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Gadrean finally makes a start


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Well being new to Malifaux, Choosing a crew or 2, learning the rules.... blah blah blah i finally got round to putting some paint on some of my Red Chapel miniatures, namely my ladies of the night.

Ive havn't been painting very long (about 6-8 months) but one of my friends is a great painter and has been giving me a lot of hints and tips as well as showing me some simple yet useful and effective techniques for painting my models to a good tabletop standard.

So here they are, any comments positive or negative welcomed as im trying to hone my skills and improve and im a firm believer of listening to any criticism and help other hobbiests have to offer. Also please forgive the pictures it turns out im no photographer although my brother is, you would have thought some of his camera skills should have rubbed off on me by now.

Firstly the 3 of them together.........


Probably my favourite of the 3 belles and ironically the quickest to paint.


For this one i kinda glued her brolly on wrong making it almost impossible to get a good picture "doh" well just pretend its raining.


Lastly Red, the picture doesn't really show the highlights to well on this one but thats partly my crappy photography skills.


Let me know what you guys think. Im great and starting stuff and not finishing it (like the gallows they are standing on) so who knows when i'll add pics of the rest of the crew, ive also got Bete Noir, Molly and the necrotic machine to paint and i may have accidently slipped and bought a Raspi crew. So fingers crossed i'll get them done some time this year.

Edited by Gadrean
Edited for cropped photo's
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Thanks guys, the skin is done with my friends ancient pot of GW Rotting Flesh highlighted up to pure skull white. Then a small amount of Leviathan Purple and Baal Red wash around the eyes and mouth to add a hint of colour but not enough to overpower. I draw a thin line of Thakra Green wash around the edges to try to define and slightly shade where the skin ends and clothes etc begin. In my oppinion the paler more dead flesh tones suit Zombies a little better than warmer more living flesh tones.

Well this weekend i had a go at Sybelle. I find painting black pretty difficult but i thought the studio paint scheme of Sybelle in S & M gear suited her pretty well so had a bash anyway (the only way to improve right?!). Overall i was happy enough with how she came out but after looking at some of your black painted mini's and versions of Sybelle i can see that there is plenty of room for improvement.

Anyway here she is...... her riding cropped came pre-snapped so i had to drill out the handle and insert a bit of paper clip.


Next up and to complete the Red Chapel box, Seamus. Then iv'e still got Bete and Molly to go, may be done by christmas at this rate.

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Well i finally got round to completing the man in the hat, which finishes off my Red Chapel boxed set. So here is Seamus......


And one of the lot of them together........


The skin tones do look a lot greener on here than they do in the flesh so i assume my phone camera is washing the colour out of them a bit, but overall im pretty happy with how they all came out.

Next ill finish painting the extra few models i have for the crew, also im planning on expanding my crew some more. So far i have the Seamus Box, Molly, her necrotic machine and Bete Noir. What would be a good choice for units to add on to this crew? I was thinking of some Canine Remains or some Night Terrors for objective grabbing and cheap corpse counters, anything else i should really look at? Thanks for looking and any help and insight offered.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all, ive been away for a while trying to get some of my trollbloods painted. Im not a particularly quick painter but ive finally got round to doing some more of my Malifaux.

Here's Bete


She was pretty quick and fun to paint, ive got Molly on the desk right now so hopefully i'll be able to post pics a bit quicker.

As always let me know what you think.

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Hi Gadrean,

Firstly I'd like to say you are doing very well for someone with less than a year of painting experience. You have a solid eye for color, the belles work beautifully.

Love the skin tone you've created, I've done dead flesh before and it often appear more green as I like color, but the way you have done it makes them looks very pale and sickly, but still has color nuances as per your use of washes.

I think you could make the minis better by paying a little more attention to the bases. They kind of let the rest of the minis down. Try adding some color in there, use some thinned oil washes in the cracks to create oils stains etc.

Also, Bette Noir's mouth looks puckered because you have put lipstick the whole way around he mouth. To avoid this, I normally just paint the bottom lip.

Keep up the good work! Would be fun to see you paint a McMourning!

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Thank you for your kind words, like i said i have a friend who is a great painter who i quite often badger for advice if i am unsure of how to do something.

@Chookie - thank you for your advice and feedback. I agree with both your points about the bases and bete's lips. With lips and skin tones i generally just use a wash to add a small amount of subtle colour rather than the bold red lippy that bete is wearing, so ill go back and have a look at that.

With the bases i agree they need something, i was thinking of maybe some rubbish/trash and some green tinted wet effects around the drains to try and liven them up a bit. Ill probably do all the bases together when i finish the crew though.

I started on Molly last night, im trying to paint her in a dirty/drab white wedding dress so we will have to see how that comes out as i dont find white terribly easy to paint. I'll try to get a piccy of her posted up within the next few days. Thanks for looking and for the feedback.

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If you try use vallejo pale blue grey as the shadow for your white. This will give a nice cool shadow to work up to the higlights. As white dose not cast on overly dark shadow. If needed i can write up my technique?

Check out my painting blog (link in signature) its how i did my kirai and ikiryo models :)

Great work though and really great skills for such a small amount of time painting. Ive only started painting minis in the past year aswell (except for when i was 14) keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing molly :)

Edited by underdog6750
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Thanks underdog, the white on your kirai looks fantastic as well as the rest of your models. I love the purple, green and white colour scheme you have used as it really suits the kirai crew.

Ive got some vallejo pale grey wash which im going to try tonight, hopefully it will have the same effect as the pale blue grey that you have used. Fingers Crossed!

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Ok as pre advertised, Molly in a white dress. Im really pleased with how she has come out to be honest and i think the scheme suits her quite well. Base still needs work and as always there is room to improve but im still pretty pleased.



Let me know what you think.

@Normski.. yeah i know what you mean, they are pretty bright and there is nothing colour wise to really tie them all together. But i kinda wanted to do them like that, i wanted to use loads of different colours for both practice and because i get fed up of painting whole units in the same scheme. Thats probably why im so slow at painting my trolls haha.

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Thank you very much, yeah she does look pretty creepy.

Unfortunately all ive got left of my ressers to paint now is my Necrotic Machine, so i'll try to get that finished and a picture up during the week. Then its going to be a waiting game until i have enough money to buy some more.

Im still undecided whether to get Nicodem or McMourning next as i love the look of both. Both box sets are full of such great characterful models and the sculps for Sebastian and Mortimer are fantastic.

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  • 1 month later...

Well its been a while since my last update, i havn't got a lot done to be honest due to time constraints etc.

But i thought i'd show you my new ressers i picked up last week and what i will be working on in the coming weeks.


As you can see i picked up the Nicodem boxed set along with a Grave Spirit, Flesh Construct, Crooked Men blister and a pack of Canine Remains.

I must say i don't think that there is a bad sculpt among them, all are really nice models and im looking forward to getting my paintbrushes out again. More to come...

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On your doxie models it doesn't appear to be alot of shading going on I'm trying to figure out if the light where you took these is so bright its blinding the shading out. All and all though very solid work.



I think its a bit of a mix of both to be honest, they were some of the first models that i had painted to the level of highlights probably is not as good as some of my later models. That being said taking pictures on my phone doesn't really give the best representation and tends to change the colours slightly. Ive noticed that all of the skin looks a lot greener in the photo's than it actually is as well.

Thanks for your feedback.

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