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Iron Quill Preliminary Round Winner!


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Alright, I've gotten in the votes, and gotten a ton of feedback on how to improve this all around for next time. Before we get into the meat of all this, I want to thank everyone who participated, and thank you all for being patient with me. There will be a second preliminary round to try a different format and hammer out some more of the rules. Anyone who has time, please, please join in, we'd love to have you! For those who don't have the time, just want to let you know that's okay, the 'official' version of the contest will kick off after Gencon and I hope you'll join in then.

Now, onto the main event. I do have the votes stored, if you want to know your specific score I'll let you know, just send me a PM. I'm going to announce the top three, in reverse order cause it's fun.

For second runner-up, we have a tie! FetidStrumpet's The Flames of Madness and Hardlec's Green Faery! Excellent work, both of you.

First runner-up: Thechosenone's The Wolf in the Fog.

And our winner of the bragging rights for the preliminary round is...

Mako with First Move!

Congrats to all of you, and to everyone else who got a story submitted, you did some great work, and I'm hoping that you'll continue to participate as this moves forward!

As an editorial/organizer note, I want to especially thank UberGruber and ThePandaDirector, both of whom gave great feedback to the competition and to their fellow writers.

If no one has any objections, I want to start the next round submissions on Friday the 13th of July (cause I'm funny like that). The Mystery Ingredient, the changes to the format, and the deadlines for everything will be announced on Tuesday the 10th of July. Why Tuesday? Because I have class assignments due Monday.

Once again, thank you to all the participants and everyone who gave feedback on the competition. Keep up the great writing everyone!

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I'm shocked! But also dead chuffed of course! I have to say, this morning reading through all the entries was some of the best relaxation I've had for ages. It's been fun seeing all the writers sneak out of hte woodwork and write things, and how differently everyone sees the same theme.

And major credit to Edonil for actually getting it all organised and putting up with my totally inept timing! Looking forward to the next round to see what we all come up with. 1500 words, on a 4 week turnaround including voting, was it? *grin*

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I can't believe I voted for that guy!

Err- I mean, congrats Mako, why don't you just stand still while I set up my "reward distributer"


Next week's gonna be very busy =D

(fell out of chair) Ow...thanks for that Panda...that was awesome...lol.

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I can't believe I voted for that guy!

Err- I mean, congrats Mako, why don't you just stand still while I set up my "reward distributer"


Next week's gonna be very busy =D

Stand still? Dear me, it's no fun if you can't hit a moving target! Tell you what, I'll make sure I don't run anywhere too quick *wink*

Cheers guys, its good to have bragging rights for a bit - at least until the next round, which won't be long!

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Wouldn't have been as good if I hadn't had all the feedback! That's the best bit of the whole thing. And a good reason for me to make an extra effort to leave something vaguely useful on people's stuff now I've had time to read and think!

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