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Question about Candy.


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I dont have the card in front of me, but in pretty sure it says "target friendly model". A model is always friendly to themselfs if not stated otherwise. So yes she can cast sweet on herself if the ability doesn't state otherwise.

From the FAQ:

Q: Can a model target itself with an Ability?

A: Yes, unless the Ability states it targets enemy models or other friendly models.

And Candy's (0) Sweets action says "Target friendly model within 2”. I'm fairly certain that Candy is, in fact, within 2" of herself, so the answer is yes she can.

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She can definetly target herself with Sweets, just as Marful and the others have said.

She is fun, definetly, just a tad too expensive for what she does. I'd had hired her as often as I do Kade if she had been 6 aswell.

Her ability to heal and to make models hit themselves are ace. Df7 is nothing to sneese at either. For it's just that I rarely get her to do enough to justify paying 8. I still take her for fun now and again though.

People usually say that the kids are extra good with Pandora, but I actually think they aren't. Most importantly because you can't use Pacify/Incite when you play them with Pandora; you want Pandora to use that, not the kids. Kade doesn't really do much in terms of Wp-duels, Candy can atleast cast Self Loathing to trigger a Wp resist duel.

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The kids do work fine in a 'Dora crew. Candy can act as a small support and is great to snag strategy related counters, like treasure and then high heel it. She can even get out of melee with a simple spell.

The baby helps add a little combat prowess to the crew, seeing as 'Dora and her Sorrows aren't really melee monsters. Why not use a killer baby? :)

There are surely better minions for certain situations, but they do work well in a 'Dora crew.

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You're all missing out on the bigger picture - What's Candy like, when taken with Lynch? :P Even, what's she like in a 10T crew? :')

But yes, as everyone's comfirmed, she can target herself. Seems blindingly obvious when people explain it to you but I know if I just picked up her card I'd be umming and arring about whether she could, as was your henchmen. He's only a human. Probably. Have a link ready to this thread or pull my finger on your phone next time you play there just in case.

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Henchmen aren't always right; in fact, they can often be wrong. Just be sure of the house rules for decisions at your shop. Some shops give henchman almost a Marshall status in which case their decision is final.

In the example you have above, Candy is allowed to be greedy.

---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

You're all missing out on the bigger picture - What's Candy like, when taken with Lynch? :P Even, what's she like in a 10T crew? :')

Haven't tried Candy yet, but I can tell you that Baby Kade and Weaver Widow (who drops plushies) in a Lynch crew is Fanfriggintastic!

Edited by xKoBiEx
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I ran the kids (Candy, Kade, and Iggy), along with one Sorrow a piece with Jakob, but they didn't really get a chance to shine against Showgirls. Having the kids lured away by pretty ladies broke their link to the Sorrows, leaving them way too exposed to damage.

Against Colette, I'd probably only run Kade with the Weaver or Teddy. Candy is good, but I don't think she works quite good enough against showgirls. Tannen and Graves, on the other hand, can both disrupt her crew pretty well.

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