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Gencon Masters Tournament Predictions


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What do you think the top four places will be? I will start and therefore give example.

1. Outcasts

2. Outcasts

3. Neverborn

4. Outcasts

This thread is NOT for arguing about factions or balance. I just want to see how people think things will turn out.

I am tempted to have a darkhorse aRamos in there for some reason, but I will stick with this.

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My bet

1) Outcasts(mostly using Vickies)

2) Arcanists(Colette or aRamos use)

3) Guild(mostly Sonnia used)

4) Ten Thunders(Someone is going to buy them, paint them and play them by Saturday and they will be so new and different it will throw there opponents for a loop)

---------- Post added at 09:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

Neverborn will be the majority faction but after a lot of round 1 wins they will end up matching against themselves and knocking the faction out of the running.

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As for the Neverborn, people thought they would knock each other out last year too, but it didn't really happen. Were still several of them at the top tables.

I'm hoping to see a nice mix, but to be honest, I think it has more to do with what factions the top players decide to run, which is tough to tell ahead of time.

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Neverborn will be the majority faction but after a lot of round 1 wins they will end up matching against themselves and knocking the faction out of the running.

My bet is that, like adepticon, rezzers will bring the numbers. And if I were filling out my top 8, I think 2 would be in there... Just not in the top 4 spots.

Did not think about aSonnia, but I could see her giving fits to people not used to her.

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I'm sure someone will give it a shot, but unless they're able to paint figures in mere minutes each, the raw time needed to assemble, prime, paint and base potentially a dozen+ (if not dozens of) figures overnight, while enjoying Gencon, and getting some rest prior to said tournament does kind of stack the deck against them.

Of course, the same can be said for the _____/TTB hybrid models. Getting a handful of them built/primed/painted/based for play could easily throw anyone for a loop.

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I'm sure someone will give it a shot, but unless they're able to paint figures in mere minutes each, the raw time needed to assemble, prime, paint and base potentially a dozen+ (if not dozens of) figures overnight, while enjoying Gencon, and getting some rest prior to said tournament does kind of stack the deck against them.

We are talking Malifaux here so I dozen models seems like stretch. I'd say 8 models would do 35 stones. And there are people who will go to a con, buy new stuff and sit in there hotel room all day Thursday and Friday painting to play Saturday. I don't judget them for that but its not how I am going to spend the con :)

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True, I was thinking a larger force to account for different strategies/schemes/terrain, but a box set and a blister or two would certainly be enough to do a baseline crew with a few variations.

It also occurs to me that while a TTB heavy crew might throw opponents for a loop, at the same time they themselves will also have little or no experience with competitive play either, which could prove detrimental as well.

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Not knowing all the people who will be showing up, I think its hard to predict. Last year I was unable to predict who would be on the top tables until I saw the spread of players at the event.

Based on some of the players I know for a fact are going, and expecting some of the returns from last year (and knowing some of the top tables NOT returning from last year), I predict the top 2 tables will be some mix of:




If we expand out to the top 4 tables I think we see Ressers added, but I do not expect to see Guild or 10T at the top 4 tables. While we may see some 10T crews (Jakob/Mei) I expect they will be run as their own faction, not as 10T unless Misaki's box set also makes it to the con. If Misaki's box set is there, I expect 10T to be on the top 2 tables (based on a suspicion I know who will paint her up and play 10T in the event)

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I really hope someone brings out a dita list and places top 3 but realistically speaking I believe top 5 will be 2 vikkies/hamelin players, a colette/aramos player, azoraida/dora player, and maybe a kirai/sonnia player sneaking in at 5th spot.

Wish I had gotten enough work to be able to make the drive out but sadly I'm out for the con (maybe next year). I really would like to see dita place in the top 3 but I guess she isn't really favored as a master of choice among most top convention style players even though with what is currently released/out she has all the tools she needs.

If by some miracle I were to go I would definatley run her in the 35ss event but if I qualified for masters I would run colette instead.

Edited by Odin1981
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I just hope there's a good mix. Part of me wants to compete and see if I can't bring ressers to the top four, but I must answer to a higher calling.

I made my predictions based on players from last year. I may be off since our community's growth may have someone with Top Table potential.

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I made my predictions based on players from last year. I may be off since our community's growth may have someone with Top Table potential.

Does that mean that you think that someone new could come and place top 4 not running one of your top 4 picks of Outcasts, Neverborn or Arcanists?

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My bet

1) Outcasts(mostly using Vickies)

2) Arcanists(Colette or aRamos use)

3) Guild(mostly Sonnia used)

4) Ten Thunders(Someone is going to buy them, paint them and play them by Saturday and they will be so new and different it will throw there opponents for a loop)

Thanks for the vote of confidence ;)

I was initially planning to run 10T with the Misaki box - but now it looks like that is not going to be and option :-(

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