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Soo Ten Thunders


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I bet the guys behind Bushido are really happy about this development...

I think we'll see a complete faction list, but I suspect each master will be linked to one of the various factions (maybe not the Outcasts). Those masters will be able to take models from the faction they are associated with and brawl with their masters.

I think we'll see Misaki as a master, and overall head of the Ten Thunders ala Ramos, but will have no allegience to another faction as she cannot ally with the Arcanists or Guild due to fluff and doesn't fit with Neverborn or Resurrs.

Who knows what the other masters & minions could be. So many possibilites! It will be interesting to see what they do in the Resurrectionist faction as Kirai is loosely linked by fluff to the 10 Thunders.

Edited by Vargas79
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hoping on a more "civilian" and victorian/western take on easterners rather than a historical/mythological one personally..

so, Opium-den owners and their followings ( geisha, but a bit more street/urban rather than traditional.).. yakuza/triad gang types... old curiosity shop-owner, firework specialists, restauranttypes (butcher/cook) etc. etc. rather than samurais, monks etc. (tough offcourse the ronin, lady J.. they do need a sensei and all ;))

rather adding more the vibe of the samurai-punks, kirai and the ronin rather than too much misaki and the brothers... (I love either oriental theme.. mostly looking at it from a miniatures Id love to see point of view.)

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Hamlin went from Minion to Master, why not "Epic" Misaki?

I fully expect every faction to get models with the "Ten Thunders" designation that can then work together in the same way as Special forces do.

There will be no new faction per se, but everyone will get a couple of new toys with "Ten Thunders", plus a couple of Outcast masters that can then be put together to give someone who wants to play Ten Thunders about 15 choices.

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There will be no new faction per se, but everyone will get a couple of new toys with "Ten Thunders", plus a couple of Outcast masters that can then be put together to give someone who wants to play Ten Thunders about 15 choices.

I think you are right, but still hope not. If there is one thing this game can do without it's more complex/cross faction hiring.

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How EricJ said it, it sounded like they are a full faction. I'm expecting some models of the other factions labeled as Infiltrator though so that they can be used by the Thunders, that would be neat.

Same here, spies within in guild and Arcanist I don't think it would work with the resserections and the Neverborn, but form book three it's possible that they have there own necromancers and possible somone enslaving Neverborn.

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10 Thunders... is it a full faction or a another Outcast group ala Gremlins?

The 10 Thunders look reminded me of a certain thunder god:


What do you think? I hope it's not just ninjas, samurai and monks (although cool models would be nice).. I hope Wyrd would bring variety in the characters and minions with a western steampunk theme... maybe a Minion in full Samurai Armor, a shaolin monk that uses soulstones and geisha-like colette master.... lots of options...

But mainly, I hope they preview the stats so I can decide before Gencon whether or not I like them...

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Full samurai armour would seem odd I think, as they're not soldiers on the battlefield but gangsters really. So they need to be able to blend in a bit! And Kirai is already a geisha, so I'm kind of hoping they haven't just put in another one.

I'm definitely good for the monks, Wizened old men, firework makers, and stuff that's more day to day oriental rather than the clichés. I've kind of come to expect that from Wyrd, a bit unusual with a nod to the cliches as well.

Oh, and doesn't the head of that gang mistaking fights in book 3 have some... Odd and creepily powerful benefactors? They have a hint of never born or something like that about them, so that would link them to that faction too.

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Same here, spies within in guild and Arcanist I don't think it would work with the resserections and the Neverborn, but form book three it's possible that they have there own necromancers and possible somone enslaving Neverborn.

Perhaps the Neverborn would manifest asian-inspired ghosts, spirits and monsters... I could think of a few that i would like to see (call me Wyrd, maybe)

I like the spies within the faction direction... kinda like how Nicodem and McMourning "works" for the Guild but are secretly ressers.. at least in the 1st book.

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Perhaps the Neverborn would manifest asian-inspired ghosts, spirits and monsters... I could think of a few that i would like to see (call me Wyrd, maybe)

I like the spies within the faction direction... kinda like how Nicodem and McMourning "works" for the Guild but are secretly ressers.. at least in the 1st book.

The way book two mentions eastern Ressurection and demonology, I would love to see some sort spirit Nephilim for Kari and Lilith

Also spirit Belle for Seamus. Please

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