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Podcast Wars

Guild Monkee

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I'm sure by now we have all worked out which Malifaux podcast is the best to listen to but, which podcast crew is actually best at playing the game? (Clearly it's going to be the Bayou Broadcast but let's pretend it's not otherwise this idea is pointless!). Following the launch of the Malifaux Vassal module, we may be able to definitively answer this question.

What I would like to propose is a Vassal based league between as may regular podcast hosts as are interested to see who comes out top. Please note that I did say REGULAR hosts, therefore bringing in a ringer (e.g. the Malifools using Joel) would not be allowed.

Apologies if I miss any but I think the list of eligible podcasts would be;

Soulstone Train


Bayou Broadcast

Tartan Skirmish Radio

Cheated Fates Radio


Lost Boys Radio

Malibros (the new one from the Black Sun guys)

Gamers Lounge

Through the Breach


There's a couple more that I know of (e.g. D6 Generation) that cover Malifaux along with other games and some other formats (e.g. Joeyfaux on YouTube) that would be more than welcome to join in.

If I missed anyone, please let me know (more than anything so I can subscribe to them!). Please let me know what you think and, if you're a host, if this is something you'd be interested in.

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Clearly it's going to be the Bayou Broadcast

So what's the point in a league? For fun? Get outta hear.

Also, I have to put up with Dom dragging our score down most likely.

Also, also, how convenient you're looking for a new host that might be James Doxey...

Also, also, also. Good idea.

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It would be me and Shane for us, maybe Nathan too depending on numbers as it looks like he's the new Jake. Would be mainly for bragging rights but a prize wouldn't be too hard to sort out.

IMHO Vassal is a whole different experience and game to real life malifaux. One idea could be a UK based league, a US based league, then 1st plays 1st, 2nd plays 2nd and so on :)

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Sounds like an awsome plan :) are we going to ristrict our selves to a particular crew and or faction?

We could also have two boards potentially one for individual hosts and a channel board (average of hosts scores) or potentially a doubles board?

As for sharing a room with jake everyone will play there best to avoid that wooden spoon garunteed lol

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Sounds like an awsome plan :) are we going to ristrict our selves to a particular crew and or faction?

We could also have two boards potentially one for individual hosts and a channel board (average of hosts scores) or potentially a doubles board?

As for sharing a room with jake everyone will play there best to avoid that wooden spoon garunteed lol

Wooden spoon? That's the prize for 1st.

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