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I love the Aethervox, both for the narrated stories, hosts and general feel. Plus I don't have to fast forward through 2-3 episodes of Adepticon/US Convention stuff that doesn't really concern me, since I live in Europe.

The rest are all dandy though, but my heart belongs to the Aethervox.

Plus they helped me kill time last year when I was out walking out newlyborn for hours upon hours!

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I have not done this in a while, so here are my lists. I may have too much to read and listen too.

Gaming Podcast Subscription list (I listen to other podcasts as well):

  • Aethervox (Malifaux)
  • Bayou Broadcast (Malifaux)
  • Breachside Broadcasting (Malifaux)
  • Cheated Fates Radio (Malifaux)
  • D6G (General Gaming)
  • Eternal Warriors (40K / Warmachine / Malifaux)
  • Firebase Delta (Firestorm Armada)
  • Gamerslounge (Malifaux?)
  • Heelan Hammer (WHFB)
  • Independant Cahracters (40K)
  • Lost Boys Radio (Malifaux / General Gaming)
  • Lost Hemisphere Radio (Warmachine & Hordes)
  • Malifools Broadcasting Network (New - Malifaux?)
  • Muse of Mini's (Tournament Warmachine & Hordes)
  • Screaming Heretic (Mostly 40K, campaigns and hobby stuff)
  • SeanHammer (Mini Wargaming)
  • Worlds End Radio (Mini Wargaming)
  • 11th Company (40K)
  • 40K Radio (40K and Battlefoam news)

My blog list is disturbingly long, and I have 2 of them. Check out my blog and I have a blog-roll on there that tracks some of the ones I read. I track about a quarter of the blogs I actually read in my blogroll.

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Got to say I listen to quite a few podcast now (though not as many as Nix) to make those long drives too and from work more bearable.

I love the Aethervox for the stories and the sound effect. I'd say the Aethervox signature theme tune is actually the 'Malifaux theme tune' in my opinion. Rathnards tactics section is also pretty solid.

The Gamers lounge is a great all round Malifaux podcast and I really enjoy the interviews and especially when Bill gets his crew round to record :)

I like the interaction of the Cheated Fates guys and think they have had a great start.

Seanhammer is great because I like Sean's personality, his rambling and his slacker ethos :)

For new podcast im also enjoying Lost boys radio and the brand new Malifool podcast.

Can't forget UKrockys Bayoubroadcast for his similar 'take it has it comes' type attitude that Seanhammer has.

As for blogs I read too many to list, but Nix is one of them which I can recommend :)

Though I still need to figure out how to list other bogs in my own blog...LOL

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I have found myself re-listening to the Cheated Fates Radio many times, especially when painting or just when I want to listen and feel like I'm sat having fun with them. I think their relaxed style is great and makes me feel like I'm just chatting about Malifaux with my buddies.

Aethervox will always be my first and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have started Lilith. Their standard is amazing and the level of detail they do into makes listening to them really rewarding.

I've only recently got into the Gamers Lounge, something which I have so far found to be the more intellectual and exclusive podcast. It's nice to have so many different types for each kind of player.

Also, any podcast which features an interview with Dumb Luck is gold.

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I have found myself re-listening to the Cheated Fates Radio many times, especially when painting or just when I want to listen and feel like I'm sat having fun with them. I think their relaxed style is great and makes me feel like I'm just chatting about Malifaux with my buddies.

Aethervox will always be my first and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have started Lilith. Their standard is amazing and the level of detail they do into makes listening to them really rewarding.

I've only recently got into the Gamers Lounge, something which I have so far found to be the more intellectual and exclusive podcast. It's nice to have so many different types for each kind of player.

Also, any podcast which features an interview with Dumb Luck is gold.

Holy crap, Gamers Lounge just got called intellectual. That had to be a mistake episode! *grin*


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I have found myself re-listening to the Cheated Fates Radio many times, especially when painting or just when I want to listen and feel like I'm sat having fun with them. I think their relaxed style is great and makes me feel like I'm just chatting about Malifaux with my buddies.

Aethervox will always be my first and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have started Lilith. Their standard is amazing and the level of detail they do into makes listening to them really rewarding.

I've only recently got into the Gamers Lounge, something which I have so far found to be the more intellectual and exclusive podcast. It's nice to have so many different types for each kind of player.

Also, any podcast which features an interview with Dumb Luck is gold.

My ego doesn't need more boosting!

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I have to say that I love the Aethervox. I'm not quite caught up, as I generally listen while painting and I'm a slow painter. I did skip ahead though to listen to their interview with Justin about Dead Heat. I love the music (had the theme stuck in my head all day yesterday), the content, and their voices (I'm a sucker for accents). The fact that it's Canadian doesn't hurt either.

I haven't listened to much else. I greatly enjoyed the latest episode of the Gamer's Lounge and will definitely listen to more once I catch up on the Aethervox. I'm also loving the Breachside Broadcasting updates.

I'll have to check out some of the other ones mentioned here - I'll probably stick to mostly Malifaux podcasts though as I don't play any other mini games.

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I have to say that I love the Aethervox. I love the music (had the theme stuck in my head all day yesterday),

I have to say, their theme music has been stuck in my head for months... I think listening to the Aethervox does implant a mini Aethervox inside your heads... LOL

I even like the rock version but I always hum the original theme while I'm painting my Malifaux stuff. :P

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I have to say, their theme music has been stuck in my head for months... I think listening to the Aethervox does implant a mini Aethervox inside your heads... LOL

I even like the rock version but I always hum the original theme while I'm painting my Malifaux stuff. :P

The Aethervox theme tune is the Malifaux theme tune :) ...imho

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