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Why I Am Not Quitting Malifaux...


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With respect, that's a bit of a rosy and/or blinkered view. Having a couple of juniors posting on the forums a little and passing the odd, year-late ruling, does not equal 'great community interaction'.

What it does do, is wonders for PR - because as you can see, a lot of people are satisfied by said interactions, even when the actual effect on the game is incredibly minimal.

That's about the biggest lack of respect I can see. Now you are just being a troll! Nathan and Eric both frequent the forums and you know it! If you're quitting, just go! Enough already!

Edit: After some thought I've decided to report your post. Honestly I'm hoping you get banned. I've given you every inch of respect and gratitude for what you have contributed to the game, but if you're just going to insult people and bash the game after your stated intentions to quit then I think your time is done.

Edited by dgraz
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With respect, that's a bit of a rosy and/or blinkered view. Having a couple of juniors posting on the forums a little and passing the odd, year-late ruling, does not equal 'great community interaction'.


Its all relative. GW took years to get out an FAQ for the last edition that even made the game playable for some 40k codexes. Fantasy...forget my wood elves ever getting any sort of book until just before the next edition comes out, every single time they release a new edition I have played with an outdated codex. MTG took years upon years to get to its current state of decent drafting balance.

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In July of 2010, 8th edition Warhammer fantasy came out. In the two years I have been hosting gaming at my game shop, I have got 4 new players start playing fantasy. Last year around November, I lost 3 of new players and 2 other regulars. In December, one of the new guys and myself got into Malifaux and started playing. In the 8 months we have been playing, I have got 8 new players for Malifaux and all the other regulars have switched to Malifaux and that keeps growing every month. What is the point of my post? Malifaux is doing great in my area and I have no plans to change that anytime soon. It is about the only game I have ever played (and I have played a LOT of games) that I can lose horroribly in and still have a ton of fun playing.

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That's about the biggest lack of respect I can see. Now you are just being a troll! Nathan and Eric both frequent the forums and you know it! If you're quitting, just go! Enough already!

Edit: After some thought I've decided to report your post. Honestly I'm hoping you get banned. I've given you every inch of respect and gratitude for what you have contributed to the game, but if you're just going to insult people and bash the game after your stated intentions to quit then I think your time is done.

Wyrd Miniatures Rules

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Dgraz, your words are hateful and are clearly in violation of the rules of the forum. Calmdown may annoy you with his opinion, but he is allowed a voice. He did not say anything vulger, he did not use a lot of exclaimation points, he did not threaten nor call names: you did. Ravenborne reacted maturely to the same posting with an excellent retort.

Some criticism is not as helpful as others and I can tell his comment got to you but it has to be allowed. Going fundamentalist and Totalitarian in a gaming community is not the way. If you do not like a post, don't read it, but Wyrd as a company should be reading them all and taking it to heart, not banning people because they don't show "gratitude". You have it backwards. The customer is always right. This is a capitalist system, so if a large group of non-henchmen and non-employees voice concern, Wyrd needs to listen.

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De-evolution imminent, so speaketh the Sandwich.

On the brighter side of things, Seamus' Avatar has attracted 2 new potential players in my region, as well as the fantastic news that we're getting a migratory flock to help pick Tacoma up off the ground.

So excited to have a big playgroup again. :D

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All of this drama over one person who is quitting. Like I said before, him quitting has absolutly no effect on me or any of my games. As a matter of fact it will have zero impact on vast majority of the memebers the forums. If he wants to quit let him quit. In two weeks all of this will be forgotten and we will continue on just as we have before.

Edited by Twisted Metal
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On the brighter side of things, Seamus' Avatar has attracted 2 new potential players in my region, as well as the fantastic news that we're getting a migratory flock to help pick Tacoma up off the ground.

I posted a lot about Rezzers, until I finally decided I needed to get back to work. However since you brought it up, I wanted to mention that Rezzer Avatars have helped Rezzer's weak points quit a bit. In general I think they have shored up the weaknesses of many Masters and not overpowered any other existing Master's as far as I can tell. This is a very good sign that Wyrd is moving in the right direction with their design model.

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