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Som'er Teeth Jones - What to buy next?


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Hey guys,

I'm just getting into Malifaux, and i've chosen Som'er Teeth Jones to be the Master for my Gremlin army. I play Warmahordes regularly, so this seems like a fun side project and thus far i'm enjoying Som'er's goofy (if not suicidal) playstyle.

We're having a Malifaux slow grow league in our area thats starting in January and I am completely lost at list building for my Gremlin army, so any help would be appreciated.

I do know that i'll be buying the Avatar for Som'er Jones, and I have no qualms about buying the Ophelia box if thats the best path to go on expanding my Som'er Jones box. Are there any recommended purchases for Som'er Teeth Jones as extras/required - it seems like i'll be able to add a lot of Gremlin's to the game and i'm still trying to learn all of the other model choices/abilities.

Round 1 is 20 points, Round 2 is 30 points, Round 3 is 40 points, and Round 4 is 50 points. Each round lasts 2 weeks.

All in all, i'm not concerned about costs and rumor has it that i've chosen the army with the steepest learning curve - and i'm good with that. I've read the pull my finger wiki and all 3 of the army styles sounds fun - but once again I don't know where to start. I am also not concerned about what army style is the hardest to learn. What i'm looking for is something that is off the wall goofy to play - while still being competitive. Thanks

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I'm far from an expert at this point myself.

But I can tell you that you will want at least one if not two additional blisters of bayou gremlins to add to his starter box. He can pump more out pretty steadily in game with the right flips.

He can also produce piglets in game as well so a pack or two of those as well are pretty helpful. They're harder to pull off, but even having a gun line it's nice to be able to have the option to use all abilities when playing him imho.

Ophelia is an addition I am guessing you will want eventually as well. Strongly suggest just getting her starter box when you do. All her kin are fun. Not to mention running her as a stand alone crew is a nice option with a very different play style. Not to mention they all can be used by Som'er

Skeeters are also very useful being his totem. He can use 4. Though they reproduce in game as well. So don't have to all start on the table. Unfortunately they are sold individually.

Slop Haulers are very useful for healing. Many seem to put them very high on the "need list".

Love the gremlins. But the need/want list gets long and pricey pretty fast I've found. I tend to collect all the options for my chosen faction in what ever games I end up playing. So doesn't really bother me to terribly. But can be mildly frustrating getting enough options to feel comfortable making him work.

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I'll probably end up owning at least 1 of everything in the Gremlin faction - its just a matter of time haha.

What I can take from this thus far:

  1. For standard play I'll need 2 packs of Bayou Gremlins (for a total of 8), 1 pack of Piglets (for a total of 3), and roughly 2 Giant Mosquitoes, in addition to whatever models I bring into my list. That should cover all of the regenerating models for most of the games? Or do I need more Piglets and Giant Mosquitoes?
  2. Need to buy 2 Giant Mosquitoes for Som'er Teeth Jones b/c Totems are pretty much a must.

Now because we're doing a slow grow league what would my 20 point list look like? These will be the models that i'll go ahead and put on order so that when the league starts in January I can have them assembled/possibly painted.

For example, at 20 points is it worthwhile getting the Olephilia box? Or should I get a pigapolt, and some piglets along with the Giant Mosquitoes? Maybe my 30 point list includes the Olphelia box along with Som'er Jones, and then my 40 point list includes some of the pigs from the 20 point list?

The list building part is where i'm lost at. My game experience thus far is extremely low - but I want to go ahead and get what i'll need so that I can go ahead and start assembling and painting the models.

Edited by Pyrodude32
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You may not play all of kin from the Ophelia box at first but it may be beneficial to play one or two because they virtually ignore Whoops, which is one of the ways you would rather not lose. At 20 points I might try something like

Somer-4 stones

Giant Mesq-2

x4 Gremlins-8

Rami- i pretty sure he's 6

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That isn't too bad of a twenty soulstone list. Stick Rami in a fairly central position to sponge off Whoops hits and you're golden.

Next purchase is entirely up to what kind of Somer list you're after. I would recommend Ophelia and her box, but that dictates that you pretty much have to go a gunline route. What type of force did you have in mind?

If all else fails, you will need another blisters of Gremlins. At least.

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If you want to be competitive from day one, then start with just Ophelia. Her Henchman 6 means that you will have 26 ss to build your crew, which is pretty significant at low point games.

You can add Young LaCroix and Bayou Gremlins at 2ss each, up to 30ss and then add a Slophauler or two to take you to 40ss. You can add Somer at any point along the way.

I would caution you that if you are all just getting in to the game, you might want to slow grow a bit slower. 50ss is a big game for Malifaux (unless you are planning to grow your pool of available models but still actually play at the more usual 35ss).

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If you want to be competitive from day one, then start with just Ophelia. Her Henchman 6 means that you will have 26 ss to build your crew, which is pretty significant at low point games.

Not to mention the Gunline at this point level will be much more effective at hampering your opponents lists since you will more than likely have more activations (with a few exceptions) and you will have a lot more significant models running around capturing objectives (more so when the gunline starts dropping your opponents models).

At the smaller point scale I would definately take Ophelia over Some'r (since a lot of his points are somewhat obligatory support models that will limit the effectiveness of your gunlines or Pig Boomerangs, the Alpha Stank might be suitable but is sort of an all or nothing approach).

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The core of my list I want Som'er Teeth Jones in it. I've taken a stab at making a list for each round. How do these look?

20 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 4 stones

- Giant Mosquito (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Rami Lacroix (6)

30 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 2 Stones

- Giant Mosquito (2)

- Giant Mosquito (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Gremlin Taxidermist (6)

Hog Whisperer (5)

Pigapult (4)

Piglet (3)

40 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 3 Stones

- Som’er and Peaches, Avatars of Indulgence (2)

- 1 Giant Mosquito (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Gremlin Taxidermist (6)

Hog Whisperer (5)

Pere Ravagé (5)

Pigapult (4)

Piglet (3)

Slop Hauler (4)

50 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 6 Stones

- Som’er and Peaches, Avatars of Indulgence (2)

- Giant Mosquito [2ss]

Ophelia Lacroix (8)

- Young Lacroix (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Slop Hauler (4)

Francois Lacroix (5)

Pere Ravagé (5)

Rami Lacroix (6)

Raphael Lacroix (6)

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The core of my list I want Som'er Teeth Jones in it. I've taken a stab at making a list for each round. How do these look?

20 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 4 stones

- Giant Mosquito (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Rami Lacroix (6)

I would probably try to squeeze Ophelia in this list (drop Rami and the Skeeter if you have to). The Gunline will run much better with her there.

30 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 2 Stones

- Giant Mosquito (2)

- Giant Mosquito (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Gremlin Taxidermist (6)

Hog Whisperer (5)

Pigapult (4)

Piglet (3)

Lacks to much focus and depends to heavily on in game summoning (this is very dicey, especially based upon the card values required to consistantly perform it) would recommend either focusing on further developing the gunline above or going Pig Heavy (have you read about the "Pig Boomerang" on Pullmyfinger?). The Pigapult will eat a lot of your resources each turn (even with Survival of the Fitest helping).

40 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 3 Stones

- Som’er and Peaches, Avatars of Indulgence (2)

- 1 Giant Mosquito (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Gremlin Taxidermist (6)

Hog Whisperer (5)

Pere Ravagé (5)

Pigapult (4)

Piglet (3)

Slop Hauler (4)

Same problem as above.

50 pts:

Som'er Teeth Jones - 6 Stones

- Som’er and Peaches, Avatars of Indulgence (2)

- Giant Mosquito [2ss]

Ophelia Lacroix (8)

- Young Lacroix (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Bayou Gremlin (2)

Slop Hauler (4)

Francois Lacroix (5)

Pere Ravagé (5)

Rami Lacroix (6)

Raphael Lacroix (6)

Keep in mind the nastiness that your opponent is going to be able to bring and how you are going to deal with it. At this point level the gremlins fail compared to most crews because of their low Wds and Wp.

From your above lists you seem to have a natural preference for the Lacroixs, I would build your lists around Ophelia rather than Some'r. It will suit your builds better.

Edited by Omenbringer
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  • 7 months later...


I have a 30 point game comming up and having played through the kin box set a few times was looking for something different .

I was thinking about


1x Skeeter

1x Sloppy McHauler


5 x bayou gremlins

5 soulstone cache

The idea is to produce more skeeters and gremlins from Somer early on and hold the gunline with ophelia .

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If your looking at a Gunline then Ophelia generally runs them better since you wont have to pay her hire cost if she leads the crew (8 SS hiring cost as a Henchman = 4 Bayou Gremlins).

Not saying a Som'er gunline cant work with her (I have run them successfully with and without her) just that Som'er is going to be hard pressed to produce enough Bayou Gremlins (and Skeeters) to keep up with losses without something attacking your opponents models before they get to the line (this is usually the task the pigs perform while Som'er is building the gunline or Alpha Stank).

With the list you have there the whole crew is going to be very slow (since the Slop Hauler cant move and Heal on his own, Som'er has to be within range of the Bayou Gremlins to summon more and the whole crew has to stay rather close together to benefit from Ophelia's buffs the Slop Hauler's Healing and Som'ers summoning). It will favor the strategies that allow you to camp in one area and play very defensively.

Edited by Omenbringer
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In the smaller games, such as with 20-30 Soulstones, I normally only hire two bayou gremlins and one mosquito, then summon the rest of what I need in. This will give you more room for hiring a slop hauler or another lacrouix. Unless you're going to be running a pig based crew, don't bother picking up two blisters of piglets, you'll only need one, and unless you're trying for it the entire game, you usually won't summon any. I also find that in a standard game, if you've gotten eight bayou gremlins out on the table, with the use of summoning, than you probably haven't been doing much else with Som'er. So don't bother buying two extra packs of bayou gremlins until you have an idea of the likely hood of even needing a third set. Just one extra should be fine.

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At that point you might as well just run Ophelia as the Master, since your looking at:

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones
6 Pool

1 Giant Mosquito [2ss]

Ophelia Lacroix

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Rami Lacroix

  • Slop Hauler

That list only leaves virtually nothing for other models and not enough substance to really exploit any of the Gremlin strenghts.

The first several turns of the game are going to be essentially nothing but summoning of more Bayou Gremlins and Skeeters and Healing them eleminating half the crew from doing anything productive for accomplishing non-defensive Strategies and Schemes.

As the encounter level goes down the value of bringing Ophelia with Som'er diminshes rapidly (especially when you start bringing other Lacroix's)

For comparison Ophelia leading the crew could bring all this for the same points (and get much more use out of the crew from the get go):

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Ophelia Lacroix
4 Pool

3 Young Lacroix [6ss]

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Slop Hauler

  • Rami Lacroix

Edited by Omenbringer
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