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Is there any way to give Levi armour?


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i do use a grave spirit as collodi's totem when playing levi then usually stick it to a dead rider or levi... it would stack with teh guardians +2 also

Grave spirit only gives +2 armor to undead. Unfortunately Levi is not (for some odd reason) undead.

Leveticus will still take wounds doing just about anything on his card. It would be much better to use the Guardian to protect his Waifs.

Ordinarily yes but not when the point of the armor is to survive a first turn attack run from LCB.

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Does Collodi play well in a levi list ?

Yes. Collodi puts Levi on level with the top tier masters in my opinion. It gives his list the movement shenanigans that the top tier lists have, which is one of the main things making them top tier. Killing multiple enemy models, before they even get their first activation, is the hotness.

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This does not come close to making him top tier. The only reason that levi is not a top tier master is he has a number of very bad matchups. Taking collodi vs the top masters who can pick him off very easy just leaves you spending all those points on collodi instead of just taking collodi in the first place and you lose access to stitched his best model. Levi has has a number of movement tricks to do all sorts of missions.

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This does not come close to making him top tier. The only reason that levi is not a top tier master is he has a number of very bad matchups. Taking collodi vs the top masters who can pick him off very easy just leaves you spending all those points on collodi instead of just taking collodi in the first place and you lose access to stitched his best model. Levi has has a number of movement tricks to do all sorts of missions.

I guess we have to disagree on this. I have seen what Collodi can do, and can say that Collodi can make nearly any master top tier, let alone Levi who is pretty good by himself. When you can first turn drop 5 models in your opponents deployment zone, with their full activation (except one of the Marionettes that used 1 AP to get there), all of which have fast, and 3 of which have melee expert, you are going to do some serious damage to anyone. Add to that that all but 2 of them can activate together, the result is an alpha strike that can be brutal.

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I guess we have to disagree on this. I have seen what Collodi can do, and can say that Collodi can make nearly any master top tier, let alone Levi who is pretty good by himself. When you can first turn drop 5 models in your opponents deployment zone, with their full activation (except one of the Marionettes that used 1 AP to get there), all of which have fast, and 3 of which have melee expert, you are going to do some serious damage to anyone. Add to that that all but 2 of them can activate together, the result is an alpha strike that can be brutal.

This doesn't sound right - want to walk us through the steps for this?

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I agree, it looks wrong.

It takes 3 Marionette activations to move Collodi into an opponents deployment (2 for diagonal deployment)

Pull Strings is only once per turn. Sure, the third one can get 2-3 attacks against something, and you'll have a 4th with 4 attacks still to activate, and can then bring in Wicked dolls on their own activation (with Fast and melee expert if you wanted).

You also leave a pile of Marionettes behind, costing you the potential to alpha strike next turn.

Don't get me wrong, Its viable and scary, especially if you have a few weak but valuble models (Hollow waif and daydreams spring to mind...)

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I agree, it looks wrong.

It takes 3 Marionette activations to move Collodi into an opponents deployment (2 for diagonal deployment)

Pull Strings is only once per turn. Sure, the third one can get 2-3 attacks against something, and you'll have a 4th with 4 attacks still to activate, and can then bring in Wicked dolls on their own activation (with Fast and melee expert if you wanted).

You also leave a pile of Marionettes behind, costing you the potential to alpha strike next turn.

Don't get me wrong, Its viable and scary, especially if you have a few weak but valuble models (Hollow waif and daydreams spring to mind...)

You have it correct there. You also only leave 2 Marionettes behind, and if you do it right, you can attack models, that your opponent has already activated, with the second one, and it may still be within 6" for next turn (big may there).

It works like this:

Collodi activates inside a cluster of 4 Marionettes and 3 Wicked Dolls. Gives them all Fast. Gives 2-3 Marionettes and 3 Doll Melee Expert (You need two 9+ in your hand and at least one needs to be a :masks, but two :masks will get everyone listed, otherwise less things get Melee Expert). Doll Friend on one of the Wicked Dolls, so that it activates after him. His activation ends having spent all 4 AP that he can.

First Marionette activates. Moves 5" Forward. Pull String until the back of its base is at the extreme end of 8" forward. Collodi moves in front of the Marionette (a move of just over 10". This puts Collodi a little over 16" up the board). Pass the rest of its AP and end its activation.

Second Marionette activates. Retract, then repeat what the first Marionette did. If there is an enemy at the end of the Pull Strings you still have 1 AP for an attack or 2 AP if you had two masks for giving Melee Expert earlier. If not, you pass the rest of your actions. This puts Collodi a little over 26" across the board, depending on terrain.

Third Marionette activates. Retract then Pull Strings puts Collodi 33" across the board (you will probably not need to move the full as you do not need to be in your opponents deployment zone, but just outside of it, where your opponents models are), and the Marionette still has 2 AP and Melee Expert for 4 attacks with Flurry, all in your opponents deployment zone.

Fourth Marionette activates. Retract. Pull Strings if you still need to move Collodi around some. This leave the Marionette 2-3 AP and Melee Expert, for 3-5 attacks, all in your opponent deployments zone.

The Wicked Doll that is Doll Friended now activates. Hag's Toys up, and has 4 AP for attacks.

That all activates together via Holding the Strings and Doll Friend. You still have 2 more Wicked Dolls to activate after your opponent activates, and if your opponent does not one shot Collodi (which you will be spending stones like candy to keep alive), you will get them into your opponents deployment zone via Hag's Toys. You left a total of 2 Marionettes behind, one of them may still be at the extreme end of 6" depending on where your final Pull Strings put you. If Collodi survives the turn (even if it runs you out of stones), you are going to do some serious damage again next turn.

This entire time the other master that you took is doing their thing, setting up to play cleanup, which Levi does well with.

This is all theoryfaux, but I have seen it happen, so it can and does happen. You can also wait and do all of this second turn for even more fun, the only problem with that is that it gives your opponent a chance to spread out.

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Collodi activates inside a cluster of 4 Marionettes and 3 Wicked Dolls. Gives them all Fast. Gives 2-3 Marionettes and 3 Doll Melee Expert (You need two 9+ in your hand and at least one needs to be a :masks, but two :masks will get everyone listed, otherwise less things get Melee Expert). Doll Friend on one of the Wicked Dolls, so that it activates after him. His activation ends having spent all 4 AP that he can.

How is Collodi getting 4AP here? He doesn't give himself (+1)Fast if that's what you're thinking.

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