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The Guild Figure I'm most intrigued by.

Jonas Albrecht

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True, that is why I said "some design on", meaning it is not an actual Bira, but developing from the idea of the Bira 's design. also, I speculated the Bira because it seems tofit the timeline better and fits location better than the Thompson which was invented in the US around 1919. But, who knows? It could be None of the Above - just some design to look cool - and we are giving Wyrd way too much credit in the research department.

A look at the Mauser should tell anyone that Wyrd isn't a stickler for era details.

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Why do Henchmen do this? Does Wyrd pay you to change the subject or distract? Every time someone points out that Wyrd is not giving people good customer service, there is a Henchman on to make some comment that is either snarky, belittling, or just changes the subject. Don't dicount people like that, it is rude and it makes the company look terrible.

What the french toast are you talking about? He likes his hat. Nilus is not snarky, belittling or changing the subject. Sounds more like you have an issue with henchmen than anything else.

I like his hat too... Now if only he would dedicate himself to the undead, he would be cool.

Edited by Gruesome
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I hate to be "THAT" guy... but Mauser has been making guns since the 1870s... the infamous self loading pistol (red 9, or broom handle, or just Mauser by today's standards) was made in the late 1890s... so really,it's totally acceptable to be around in Malifaux's timeline... which if i am not mistaken is around 1901... or so...

I'm sorry... My father is a historical gun nut... i couldn't help it... honestly, i tired... ;)

Just imagine how he freaked when my brother and i would call magazines "Clips"... oh man...

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I hate to be "THAT" guy... but Mauser has been making guns since the 1870s... the infamous self loading pistol (red 9, or broom handle, or just Mauser by today's standards) was made in the late 1890s... so really,it's totally acceptable to be around in Malifaux's timeline... which if i am not mistaken is around 1901... or so...

I'm sorry... My father is a historical gun nut... i couldn't help it... honestly, i tired... ;)

Just imagine how he freaked when my brother and i would call magazines "Clips"... oh man...

Images, cest vu please.

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Ah, okay. Honestly, it kind of looks like this new guild guy has the one in my post on his belt... i thought that's what he meant. My apologies. :)

---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

And to put in my 2 cents... i am looking forward to this guy... even if it's just to paint him. :D

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On a company forum you can't expect many opposing opinions especially from people that support the game. not necessarily a bad thing just something to be cognizant about..

*edit by the time I put up response I was two pages behind lol

Yeah, I am noticing that.

I also apologize for singling one Henchman out but it appeared he was trying to wash over the fact that we have no stats for these models. I agreed with the post that stats are the #1 or #2 determining factor for purchasing a model. We are a little over a week away and we have had one minion leaked and we were told all would be revealed with plenty of time to figure out our purchase list and it is looking like this is not so. This is not being addressed, only swept aside.

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I don't think anyone ever said that 'all' would be revealed. Last year, NO stats were revealed until Thursday of GenCon. 2 years ago, some basic info about Colette (and maybe Kirai and Ophelia, I can't remember) were revealed a week or so ahead of time.

Wyrd doesn't owe anybody anything. The fact that they have been doing as much in previews is more than they have to do anyways. Experience says that people buy the stuff either way. Experience also says that as soon as people get their hands on the book on Thursday next week, there will be enough info floating about for people to make informed decisions about what models to buy. So you have to wait to get info and buy stuff in the online store on Friday instead of Thursday. Learn some patience. Will get you a lot farther in life.

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I don't think anyone ever said that 'all' would be revealed. Last year, NO stats were revealed until Thursday of GenCon. 2 years ago, some basic info about Colette (and maybe Kirai and Ophelia, I can't remember) were revealed a week or so ahead of time.

Wyrd doesn't owe anybody anything. The fact that they have been doing as much in previews is more than they have to do anyways. Experience says that people buy the stuff either way. Experience also says that as soon as people get their hands on the book on Thursday next week, there will be enough info floating about for people to make informed decisions about what models to buy. So you have to wait to get info and buy stuff in the online store on Friday instead of Thursday. Learn some patience. Will get you a lot farther in life.

Wyrd is a business. It is not about doing us favors, they are doing themselves a favor by advertising their product. They would be doing their job. If it is good, word spreads and mouths water. They are not going to sell as much in this economy by being secretive and waiting until the last minute to release information. If they are content selling to just their friends, then good for them, but it is still bad business. I also highly doubt you take this stance in all aspects of your consumer life.........

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If all were right in this world, the size of the hat would be proportional to their power and awesomeness.

Inversely proportional would be more fun.

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

His sword does look a bit like an umbrella.

It is an umbrella. And that thing you guys take for a gun of murderous design is actually a steampunk lollipop dispenser. This is Governor's personal servant and he doesn't do much except for dispensing lollipops for people Governor wish to reward for a job well done. That, and running away in panic, when somebody pops a balloon. Malifaux is not healthy for the poor chap's nerves.

I think by now Guild players should just deal with general floppiness of the characters and a complete lack of coolness in their faction.

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Wyrd is a business. It is not about doing us favors, they are doing themselves a favor by advertising their product. They would be doing their job. If it is good, word spreads and mouths water. They are not going to sell as much in this economy by being secretive and waiting until the last minute to release information. If they are content selling to just their friends, then good for them, but it is still bad business. I also highly doubt you take this stance in all aspects of your consumer life.........

Buying minis is a bit different than buying bread and eggs, though. They'll get the information out when they get it out. They're not a huge company, and this is a hectic time for them. I'm impressed with how much they've gotten together so far.

EDIT: I really hope this guy works well with Criid, because I really don't need to start with another crew. As a TF2 player, I must respect the hat.

Edited by Bunny_Avenger
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i imagine they have their reasons, by and far i am not a fan boy (i play TOO many other games to become a fan boy of just one), but i do honestly believe they are rushing to get the job done for gen con.

not sure if that is why the minis are now coming with 3d art over painted minis on the cards, i for one prefer it over the newer painted models something just always seemed off with those.

Gen con is less than a week away as they would have to pack and fill out forms and such to move everything, it is a lot of planning that goes into the con. So yes they may not have that much time to spoil everything as they are running around trying to meet a dead line.

I also feel your pain i get frustrated looking under announcements for anything and keep seeing the same two topics. But its less than a week and i should distract myself with some painting. So best of luck everyone.

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Of course, it hits a little harder to those anxiously waiting for Guild specific (or at least, Guild/Ten Thunder hybrid) releases. 3 factions have gotten the info, and despite it being little more than pics and a price list for most of them, that's still more to go on than the Ressers, Outcasts and Guild have.

It's the same issue people had with the delay in Warden info/pics leading up to the July releases. On one hand, yes, Wyrd is a small company doing everything they can to meet the demands of the internet, a userbase known to be chalk full of people who have unreasonable demands. >.>

On the other hand... they've known this was coming for 12 months. It should shock nobody (least of all, those at the company who were involved with the events of last Gencon) that the weeks leading up to it might be raw shenanigans.

Now, granted, word has it on the forums that Twitter has noted they have half of what they want on hand. Previous statements were to the effect that they'd expected to have ~70-80% of the Book 4 figures available, so if we do a little quick math... carry the two... they might have roughly 40% of book 4 on hand, and obviously it's better to remain silent than to promise to deliver something and then have to rescind that promise (hell, they've already been quite transparent about one of the box sets not necessarily being available at Gencon itself due to shipping issues), meaning the other half (presumably heavily representative of the other three factions) are still in production/en route.

Long story short, it doesn't have to be either or. One can respect that they have a lot going on and that they are subject to the whims of things that may be beyond their control while still being ravenously and enthusiastically awaiting even tidbits of info about the new releases. Especially with the promo figure catching everyone's eye, users (doubly so for Guild players, I imagine) are trying to line up that $100+ order, and it's a bit harder to do when their chosen/primary faction has thus far been left wanting (again, possibly due to issues beyond their control).

I remain optimistic, but I'll admit I'm a bit surprised that we're this far into the week without another info dump or tidbit.

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