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OOTers on Speed Survey


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Alright, the competition is wrapping up and the votes are being tallied. If you're a competitor or a viewer, please feel free to take a quick survey. I would like to run this again, it was a lot of fun, and I'd like to hear from competitors and viewers alike on what they thought about the competition. So, a real quick and dirty generic survey from the poll, and then if you have any additional feedback, please post it here in this thread. Would love to hear what you guys thought of the competition and how it was run, always looking to improve.

Edited by edonil
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hey, answered yes to the first two questions. as to when I'd like the comp to be held. I don't mind either way. If I'll have time I'll join. and be glad to do so.

my other observations, from this experience. Metal models are better than plastic ones for the speed painting. I did both and I had far easier time with the gamin than with Oiran. The plastic models do not have those sharp edges and therefore it is much more difficult to paint it (when painting with haste). so my advice to all when trying your luck at these competitions, choose your models wisely and try to pick the metal ones to cut ourselves some slack :)

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I agree that the plastic is a bit less forgiving. Once upon a time I painted three witchling stalkers in 15 minutes, and I painted an entire Kaeris crew in an hour and a half, but with my wastrel for this contest I felt strapped for time with an hour!

---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 AM ----------

Oh also, I had lots of fun, this contest was awesome, thanks so much for organizing it! :)

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My first Speed comp I found to be a total :blast

However, knowing what I did wrong should help with my next comp!! there will surely be a hair dryer lurking around for the washes lol

it was a good comp and I answered yes for all 4, had fun yes 100%, Interested in another comp yes 100% and any time of the month is cool with me as long as Im not stuck at work all weekend then I could enter no probs!!

Thanks for the experience!!

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Thanks a lot for doing this edonil!

I had a lot of fun. It was great to tell tell the wife that I was doing a speed paint for an hour and knew that she and everyone else would leave me alone and I'd get at least one hour of uninterupted painting done.

Another thing I love about speed paints is you are forced to make a decision and don't get so hung up on the "right" way to do something or getting the perfect color, you gotta pick something quick and live with your decision. Make it work the best you can and see how it goes. Forced me to try some things I'd never try before.

After its all said and done you still get a painted mini out of it!

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Once upon a time I painted three witchling stalkers in 15 minutes...

And I tightly finished one in an hour! :o

I had a lot of fun. It was great to tell tell the wife that I was doing a speed paint for an hour and knew that she and everyone else would leave me alone and I'd get at least one hour of uninterupted painting done.

My dog was not so understanding...He was like: :Confused_Puppet:

Edited by Guardian
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The poll is a bit strange in that it's impossible to vote that someone didn't have fun. OTOH I very much believe that everyone who took part did have fun, so that option most likely isn't needed, mind.

As for the future, I've held quite a few speed painting competitions along the years and I've come to love the format of 45min + 45min with a pause in between that can be as long as you like. This allows you to use slow-drying methods (like oil paints or whatever) and also gives you a chance to brew a second cup of tea and take a good look at what's going on, where you need to focus and whether you need to revise your strategy. Or take the dog out, as the case may be. Or wife. I also allowed for people to add grass or stuff like that to the base at that time.

Of course 30 + 30 min would also be possible if you wish for the slightly shorter time limit. You could even allow/ask for a WIP shot at during the pause.

Just something to consider.

Also, some kind of instructions on the approximate size of the photos might be a good idea. Something like "try to have a 30mm to be approximately 300 pixels wide meaning that a nicely cropped image of the mini would be about 400 pixels". Nothing binding but a general guideline.

But yeah, I had fun and would do this again (with the exact same specs). Thank you!

It was a good way to get me motivated. I'm not sure what models I have left that I'd even have a chance of painting in an hour but I'm up for another one if only to get a good start on a model.

Well then, obviously the only solution is to get more models!

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Heh, bit of an oversight with the survey... it was made as a test to the poll for the voting more than anything else. The problems of lack of planning...

That split format actually sounds like a good idea... I think it could be done pretty well, actually. And looks like we'll be doing another one of these come February, so you've got plenty of time to pick your target, Steam! *wink*

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I had great fun even though I didn't finish in time.

Things I learnt:

1. Einstein was right, time is relative. That hour lasted about 10 minutes.

2. I should not pick very large models (Simulacrum #29) to paint. Maybe a Daydream next time ;)

I answered yes and yes to the survey.

I also don't mind when it is held, if I'm not away on business then I'm in.

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