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Kaeris box worth it?


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I realise this probably isn't helpful, but I thought it was worth it for the models, they look like fun to paint!

I won't venture a gaming opinion as I can (and do) lose consistently with Kirai, so clearly never going to be good at that side... :-P

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Playing against Kaeris, the fire gamin are actually worth it. Jewomie used them to engage my models in melee to give them burn tokens. That allowed Kaeris to do some nasty spells which require a burn token on the model first. Even if the damage didn't kill the model, it gives them less wounds to deal with when you attack with a different model (Gunsmiths for example).

EDIT: plus when you kill them, they do wounds and give out burn tokens. They may not be a killing model, but they sure are an annoyance to deal with.

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How can Zoraida take them?

Zoraida can hire any model of Wp4 or less. This means gunsmiths! :). Sonia benefits from the gamin instead. Either can make the box a worthwhile investment if guild or neverborn is your second faction.

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Zoraida can hire any model of Wp4 or less. This means gunsmiths! :). Sonia benefits from the gamin instead. Either can make the box a worthwhile investment if guild or neverborn is your second faction.

I thought that you were referencing the gamin, since you mentioned Sonia in the same sentence and the Gamin have WP4 (though are constructs).

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Hmmmm, ok, I guess you do have a point :)

And, coupled with union miners and other m&su members/assets, there could be some viable choices!

But, the fire gamin dont really look like fun for painting... (imho :P)

Any other advice is very apriciated!

Maybe anything regarding collette?

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Yeah, I guess I'm a little unusual for liking painting fire, especially critter shaped fire! But I have a plan in my head for them...

There could also be more assets Kaeris can use in the next book, although that's a way off and not in any way guaranteed.

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meh, I don't really find the fire gamin that useful for the large price of 4 SS. When I got my Kaeris for my Colette/Tina army I skipped buying the set. And really at the time it had more to do with how much money was in my pocket then anything else.

The box was $40 with Kaeris, 2 Gunsmiths, 3 Fire Gamin. When I broke down individual cost, it was way cheaper to get the models I really needed then pop for the box. I needed Kaeris ($10.50) and the two gunsmiths ($9.00 each) which came to $28.50 instead of the price of the box. Granted, the 3 pack of Gamin are $18.00, so the box saves you about $6.50, but those "savings" were moot to me when I considered I didn't need the Fire Gamin in the first place.

So instead, I used my $11.50 in savings buying individually to get me a sweet EoP, which is way more useful then overpriced Fire Gamin. I walked out of the store spending less then the box, and got the exact models I needed to supplement my Tina/Colette armies.

Of course, ymmv.

But then again, I was getting Kaeris not to run by himself, but to add to my current armies.

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Arcanist was my first faction, and I have to say Kaeris is designed to fill in some holes in the Arcanist crews. The gunsmiths are exactly what arcanist needed. Kaeris is interesting, and flavor for arcanist, but is missing something if you don't play with Fire gamin, they are essential if using her. But their 8 inch range attack is situation. If you plan on using it as their primary attack, you are playing them wrong. You need to get them into melee. look at their move 4/8... the 8 charge is their key. The Ice gamin only had 4/6. This is why Fire gamin are so much better, the can get in there faster (while attacking). anything hitting them gets damaged and fire tokens. A well placed fire gamin (4SS) should deal around 10 damage from a charge, damage from being hit, then blowing up. It might not be focused on 1 enemy but spread out.

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