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Are the new plastics in a different scale?


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Had my first day off post gencon and spent the day building and basing my dark debts, and I couldn't help but notice that while the detail was impressive they really seem to be a different scale than the existing figures. Mr. Grave barely stands as tall as a gunsmith and is appreciably thinner despite being a 40mm base bruiser. Jacob feels really minuscule. He doesn't even come up to Joss' shoulder and although most of the illuminated/depleted are crouching they are much less broad than even the student of conflict.

Its not exactly a bad thing, and so far the one depleted I started is turning out to look good, but I do worry it might look a bit odd when old models stand near the new plastic.

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I think it has to do with going from plastic to metal. A lot of space can be saved or squished down because they aren't being sculpted by hand. It's most likely coming closer to a true 28mm scale. Look at standard GW plastic infantry like kabalites or guardsmen. Even compared to my mannequins they seem much less menacing.

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I think it has to do with going from plastic to metal. A lot of space can be saved or squished down because they aren't being sculpted by hand. It's most likely coming closer to a true 28mm scale. Look at standard GW plastic infantry like kabalites or guardsmen. Even compared to my mannequins they seem much less menacing.

Pretty sure malifaux is 32mm scale though. Honestly they look good and have a nice lanky kind of cartoon look but they look very very wrong next to the old pieces. Mr. Grave and the Hungering Darkness look tiny on their bases and just weird next to similar older models.

Also for anyone who hasn't seen the models, my apologies for the blurry it's late and I hadn't time to take good pictures.




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On these pictures they look all right to me. Gunsmith is obviously quite a piece of an old guy and used to be joss-sized in the past. Joss is a steam-powered monstrosity.

And the new guys are supposed to be of Asian origin, they should have slightly different body proportions. Mainly it means slightly shorter legs in proportion to their torsos, which seems to be exactly the case.

I don't know... if every mini was exactly the same height, in a game where every piece is an individual (rather than the generic trooper), wouldn't it be far more unnatural and bother us more? Actually it would bother me more. As is, some of the old models are way of the top when it comes to body proportions (Joss, Hooded Rider but it is a monster, so who knows), but the difference isn't outside of the realm of possibility, is it?

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I've noticed the bases have gotten thinner, so when comparing their height could be reduced due to the bases. But like everybody above I think the photos look fine to me. Im more keen on the smaller model anyways, less to paint. Lol

But I don't think the bases will reduce it by much. I've just noticed their alittle thinner.

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Your not the only one that noticed they are smaller.

The back of the rulebook says "brutal 32mm tabletop miniatures". The plastics are definitely not 32mm or even 30mm. They appear to be closer to GW's LOTR scale.

Don't get me wrong, I like the plastics. Just don't sell them to me as the same scale as the old metals cause they aren't.

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Jakob does look like a wee one to me in these pics...but you also do have him next to a figure that I think is out of scale with the rest of the line because he is soooo big.

Graves looks okay to me especially since you seem to have built up Joss' base a bit.

Wonky scale bothers me and it will seriously bum me out if the new stuff is not in-scale with the general line of metal figures....especially since I dropped a lot of $ on gencon orders.


I don't want to get into a "Jimmy the Greek" debate on racial morphology...However, even if people of Asian descent generally fit into the characteristics you described...I think that Jakob and Graves are some of the oft-discussed & infamous "non-Asian" 10T figures.


Is Jakob's hat a separate piece or is it molded to his head?

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I don't want to get into a "Jimmy the Greek" debate on racial morphology...However, even if people of Asian descent generally fit into the characteristics you described...I think that Jakob and Graves are some of the oft-discussed & infamous "non-Asian" 10T figures.

Not trying to be general, obviously there are very tall and very short people everywhere. I think these differences would be OK even if the miniatures weren't specifically Asian. My suggestion was only that the size may reflect them being of such origin.

Especially that we are also talking about the beginning of the last century when the differences were more pronounced.

As to Jakob and Graves not being Asian, I never got why people think so. To me these figures simply walked out of some Shanghai movie from the 20s or early 30s... or even a Jackie Chan piece placed in the era. Perhaps it's because I'm sitting ears deep in Japanese literature of the period, but there's nothing non-asian about those guys and western clothes are perfectly natural given the period.

The names are perfectly OK for Asian guys as well. It simply places them in Hong-Kong or Singapore (again, perfect for the period and the theme of these crews).

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