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Viruk's paintlog


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Such a pleasure to see this thread pop up! :)


Again one really well painted mini, I haven't actually seen that painted and you nailed it. The book is really well painted! I could propably only paint a crudely painted c*ck there and call it done :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

They look awesome all together! Those red accents manage to look coincidental (rather than "hey guys, let's all wear red! No, your hat can't be red. MY hat is red.") but bind them together beautifully, and your painting is superb as always.

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This is a magnificently painted crew, and individually as well!! Cohesive, expertly painted (as we have always expected from you, Viruk), and the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) details really make them shine as a group. Like painters before me have mentioned, the subtle red throughout the crew is cohesive, yet unobtrusive. That can often be difficult to manage! And the more obvious details, like the chaps on Perdita... WELL done!!! The second, lighter tone makes an otherwise normal pair of leather chaps really stand out as something different and add so much to her individual model. Nino's coat, too... the leather is muted, cooler than other leathers in the posse, and it fits his cold, mysterious and intriguing look, which in turn also fits his character. Absolutely stunning, across the board.


This crew was actually the one that originally drew me into the game in 1st edition (partially because Perdita reminds me of my girlfriend... heehee), but when I wanted to pick up this posse, it was not available. I picked up Sonnia's crew instead. Now, looking at Viruk's crew, and reading the rules for them, I am really tempted to go back to my first instincts... ;) After the Neverborn and Sonnia's crew are painted... Sigh.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stunning looking Predita crew Viruk! You did an awsome job as always. May I ask where you got the cactuses from?

Sorry, I must have missed your question. The cactuses are from Pegasus hobbies - got a box of them on ebay.


I've been pretty busy recently but still managed to complete a decent number of minis. 





I don't want to copy/paste everything here so if you want to see better pictures check out my blog. I just have to say one thing - I love the new Teddy!



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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Jotun, I'm glad you like the effect. I used dark red ink mixed with plastic glue to create the effect of blood dripping from the blade. Applying it is a bit tricky so at first I tried this technique out before working on this one.


I haven't been posting pics of new works as I've been quite busy recently. Also, there's the Burnt Offerings painting competition so I can't really show what I've prepared for that before the voting ends. Anyway, here's a Wyrd miniature I've painted recently - the new Flesh Construct.




Painting it took me much longer than I had expected. The dynamic pose of the victim makes it much harder to judge where highlights and shades should be placed. Also, working on larger skin areas is never easy, especially while working on rotten zombie skin. I used a 40mm Wyrd Morgue base insert. I think it suits this type of miniature perfectly. A Frenkenstein-like monstrosity that has turned on its creator. A Morgue seemed like a perfect scenery for this situation.

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