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So is it the time of year, or something else?


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So a month or so ago we had a pretty solid group of Malifaux players coming out for at least one of our area game nights a week. We had grown from a group of 4-ish players to 12-15. Recently, I've noticed a trend downwards in people showing up to play. My gut reaction was that this was just due to the busy holiday season, but I was wondering if it was something else? I wasn't sure if people were just busy, burned out on the game, or...?

Has anyone else noticed this trend in their playgroups due to the holidays, or anything else?

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No need to worry, fellow malifauxian. It is just the time of year. My gaming group has also boiled down to about 5 players from 12 normally. Even Bill on Gamer's Lounge talked about his group getting a little low on players, so if a famous guy like Bill is low on players, you know it is just the time of year. Holidays and school are common killers for numbers in a gaming group this time of year.

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Sadly it is just the time of year though if by February things haven't bounced back a little bit start to worry. I have seen a group die because the holiday came and then 2 guys left the area and a group that was a decent size on a normal basis just died. So just keep getting games in and keep in touch with everyone and it should be fine.

Also where do you play in Fort Wayne cause when I go see the In-Laws I would love to know where to escape to.

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I'm back in town for the next month or so Mentat, so at least in one sense the group is growing.

Well its good you are back in town but I was talking about the group I was playing with for 2 years in NC for how groups can go down hill during the holiday season. I am just happy I am back in a town again that I can get a few games in.

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December's always a tough time for my crew. Two of our 4 regulars are heavily affected by the seasons, one of which should be able to come up for air again in Jan/Feb, the other will be making mostly Special Guest Appearances until after Easter. It also depends on the age range within your group, but generally I imagine it'll often be a mix of exams (high school or college/university), familial needs (vacation time/holiday events) and/or work pressures (end of year crunches, prep for tax season or new fiscal year stuff or whatever it might be).

Just a busy time, best to find what you can for games, keep in touch where possible and respect that sometimes schedules just don't quite mesh up and you'll all get back into things when you can. Think I've gotten 1 game in over the last 5 weeks, but that's just how it goes sometimes. Use the downtime to attend to your own obligations/parties/events/etc, assemble/paint up some models and maybe plot out the next crew you want to field!

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