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My local shop is about to obtain 2-3 new Pandora players; the key words being "new" and "players"... not just new to Pandora. It will be quite amusing to see one of the two following scenarios panning out:

1) New players owning veterans and veterans crying foul.

2) Pandora getting wrecked game after game in our 5-week league starting tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the second scenario will likely mean players quitting the game before they really start and I hope that is not the case. Besides, I already own the Pandora box so I wouldn't be able to gain from a hasty quitter sale. However, if a new player could manage to get a veteran Perdita player to rage quit, I'm all over those models. :1_Happy_Puppet1:

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If a veteran Perdita player loses to a new Pandora player then something went horribly, horribly wrong.


I, personally, have such difficult luck trying to best Perdita with Pandora, due to things like See the Unseen and her shooting overall, which greatly hinders a Neverborn crew of most any type. It's nothing too big, but one of these days I would relish beating a Perdita player with a Pandora crew haha

OT: I do hope that the new Pandy players learn about the movement shenanigans, or at least one does and the Pandy players pool their knowledge together and help each other out; that's the key to success in terms of gaining new players: commonality, familiarity, and fledgling friendships. :)

~Lil Kalki

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've played 5 games with Pandora in our starter league. I've played about 10ish games of Malifaux ever and I was warned beforehand that people don't like to play agains her, but I went ahead with her because I liked the slow cutting playstyle. I've played 3 games to completion and the last 2 my oppents just gave up. 2 featured major bitching from my oppenents. One oppenent quit 3 times in one game. All 5 games have made peculiar viens appear in my oppents foreheads.

She makes me want to giggle uncontrollably sometimes.

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The main reason I don't like playing against Pandora is that I never feel like I'm playing against my opponent, just silly mechanics.

I've played countless games against her, and overall I'm probably 50/50 in the win/loss category. But every time it has just come down to "Did I use Sue/Seamus."

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I've been fortunate so far (in my micro meta) to have only faced Pandora once. I think it was either his first or one of his first games with her, and I played with Ramos. No strats or schemes, just murder. Everything on both sides was dead except for our masters. It came down to a lucky WP flip of the Red Joker to allow me to target her with Electrical Fire, his df flip sucking, and him not having a decent card to cheat in. Fried her to a crisp.

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  • 3 months later...

I've never lost with Pandora. I stopped playing her and started playing Ressers because of all of the complaining around the store.

One the lists upgrade to Pandora + Doppleganger something seriously bad (ill timed black joker) needs to happen for you to even lose a model.

Pandora's retirement game was an opponent board wipe on turn 2. There was an angry guy in the store that day. :)

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Still learning the other factions.

Is Pandora the lady who Incites your figs and then pushes?

If so, I have no trouble with her in our micro meta.

It could be because her player is still new.

But, then it could be because everytime she incites a Rat, I get a new Rat. ;)

Eventualy she loses a WP duel, and the Rats eat her.

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But, then it could be because everytime she incites a Rat, I get a new Rat. ;)

Eventualy she loses a WP duel, and the Rats eat her.

I don't fear Pandora because I play Hamelin is probably not a good defence against the suggestion that Pandora is a problem (even with post-errata Hammy). :)

Personally I don't fear Pandora because I can call on the services of the delightful Ms Ortega, although she doesn't trouble my Levi crew much either.

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Didn't mean to imply that Pandora isn't a problem. Just talking about the local meta.

I'm sure I will meet players who use Pandora very effectively.

One of the things I like about Malifaux, is that everything is dangerous to some degree.


Hamelin is quite a handful as well. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I got frustrated with a friend of mine who was constantly complaining about a game we had that was a 2 on 2. With a friend of mine who is new to the game playing Pandora. I was coaching him and he wasn't doing the abusive self-dimentia crap. My other friend was playing Misaki and was dejected the entire time, saying he hates playing against Pandora. Yet, in two activations with Misaki (last on previous turn, first the next) he killed Teddy, Kade, and Candy. Leaving my other friend with Pandora, two sorrows, and Primordial Magic. While Pandora just made Ototo bash his own face in and did a smackering of 1 wounds to other models.. And yet was still complaining and was wondering whats the best crew to take out Pandora for Misaki. I'm like your playing it. Lots of harmless, and 18" lure models. Just ****es me off when people don't give anything a chance. I've got another guy that has played with me before that does what he calls the Pandora death bubble. But most shennanigans we find revolve around doppleganger.

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