folks here paint something for me. There's what I think their skills are worth, and there's what my wallet could survive. And that, my friends, is why I don't ask them to paint for me... I don't want to insult their time.

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Maybe, depending on what used for the water.. Ill take closer look when get home (on cell phone so can only see it so well.) The good water products are not cheap. Also have to add in the persons time. People seldom do when comes to terrain. Ive gotten lot request to buy terrain Ive made.. yet people always offer basically what cost in materials. Why in hell would I put 4-5 hours into a building then sell it for what got in materials?

Not saying that its worth 400$, just saying its worth lot more then 50$.

And if the mats cost $50, I'd probably be happy to give them another $100-150 depending on the quality for the work. I'm not going to give them $350 for it though. It needs to be the MOST AMAZING BOARD EVER to even consider that much money. And while they are difficult to play on, the only boards anywhere NEAR that quality IMO are the ones made by one of the organizers of Warmachine Weekend as the finals table. And I'm scared to ask what he asks for a board like that.

Add the $90 shipping and I just check out. That is a necessary cost for something like that if it isn't made by a local or can be picked up, but it does add to the cost. $150-200 + shipping is a lot more palatable than $350 + $90.

(The exception to the cost bit IMO is if it is a personal friend and you are going to be playing on that table a lot too and that the purchaser is helping in some way. Then he pays for cost and dinner/beer while you guys work IMO)

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Have you thought about a way to connect the boards so they don't come apart during play? seems like that could be a problem.

Haven't experienced too much of a problem with this cause the plywood bottom lends enough weight to each section that they don't slide around when on the table. (Obviously if you hip check them hard enough that's another matter but general gameplay hasn't had any issues.) Rather than try to connect them with latches or connectors, what I would probably do if I did have problems is just buy one of those rubbery non-slip mats that you can throw under a carpet on a wood floor to keep it from slipping. They work great for all those cardboard tabletop rpg map tiles that are out there, should work equally well for a modular game board and they're pretty cheap to boot.

Maybe, depending on what used for the water.. Ill take closer look when get home (on cell phone so can only see it so well.) The good water products are not cheap. Also have to add in the persons time. People seldom do when comes to terrain. Ive gotten lot request to buy terrain Ive made.. yet people always offer basically what cost in materials. Why in hell would I put 4-5 hours into a building then sell it for what got in materials?

Not saying that its worth 400$, just saying its worth lot more then 50$.

Oh I'm not questioning that in the slightest, totally agree. I've spent less than $100 making my board, and the quality isn't remotely close to what was included in the original link but I'd sure as heck charge more than 100 were I ever to try to sell it simply because you're right, the time, effort, and hassle putting it together is where the price comes in. It's the same principle as with a mechanic, you can buy the parts for cheap and do it yourself but it's the labor where it jumps cause most people don't want to do it.

My point in the original post was that it was possible to make the board for a lot less. The unspoken implication that should have been elaborated on was that the savings comes out in your own manual labor lol.

And sorry I didn't get photos up, I was dealing with Boston's Snowmageddon this weekend and was a little burned out. Photos should be up tonight after work.

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And if the mats cost $50, I'd probably be happy to give them another $100-150 depending on the quality for the work. I'm not going to give them $350 for it though. It needs to be the MOST AMAZING BOARD EVER to even consider that much money. And while they are difficult to play on, the only boards anywhere NEAR that quality IMO are the ones made by one of the organizers of Warmachine Weekend as the finals table. And I'm scared to ask what he asks for a board like that.

Add the $90 shipping and I just check out. That is a necessary cost for something like that if it isn't made by a local or can be picked up, but it does add to the cost. $150-200 + shipping is a lot more palatable than $350 + $90.

(The exception to the cost bit IMO is if it is a personal friend and you are going to be playing on that table a lot too and that the purchaser is helping in some way. Then he pays for cost and dinner/beer while you guys work IMO)

And your reasonable, kind of person Id deal with :) I also think your spot on what the boards worth. 150$-200$ tops; as after looking at it better the water is the simple epoxy pour.

It seems to swing both ways. Some people realize the work that go into scenery. On flip side; I had someone contact me the other day asking me to make them some the buildings Ive posted on here. Now I know mine not commercial quality but still... when this person offered my 7$ each, assembled and painted... thought I might have to sue for pain and suffering from the eye strain I got rolling them so hard.

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

And sorry I didn't get photos up, I was dealing with Boston's Snowmageddon this weekend and was a little burned out. Photos should be up tonight after work.

Looking forward to seeing them :) Glad you made it through the storm intact.

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...O.o $7? Assembled and painted? Bwha? That's ridiculous, lol. I've yet to see something the size of a building that's worth so little! I find that 20-40 is worthwhile for building kits, and I'm willing to spend that much. The ones that baffle me are the people asking for over a hundred dollars for a kit that is unassembled and unpainted... but eh.

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Finally got some pics thrown on here. Glad this thread started as it provided me an excuse to get around to snapping them. :1_Happy_Puppet2:

The gaming surface.


Popped out to show the "seams".


Tiles swapped up.


Sewer drainage pipe, or will be once it's painted up.


Som'er standing on a canal to provide some scale.


Ultimately I'm happy with what is shaping up to be the final product of the board. Nothing nearly as fancy as what was offered for sale but it suits my needs and was well within my meager budget.

Still need to base coat the rest of the water sections and then all that's left is pouring the resin. The cobblestones are a little too grid line for my tastes in areas but as they were all hand carved with a hot tool I'm ok with that in the end. Plus, when you add buildings and other terrain it hides the repitition no problem. It's also nice because with the buildings being placed over the cobblestones, it creates natural street and alley effects simply with their placement.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc?

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Nice looking board Jonasty! Are those bricks all carved out of foam? If so....I can understand the pain and suffering you put into that. I bet those are a dream to use and store though.

I actually am really liking these boards with 1x1 parts...might have to give something like that a shot. I think rather than card out texture, I'd put in a bit more money to save stress and cover the ground with something like this where I need cobblestone:



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Nice looking board Jonasty! Are those bricks all carved out of foam? If so....I can understand the pain and suffering you put into that. I bet those are a dream to use and store though.

I actually am really liking these boards with 1x1 parts...might have to give something like that a shot. I think rather than card out texture, I'd put in a bit more money to save stress and cover the ground with something like this where I need cobblestone:



Thanks for the comments!

Yeah I started to find cobblestone "sheets" like those after I'd already started carving the foam. Believe me, it'll be the last time I do that. It gives a very nice effect and I like the way it turned out but it was a pain in the ass. But yeah they're super fun to use and even more so cause I can swap them around to a good number of board layouts. They're also wicked easy to store cause I can just stack them up on top of each other rather than having this massive 3'x3' sitting around my apartment, which the wife approves of. Any future boards I make will probably be modular in some fashion cause it's just super easy to work and deal with.

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they were all hand carved with a hot tool

More patience then me :) Hell, lot steadier hand then me while we at it. To speed things up though might want try just pressing them into the foam.

The following took exactly 25 seconds to "cut." Just an example but if spent even 45secs instead lining things up better, I figure the result of would been satisfactory.


I used the ferrule from a cheap paint brush to make the stone cutter.


Not saying better result but Im sure could speed up the process.

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