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1 v 1 - Advice wanted on a new Aethervox segment...


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We've been thinking for a while about starting a new Aethervox segment in which we pit models against each other in one-on-one battles (tentatively titled: The Arena). Who is a better in close combat, Lilith or McMourning? Sniper-fight: Hans vs Nino - go! Lightweight round: Bayou Gremlin vs Malifaux Child. King-of-the-Hill: select two random characters from the game, winner stays in to face the next random pick.

We want to make it as accurate a representation of the model's abilities as possible (i.e. it should accurately test who is better in close combat, or who is the better sniper) in a "pure" sense, outside the context of the rest of the game. At the same time we want it to be a series of entertaining fights with boxing style commentary.

My question to you forumites is this: How should we set up these one-on-one bouts? What should the parameters be? How far apart should the models start? Will winning the initiative flip turn out to be too important? Is a full control hand overkill for just one model? Should soulstones be allowed? Should each matchup be a best-of-three? More importantly, which matchups would you like to see?

Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.

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My initial thoughts would be something along the lines of:

2 foot by 2 foot board,;

Up the concentration of terrain so that mobility plays a large part.

Not sure on the control hand issue. My initial thought was three cards each but feel like this may still be too much.

As for which models I would look to see face of:

Lelu v Executioner

Ophelia v Perdita

(Oh and in case you hadn't guessed, I like the idea)

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my two cents... if i may...

i think a 2' by 2' or even 18in by 18in board would be a good size for a single dual.

and i like the best of three. otherwise activation would be everything. Santiago and gunsmith would be better if they were second but crippled the other way around. and the sabertooth cerberus and the hoarcats would be at a massive disadvantage if they went second. best of three seems the most evenly spread to see what the models are capable of. maybe you could rig it... round one model A is assumed to go first, round two model B is assumed to start first, round three, actually flip for initiative.

no matter how you set it up though, i would say a full control hand is probably best, and use of SS should be available for the models that can use them. In my opinion that is.

now, when dealing with the one on one, would you limit the number of activations they are allowed? would it be say... 3 turns? or just one activation each?

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I'd say three cards unless it's a Master, and SS limited to the the model's cache or henchman reserve. I like the idea of best of three, with auto-initative to each model for the first two rounds would be good. Just bare in mind that alot of combats will last longer than a single activation each.

As for matchups, I'm keen on seeing Bishop vs any other minion in the game. ;) I makes sense theme-wise too since he was, after all, a pit-fighter.

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I second the idea for no soulstones and a reduced hand for a non-master, 18"x18" would be about right, maybe 2'x2' for the sniper-off. Best of 3 would also be a fair representation.

Possible suggestions for matchups are LJ vs Lilith (Greatsword vs greatsword), Warden vs Lspa (battle of the 5ssconstructs), Marcus vs mcMourning , (master vs pupil), Sonnia vs raspy (fire and ice), Nicodem vs Hamelin, convict gunslinger vs gunsmith, von achill vs lucius (henchman off-

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Really like the idea but wonder if one on one fights are the only ways to do it?

Maybe that could be the last of a number of challenges which test more aspects of the characters.

How many times they can hit Pandora in three activations?

How much damage they can do to a peacekeeper in three activations?

You get the idea - then its a fight to the death.

Reminds me of Deadliest Warrior if you ever saw that.

I'd be interested in how you would account for the difference in cost and how you would give credit to the support abilities of other models?

Big fan of the Aethervox by the way!

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Possible suggestions for matchups are LJ vs Lilith (Greatsword vs greatsword), Warden vs Lspa (battle of the 5ssconstructs), Marcus vs mcMourning , (master vs pupil), Sonnia vs raspy (fire and ice), Nicodem vs Hamelin, convict gunslinger vs gunsmith, von achill vs lucius (henchman off-

And Viks versus anyone!


Seriously, it might be interesting to play the Viks with no cache, vs Lilith or Lady J with their usual cache. All 4 girls want to be in melee, and it would come down to whether force of numbers overtakes sheer damage dealing potential.

Edited by Serigala
added a bit more detail...
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So, you've fought the Mature Nephilim.

You've ripped apart the Executioner.

The Coryphee lay in splintered pieces, and you've sent Bad Juju to the end more times than you can count.

But now, you face your greatest opponent. A fearless enemy that strikes with explosive might!

Do you have the courage to face...


Coming to an Aethervox near you:

Doves. Versus. Everything.

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Ophelia vs Perdita, 3 control cards, cache soulstones, final destination.

I can't help but feel that in some cases, totems would make sense. I mean who takes Molly without a Necrotic Machine? Who takes Som'er without the potential for Mosquito spam? Perdita + Neph = more obeys. Ophelia + Young LaCroix builds her basic firepower... It's quite hard to isolate specifics in a master without considering the basics.

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I think it's a cool idea, though there probably should be some disclaimer about the difference between being best in a certain role and who would win 1v1, because it's such a common logic pitfall. I'd be happy to pitch in if it ever comes up too as I'm all about the numbers 8p



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