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Zoraida list with Gunsmiths.


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Im interested if anyone has run a list like

Lady Z

Convict Gunslinger

2x Gunsmiths

2x Stitched Together

Desperate Merc

I bought 2 gunsmiths today to try this list out. My attempt at a neverborn "shooty" list with Stitched Together's for Gambler/Fog, and gamble your life.

I also toyed with the idea of fitting a Lilitu or Doppleganger in the list as well.

But I'd like to hear from anyone who actually used Gunsmiths with Z.

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Add in convict gives you 20ss of paired shooting. Doopleganger to obey more shots. Throw in iggy for speed and that one all natural neverborn ranged gunner in a 35ss. This crew can lay a lot of fire power and isn't likely to miss.

Stitched seem out of theme.

Dopple can mimic obey and repulsive to push your ranges attackers up to 6" closer to the enemy which should mean if the enemy double walked up you are now close enough to blast them away.

Plus I wouldn't take more than 5-6 stones with z she doesn't need them if played right.

This kind of play would be good for denial and slaughter style plays.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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Doppleganger obeys I have found to be unreliable. Im needing 10+ for an obey on her AND my totem. Not sure I can justify 8 points for a possible obey, though the repulsive is solid.

The idea of the stitched is for fog when facing other shooting, and card drawing ability.

This list could use Tuco as well I think :)

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Doppleganger obeys I have found to be unreliable. Im needing 10+ for an obey on her AND my totem. Not sure I can justify 8 points for a possible obey, though the repulsive is solid.

The idea of the stitched is for fog when facing other shooting, and card drawing ability.

This list could use Tuco as well I think :)

3 of those points are for the initiative flips.

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Depends how they are positioned. If you put them directly behind your models with guns, they can see out but get portable cover each turn they move, only issue is you need to move the stitched first so it lets your opponent know where you are planing to be:P

But basically it makes your models harder to hit without focusing or paired weapons:)

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Depends how they are positioned. If you put them directly behind your models with guns, they can see out but get portable cover each turn they move, only issue is you need to move the stitched first so it lets your opponent know where you are planing to be:P

But basically it makes your models harder to hit without focusing or paired weapons:)

I love portable cover but that strategy means you reduce usage of rapid fire from convict unless you burn obey to get position. I would rather use obey for another strike.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
clarity. stitched are not special force
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My bad they aren't they are just dolls. I kept thinking they were special forces.

Stitched will alter how you activate. Gun lines have a but more freedom to activate. So I would want the versatility so stitched would hinder that.

Tuco might be better pick. From shadows does make his ranged 8 good along with nimble. Plus he can get into melee ok.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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3 of those points are for the initiative flips.

You can copy two things with the Doppelganger, so if its just obeying you can copy Zoraida's Ca, getting you the suit and the Ca7 so just need any standard 7 like she does instead of the Mask. Ofc if there is another use for her, then that does not work, but i don't understand that model to well yet :)

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You can copy two things with the Doppelganger, so if its just obeying you can copy Zoraida's Ca, getting you the suit and the Ca7 so just need any standard 7 like she does instead of the Mask. Ofc if there is another use for her, then that does not work, but i don't understand that model to well yet :)

You would want to cast the two of z spells. The repulse so you can push your shooters 6" up. Which puts them in rapid fire range for convict. As for the gunsmith the 6" puts them at an obey to get to leadstorm range.

Dopple is perfect for z. That neg for initiative allows you to get a gunner in postion and leave hanging a bit more. You can feel more confident you will win the initiative so you can get first turn strike with a model.

Correct you can't copy the ca, but a ten is not high to give a paired model an extra strike.

Dopple can also copy the weapons too giving you another shooter. Dopple gives a lot of versatility to the crew.

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Doopleganger to obey more shots.

I don't know why people always go to the Doppelganger for extra obeys, when a Sorrow can do it better (higher Ca) for less than half the cost. You admittedly lose a wound from the linked model each activation, but the voodoo doll is expendible and Zoraida doesn't particularly care. :smugpuppet1

Sevorin is right about summoning wicked dolls when other spec forces are around. It just can't be done until the non-dolls are dead. I wouldn't let that stop you from taking gunsmiths or other special forces though -

Zoraida actually has quite alot of great options for shooting, and her obey/bewitch tricks can help you get the most out of those shooters you hire.

Off the top of my head, some great options are;

- Papa Loco/Pere Ravage (Preferably with a nurse for added explosiveness)

- McTavish/Sue (Possibly also with a Nurse, as they both can shrug off the sacrifice effect at end of activation)

- Von Schill (I shouldn't need to explain how good he is but I I do, see the relevant episode of the Aethervox)

- Specialist (Plenty of blasts for clearing out rats, gremlins etc)

- Jack Daw (Make your opponent discard their hand, then sacrifice their models)

- Convict Gunslinger (A classic, and still puts out some exellent damage. Plus suppressive fire is awesome)

- Ophelia LaCroix (Like Von Schill, but short and green with stupid-high damage output)

- Rami LaCroix (Probably the best Sniper available to Z)

- Gunsmith (More expensive than the 'slinger, slightly less damage on average, but tougher and more flexible)

- Tuco (Crazy Neverborn with a shotgun, pretty quick too)

- Stitched Together (pain in the arse models with a great WP-based attack)

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I don't know why people always go to the Doppelganger for extra obeys, when a Sorrow can do it better (higher Ca) for less than half the cost. You admittedly lose a wound from the linked model each activation, but the voodoo doll is expendible and Zoraida doesn't particularly care. :smugpuppet1

I agree with sorrows as an option for obey over dopple, but on multiple posts I have given reasons why I still go with the dopple. Here they are in one post.

2 spells worth casting in a list like this, obey and repulsive, need a 10 and a 6 not so ba

The neg twist to initiative is great for helping win crucial first strikes in following turns. Though I have lost plenty initiative flips with dopple.

Also she can mimic other traits that will help.

Last didn't mention this before because wasn't focused on comparing but she is another significant model.

So there is more than the quoted reason that you took to rose the dopple if it was just for the obey I see your case but there are other reasons.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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Heh personaly i find dopple to be one of the most over rated model in game people take her for all sorts of reasons and there is allmost all ways something better to take. Hell i jave played plenty of games where im happy for that neg flip when i want to wait the other player out of activations

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Dopple is situational and very much a finesse model, with list already stated the I would rotate dopple, and iggy depending on scenario. Dopple gives me a back field toolkit that is significant and can move up late, great for slaughter and stake a claim with list.

Iggy is great for objective scenarios where I need to move up and quick.

I love the model and usually have it in a z or Pandy list because it can help give me more flexibility. Tough model to kill with healing option. There are viable alternatives but like almost every model there value is based on the situation and some models fit in fewer, such as dopple.

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