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A Kirai Experiment


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I felt like doing something a bit different. Had looked at Kirai for a while on pull my finger/this forum. I saw mention of Kirai being the only other master who could take 'Nix' but that there was no synergy so i thought i would put that to the test.

I came up with this 35ss crew.

Kirai - 3 cache only pool

Lost Love - 2

1xSeishin - 2

Hamelin The Ratcatcher - 10 (9+1 merc)

Nix - 7

Datsue-Ba - 7

Rami Lecrois - 7 (6+1 outside faction (edit- Hamelin lets him come along due to Ht1))

I think this crew have a decent synergy (the standard builds have better synergy but this crew has a little bit different)

to start with all friendly models are significant whilst Nix is still alive/present so my summoned seishin have a secondary purpose.

The tricks are as follows:

Turn 1. Seishin gives Nix +2cb. Nix charges Seishin. (edit or if hold multiple highish crows just hit the seishin twice) . Starting Difference is +6cb. cheatup or down to get a straight flip at minimum if required. (to do this you only need to win by more than a tie if charging) Cheat in a severe if needed - Seishin does not die - summon 1 Rat. Nix uses Zero action to give Rami (+2 weak - 2 severe) In original post I thought rat would be rare 1 with kirai but i rechecked book and that is only on hiring the crew, so nix can summon 2 decent cards permitting.

Datsue-Ba usues Weigh Sins on Rat - If get lucky on flip summon an Onryo otherwise summon a gaki. Get a free Seishin. Gaki gets a corpse counter if Gaki summoned.

(Edit the corpse counter does not happen as rats dont drop them. Also use the 0 action on the Rat to wound itself before activating Datsue - I learnt this one harshly in a game this week when Datsue only managed all weaks when i had used a very high crow for the spell - so failed to get an onryo gutted )

If at any point have an 11+ crows cast pass beyond on Rami with lost love. For three reasons (1) allows rami to be healed by Kirai, Datsue or Lost Love. (2) When Rami flips a Ram on his damage he will only take quarter damage instead of half (as spirit reduces damage by half). (3) Rami can now move through walls, combined with hunter this makes him even more mobile than with scout.

Once Rami has been upgraded by Nix he has a 16" range gun which will do either 4 or 8 damage on a minimum depending on if trigger is hit. (crew only needs Rams for healing and this trigger). Even without hitting trigger 4 damage per shot hurts and 8 is just horrendous. Once you have a couple of extra spirits Nix can just start biting things and either killing them for +1 seishin or if lucky creating a Rat to kill.

Hamelin is mainly there for shenanigans on the enemy crew and can also cause problems with black death if needed.

For the first couple of turns you can use Nix to create a Rat per turn and Datsue can churn out Seishin and Gaki's(saving at least one 5+ crow for Ikiryo where needed).

The Gaki's can be transformed into more useful creatures as needed/ cards permitting.

And every time something gets sacrificed near Nix (often) he gets a zero action so something else can get +2 weak -2 severe as well (subconcious behaviour)

Will expand on this later.

Have tried this and its been working for me so far and the huge ranged threat of Rami changes the dynamic of the Kirai crew nicely. I just thought I would share it as I hadn't read about it being tried before.

Edited by Pigeonsmythe
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Whoa! We got someone thinking outside the box here. What is next, a Marcus crew with showgirls in it? -laughs- But seriously, I love seeing these types of list. Thinking outside the normal. Where is the rule that states I can't take beast in a Ramos crew? It is all about having fun and trying out something different. Good job.

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In regards to Rami being a spirit, Dumb Luck inflicts wounds on Rami and not damage, so I'm pretty sure being a spirit won't reduce that since it only says that incoming non-magic damage is reduced. Other than that, this looks like a really fun crew.

No sorry, I remembered wrong. Rami will reduce the damage.

Edited by Piranhamoose
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I have spotted an additional synergy (one I hadn't used yet) Onryo can use mark of jigoku on friendly (or enemy) models where needed to allow Hamelin to cast obey etc.

Hamelin also has a synergy with Shikome as Hamlin can cast irresistsble dance on a the prey target model then Shikome casts stalk prey she is guaranteed to get to chase the target (as the can only do move actions

- not even pass)

An additional issue I'm not sure of (I think it may be one of those double negatives you aren't allowed to do)

My question is what happens if you cast Denial of Sanzu (Shikome or Datsue-ba) on a model and also cast irresistable dance on the same model? The model can only take move actions but also cannot take them?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really like this idea! I've been looking for a way to play Hamelin that doesn't involve using him as a Master, and this is the most original use for him I've seen. I actually think this list is fluffy in a strange sort of way - only true hatred of the Guild could bring these disparate souls together. Thanks for sharing this interesting idea!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Well the errata screwed most of the synergy (can't even kill a rat for a Seishin now) thanks for ruining Christmas wyrd, wasted buying those models now.

Cant wait to take a strongarm suit with Kirai instead when he gets spirit needs 5 damage to do 1 through his armour.

Sorry to say this, but I think you are wrong. If the initial damage is more than 2, then the armour acts like normal Armour +2, so the spirit halving damage makes no difference at all.

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Just to Clarify, under the wording in the book, I am wrong with regards to the strongarmsuit. Because Enhanced armour checks when armour would be applied, it will do so after the spirit reduction has occured.

Good spot.

Mind you I think the original list is still valid and interesting. So you can't kill your own rats to use them as a summoning factory, but that sort of thing has always felt to me like a loophole thats being exploited.

I'd be interested to hear how playable it actually is with the new rat rules.

Edited by Adran
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  • 3 weeks later...

whoa, we've(a friend of mine and i) been toying around with similar idea, so i'm glad that i found this topic. and actually find some irl experience vs theorifaux :)

also, i forgot about the nix/rat errata, so we need to read through them, but certainly i'll keep you updated if something good pops out :)

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hahaha this is very close to the most fun crew i have played.... :) and its not a bad all round crew for anything. I take hamelin The Ratcatcher. Nix for fun and the 0 action Unconscious Behavior. The lost love and this is the most fun part I Take Ophelia... the best beatstick in the game with nix in tow. can get her weak dg to 8. biggest in the game. So much fun. turn her into a spirit as well it make it easyer to heal her. and if your feeling realy crazy you can take the student of conflict to set up a massive alpha strick. It sounds like there should be something to stop it but as far as i can tell there is nothing in the rules that says you can't take her and turn her into a spirit. As a hechman she is a non-master model. And she is awesome. It is pretty fun. you can take the the neverborn totem that gives you the extra control card if your worried about not getting a high crow. It does help. Has anyone else ever tried this crew?

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hahaha this is very close to the most fun crew i have played.... :) and its not a bad all round crew for anything. I take hamelin The Ratcatcher. Nix for fun and the 0 action Unconscious Behavior. The lost love and this is the most fun part I Take Ophelia... the best beatstick in the game with nix in tow. can get her weak dg to 8. biggest in the game. So much fun. turn her into a spirit as well it make it easyer to heal her. and if your feeling realy crazy you can take the student of conflict to set up a massive alpha strick. It sounds like there should be something to stop it but as far as i can tell there is nothing in the rules that says you can't take her and turn her into a spirit. As a hechman she is a non-master model. And she is awesome. It is pretty fun. you can take the the neverborn totem that gives you the extra control card if your worried about not getting a high crow. It does help. Has anyone else ever tried this crew?

Only problem I'm seeing is if you are turning her into a Spirit you need to have Lost Love around, so no using the Primordial Magic for an extra card in hand.

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