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Ellmo's World (Mailfaux Blog)


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Just got back from GenCon and, due to playing a demo and loving it, I am now a Malifaux player. I figured I would do a blog thing to update my progress as I work on everything I have and, undoubtedly, everything I will be getting. Feel free to leave comments, criticism and suggestions whenever you like.

Everything I got at GenCon:


This is all of it except a Retro Fate deck, it is in a bag somewhere that I can't find right now.





Im not sure what I am going to do with the second Miss Terious Box yet, any suggestions?



My goal is to have all of this put together, painted, and sealed by the end of next weekend. I think I can get through all of this in a week. I might recruit my brother to paint some stuff too since he really likes the Guild minis.

I will post pics as I work on things, First to assemble will be the Neverborn stuff because I know a lot of people want to see the new stuff.

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Working on assembling the Neverborn as I type this. Bad news though, all of the rest of my green stuff has apparently cured together and is unusable, I was not planning on converting anything yet (except the second Miss Terious) but was going to use it to fill gaps. Having said that it is looking like I might be able to get by without gap filling as there aren't to many. As I keep going I will see if I can get by without it... I don't really want to wait on more green stuff to come in (or buy it for that matter).

@Deadpool - This is a n00b question but what is a Santiaga? I am not seeing it in the books or website? I see Santiago but I already have one of him in the Perdita box.

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Some nice purchases you've made! Lots of cool stuff but I'd love to see what's inside, especially some pics of the Dark Debts crew as I haven't seen any yet.

Im not sure what I am going to do with the second Miss Terious Box yet, any suggestions?

I'd put it on ebay ;)

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I got the Hungering Darkness and one Illuminated assembled last night before going to sleep. Since people are begging for pics all over the place I will put up a lot of pics of the new mini's just for y'all. I didn't think about taking a pic of the sprue but I can in just a little bit.

My Camera had a hard time focusing on solid gray but here they are:

Hungering Darkness




Some bigger gaps on the front of this mini


More noticeable gap

I still can't decide if those gaps are big enough that they will bug me after painting or now.



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I did not put on the arms yet as I think I will paint them separately before attaching because they cover a lot of the shoulder, making it hard to paint the guy correctly.



Close up on the very large Gap on this one.


If there are any other angles that you want to see of these just let me know. I will get pics of the sprue up soon, and the other mini's as I assemble them today.

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Yes the gap in the illuminated creatures face is especially large. If I did it again I would have shaved the two pieces that join the two halves of the monster down so that everything connected more flush. I didn't think I would need to do that though as it didn't look like a big gap until I actually glued it. Also I will do a better "review" of the mini's when im done with the box but there are a lot of flash lines to clean off of the pieces on some, having never put together Malifaux mini's before I don't have anything to compare to but lets just say it is more that mini's that are produced by a particularly large british game company thats name has GW in it.

That said the minis are still gorgeous! Filled with detail and character and I like them better than the mini's by the aforementioned company. New hobbyists might have to do a bit more work on them then they normally would though... though new hobbyists might not be as bothered by some flash lines and gaps like we are lol.

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It will be interesting to actually see some of these in person. As a modeler who has a lot of experience in plastic, wood metal resin etc. I know there are tricks for each media, some cross over and some don't. For someone who has worked mostly in metal with minimal assembly there might be some learning to this new material. Clearly, though, the golden rule of test fit before cementing is key.


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Ok pics of the other two Illuminated and Lynch himself are loading to the comp now and then I will put them up. Also took a pic of Miss Terious sprue too for those interested.

It is interesting to note that the Dark Debts box comes with alternate arms for the crouching Illuminated, and alternate tentacle "jaws", head, torso, and arms for the female Illuminated so that you can presumably have 5 different variants of the Illuminated total.

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Ok first sprues:

2012-08-20121337.jpg Dark Debts minus the Hungaring Darkness and one of the Illuminated (Didin't think about taking a pic of the Sprue till after I was working on those two minis

2012-08-20121351.jpgMiss Terious sprue front

2012-08-20121915.jpgMiss Terious Sprue back

Now on to the rest of the Dark Debts box.

Illuminated (Woman)


2012-08-20132509.jpgThe jaws take a bit of working to get in place as the pieces are so small. Also comes with alternate tentacle jaws, head, torso, and arms for this one to make her look different.




Illuminated (crouching guy)

2012-08-20121213.jpg"When I go to GenCon I dress up like Wolverine"




He was by far the easiest to put together. He also comes with two alternate arms to make him look different.

Jakob Lynch

2012-08-20134701.jpgThe skeleton thing does not actually attach to Lynch just goes on his base and a part of him "hovers" above Lynch's hand.

2012-08-20134730.jpg To get Lynch's head on correctly you will have to shave off some of the bulk on his neck so that it will slot down in the collar correctly.



2012-08-20134759.jpg The way it fits I am already foreseeing the skeletons head falling off a lot even though it is plastic, the connection is just to small.


Over all the Dark Debts box is good, has a few extra pieces to make alternates of the minis and all of the minis are very detailed with dynamic poses. There are a good bit of gapping issues with it though, mostly in Hungering Darkness and in the Illuminated with the creature over him. There are also a lot of very small pieces that are rather hard to get to attach correctly so be ready for that. Another issue that I had with this box, though it is not a big deal, is that you better have some experience with a hobby knife. There are flash lines to take care of on almost every mini but more importantly some of the pieces attach to the sprue in a strange way where the sprue attachment is near some detail work and has to be separated precisely so that you don't damage the detail. Over all These minis are amazing looking, probably took a little more work than other minis of this size but are by no means very difficult to put together.

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Now for the Beckoners!

I realized after I had cut the pieces off of the Sprue that I didn't take a pic of the Sprue, forgive me! But here they are:




2012-08-20143018.jpgHer arms arms take a little work to line up correctly, when glueing, so that the staff and feet line up as well as both shoulders line up with the back and neck.




Both minis are very nice. Fewer flash lines then the Dark Debts box. Pieces didn't take much work to fit together. One thing is again you will need to know what you are doing with a knife especially on the girl standing up strait, her head connects to the sprue by the cheek so you will have to cut and file it to get a smooth cheek shape, otherwise she will look like she has a bad scar lol.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 PM ----------

Next up is Mr Graves:






He comes with an extra arm to replace his left arm. It is exactly he same as the other left arm except that it isn't holding the fence post... but really, why would you not want him holding his big post.




Size comparison to the others: (A Beckoner and Lynch)


Overall the easiest one to put together, he is only in four pieces. Not many flash lines to clean off. No real connection issues. Very handsome and possibly my favorite mini of the lot. Mr Graves is also easier to separate from the sprue than the others and does not take as precise knife work.

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Now for Mr. Tannen






He comes with another left hand so he can be holding either a card or a knife behind his back. I chose the knife just because I don't know if I want to paint more tiny cards after Lynch.



Love his smile lol.



Size Comparison: (Mr Graves and Lynch


Mr. Tannen is a nice little mini as well. He sort of gets pushed to the back when compared to all of the others for the faction, but I guess that is sort of in his character. He is shorter than all of the rest but still has a good amount of detail. I like that he can be holing a card or knife behind his back and I will most likely use his card hand for something too. Pretty easy to put together, took a little longer to clean up the pieces with a knife than Mr. Graves did but not to long. Not many flash lines though.

---------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

Well that is it for all of the new Neverborn stuff I got. I did not get the Zombie guys (forget what they are called) as I just liked the feel of all of the "mob" mini's more than having zombies randomly. I will probably pick them up later but it will be a while so if you want pics of the Zeds you will be better off finding them elsewhere.

Next up is Miss Terious and then I will go ahead and do the Rail Golem so that everyone that is just here for pics of the new stuff doesn't have to see all of my other stuff of older minis ;)

---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

Here is Miss Terious

I put pics of her Sprue up earlier (on the first page) so just scroll back to find them






Not a lot to say about this one except that it is lovely. Not going to do a "review" of this one since she is a GenCon exclusive you either have her or you don't and its not like you need it reviewed lol.

I think I am going to use one of the mini's for gaming, and save the other one to do some sort of display pice with.

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Great read!i ordered all the neverborn from GenCon and am getting miss terious too, so getting this look was very useful.

What base sizes are everyone on? The beckoners, lynch and tannen look like 30mm, graves looks like 40mm and hungering darkness on 50mm, but what about the illuminated?

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Not a problem :) If anyone wants to see any specific angles or close ups on something let me know and I will see what I can do.

@Joel - Lynch, Illuminated, Beckoners, Mr Tannen, Miss Terious are all 30mm bases. Mr. Graves and The Hungaring Darkness are both on 40mm. Rail Golem is on a 50mm.

@Kasin - Mr. Graves, Jakob Lynch, Mr Tannen, and Hungering Darkness have duel colored cards. The Illuminated and Beckoners are just purple.

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