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Tournament restrictions: Do you prefer Open or Single faction


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I'm going to try and keep my opinion out of this, and would like to know what the community prefers in a tournament. Each month our LGS has a tournament and there is an ongoing discussion if there should be the restriction of faction though out the tournament.

Open Factions: where players can pick master from any faction for each game without restrictions.

Single Faction: were player need to select which faction they are playing at the beginning of the tournament, and must choose master from only that faction for the tournament.

If you can give comments on why you feel one is better that the other it would be appreciated.

Lastly: guys from my LGS can we stay out of this conversation to see what other say.

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I prefer single faction. I'm a fan of single master too. If it's open you should be picking factions before determining strategies anyway, so it's not like you can pick the best faction for a particular game (unless strategies are pre-determined).

Leaving it open also results in too much stuffing around as people try and work out what will give them the best advantage against a particular opponent ("they only have xyz so I should take abc", etc.).

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I can't think of any tournament I have been to in any game system that allows you to dabble with multiple factions. At first glance you would think it doesn't make a difference. You would think this gives you more options and everyone has the same advantage because everyone has the same model pool to choose from. That would be the pro behind being able to take anything. However the con is too severe to warrant this. The con being the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. Translation- whoever owns more models has a huge advantage and it becomes unfair for those people who don't own multiple factions wether they can't afford to or simply don't want to are for those who are new at the game. The challenge in picking one faction is dealing with the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen faction and hopefully if the game is somewhat balanced as much as a game of numbers can be, the better player will prevail.

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Kuwanger pretty much hit my concern on the nail. I've seen to many times where the people who can afford to get everything have dominated those who can't. Even in a single faction environment you can have problems. Joe Veteran shows up with all four masters and a well rounded pool. Johny Newbie only has one master. Even if he has a well rounded pool like Joe Veteran, Johny is still restricted in his options for each round whereas Joe can be more flexible.

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I can't think of any tournament I have been to in any game system that allows you to dabble with multiple factions. At first glance you would think it doesn't make a difference. You would think this gives you more options and everyone has the same advantage because everyone has the same model pool to choose from. That would be the pro behind being able to take anything. However the con is too severe to warrant this. The con being the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. Translation- whoever owns more models has a huge advantage and it becomes unfair for those people who don't own multiple factions wether they can't afford to or simply don't want to are for those who are new at the game. The challenge in picking one faction is dealing with the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen faction and hopefully if the game is somewhat balanced as much as a game of numbers can be, the better player will prevail.

This concern is only valid if strategy before faction is picked. Otherwise no advantage over single faction. If you plan to play competitively you should buy like that is your plan to, to do less is your chosen disadvantage not my chosen advantage.

I buy what i like and play what I like to my own vantage. Whether that gives you an up is on me not anyone elae. More models means i chose to take advantage of what's available for you to take advantage of. Socioeconimics should be a separate discussion.

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When I started Malifaux, I had 2-3 Masters among different factions (Som'er, Lilith, Seamus) I've now really started consolidating my crews to Outcasts and Ressers because I know a) I would have expanded more and probably picked up at least 3 if not all four masters from each faction and that's not healthy :) and B) that's a lot to carry, and that's why I prefer at most fixed faction. Fixed master is OK (with a "sideboard"), however, I detest fixed list.

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I voted fixed faction, but I could easily change my mind depending on the other format choices. For example, if you're limited to using each master once, fixed faction favors those with multiple strong masters. In that case, open faction would actually be the more interesting/competitive format.

Single faction, but with limited ss pool, otherwise it's about owning the more toys to win which I don't agree with. I also like single master, where players have to think hard to beat the at times difficult conditions (opponent/strat)


See, I've never seen the logic in this. Wouldn't this just make it about owning the best/specific toys? An arcanist player with Ramos isn't going to do better because they and their opponents have single masters/limited SS pools. They're just going to get beat by the players who chose to bring a stronger master/SS pool.

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I voted Open Faction, because that's the format of the tournies I've hosted. Given that the reason for this is simply because Malifaux is sort of "young" in our community, and as such people have a few crews over different factions, and the risk of "over opting" is close to null. If I'd ever expand the clientèle I'd prolly switch to fixed, but for now, it works.

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I saw a tournament results list posted on MythicFox's blog (at least, I think that's where I saw it).

Each player had three fixed lists, but the lists were not under the same master, or same faction for that matter. A guy could show up with Collette, Zoraida, and Hamelin if he wanted.

Was that tournament broken? It seems to me either can be fine. It all depends on how you handle the specifics.

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