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Could someone please give me some advice on lucius, guildguard and such.


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So I'm a little stumped.

I got lucius because I liked his model, and then bought some more guards models to try and do a thematic list with him, but its not working out.

Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lucius -- 4 Pool

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard Captain [7ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Ryle, Guild Pawn [8ss]

That is what I went for. The lawyer got dropped because I'd otherwise be wasting a point. I think I prefer him to ryle though, so I might just waste the point.

Anyway. The list just seems to have no pop. I played a couple of games and found that I was getting completely outclassed.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should be tweaking in the list while staying in the guild guard / spec forces theme? And if I need to keep soulstones for lucious? (He doesn't seem to need them in the games I've played.)

Also, any advice on playstyle would really help too.

I suspect I'd do a lot better to just broaden the list but I like the visual.

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Austringers would be an excellent addition.

Try dropping Ryle and a guild guard to make space for 2 Austringers and a 3rd Hound, see if that works better for you.

Or try losing some points (maybe captain and something else) so you can buy Lucius for another master's crew. Using Lucius to send Lady J halfway across the board is fun!

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Welcome, Jswiers!

Here's my analysis of your Lucius list. Please be warned, my Lucius is all theory-faux. I don't actually own the model yet.

In your list you have a 7 point Guild Guard Captain and an 8 point Ryle. Most successful lists I've seen use one or the other of these models, but not both. They really fill a similar spot in terms of how most people use them in an army. So I think we may be able to drop one of them to get some points.

What I see you missing is Guild Austringers. Austringers are terrific models that count as Guardsmen and as such, work great with Lucius. Especially a Lucius list that involves a Drill Sergeant. Austringers provide your list potential Companion-esque ability, Super Long Range and do not require line of sight to hit. Under the drill sergeant's aura and as potential targets for Lucius to issue orders to, they are a terrific add to your list.

Also to note: Wardens will be a great model that is also a guardsman. Coming soon in July! :)

So here's my advice.

Drop Ryle. Add in 2 Guild Austringers at 5 points each. This means you actually field a 37 SS crew and Lucius will only have 2 SS to play with. If you really want him to start with his max of 4, then when electing schemes, choose to not take 1 of them and take 2 SS instead. But I believe you can play Lucius with 2 SS if you play conservatively with him (which Lucius really is set up for anyway).

So the list:

37 SS crew for 35 SS scrap. Lucius starts with 2 SS.


Drill Sergeant

Guild Hound (x2)

Guild Guard Captain

Guild Guard (x3)

Guild Austringers (x2)

Tactics: Use the Drill Sergeant to set up the firing range and use Austringers to kill at a distance. Use Lucius to power the Austringers to kill more. Use the Guild Guard to set up the forward line. They have armor and can stop charges with their pistols. As always, use overwhelming guild firepower if things get too close to the guard line. When the line gets pressured into melee combat, use the guild guard captain. His purpose is to bolster morale (+WP flips) and be a counter-charge threat. Use the dogs similar to the Guild Guard Captain - as a counter charge threat or as fodder to "tie up" small models denying them the ability to interact or other such things. Use them to bury counters if necessary. Use them to finish off models at medium range. Otherwise keep them with Lucius for his use. Use Lucius to support this entire effort - issuing orders, moving models, etc. This army moves slowly, but steadily forward en-mass, covering a wide swath.

Hope this is helpful to you. Please keep posting if you have further questions! Happy Hunting!

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As everyone else has said you need Austringers!

They are great models on their own but with Lucius and the Drill Sergeant they become Insane! Who doesn't like 2-3 Rg 12 strikes that ignore LOS and that have a Cb of 9 with a :+fate flip?

I would keep the 3 Guild Guard as they should be using Cordon to block any retailitory charges on the Austringers. Set them up in a V in front of the Austringers and even the most mobile of crews will strugle to get to them (and if you keep Lucius next to them there is the real posibility of forcing a Terryfying check as well).

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Thanks for the advice.

Maybe someone can also clear this up for me:

Lucius's aura. When does it wear off if he uses companion rules to activate with another model?

And, also, when making a companion activation, does the guild guard captains 0 ability to activate a guard interrupt companion, or does it queue them up to activate after the companions?

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the other responses seem to have nailed the primary suggestion I would make, which is Austringers in your list. Having played Lucius a fair amount, here is the list I tend to take at 35SS

Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lucius -- 3 Pool

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Guard Captain [7ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Once the Wardens release, I am looking at this list:

Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lucius -- 4 Pool

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

Guild Austringer [5ss]

Guild Guard [4ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Guild Hound [3ss]

Warden [5ss]

Warden [5ss]

While Lucius does not always need his SS, I try to take 3 or 4 with him just in case.

Now, for your other questions:

Lucius's aura - His aura only lasts for his activation. This means its primary use is for his issuing orders to guardsmen.

Companion Activation plus Guild Guard Captain - I believe it does interrupt the companion activation chain.

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Lucius's aura - His aura only lasts for his activation. This means its primary use is for his issuing orders to guardsmen.

Ok, so when you do companion activations, they're all similtaniously activated, but then finish one by one, rather than in a group at the end?

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I quite like the lists nix has posted above. How do they go for games where you need to move? they look quite static, do they go well against the fast stuff?

Shame about the aura only lasting the activation, although cb9 raptors would be a bit harsh!

Can you point out where it says that austringers count as guardsmen? I know i've read it somewhere, but can't find it!

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