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best objective grabber for ressers? Night terror, necropunkm, or crooligans?

fritz the cat

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I'm tempted to say that Crooligans seem like the most dedicated objective grabbers, but they are also most most expensive of the three. And, by default, slower. Night terrors almost needs to be 3 to abuse the Flock together. I've been thinking about Molly and Nurse-buffing a crooligan to make it really grabby, but that's more of an amusing thought than an actual plan, since it'd be such a big investment in stones.

So basically...dunno. I prefer the Night Terrors, though, since their aura boosts Seamus so well.

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Just from doing some theoryfauxing I came to the conclusion that with seamus atleast the night terrors were best aswell.

In comparison to necropunks: They lose out on some combat ability, but its negligible in both cases. They seem to lose out in total distance covered, but being a spirit and flying they gain a bit of flexibility in being able to manuever through terrain without penalty. The night terrors other abilities are more synergistic with seamus. And as far as survivability I'd say spirit is more beneficial that slow to die, which while nice doesnt really enable them to hold onto an objective.

In comparison to crooligans: The night terror has superior basic movement. Both their movement tricks seem comparible needing multiple models to enable them. With that point, the fact that night terrors are a point cheaper seem to make them far superior as overall you're saving 3 points on 3 models, which can go towards other necessities for your list. In larger point games I may favor the crooligans though as they could hop all over the place, and their cost wouldnt be so prohibitive. Also in larger games you can fit molly in there which enables you to actually take 3 of them, and have room for other assets in the crew. The corpses aswell in this case I'd say are rather beneficial.

In comparing crooligans to necropunks. Personally I hate the necropunk models, and the crooligans are pretty spiffy, so thats a major upside to me. Though purely from tactices perspective It seems that in smaller games necropunks are far superior, while in larger games crooligans offer more flexibility and options.

/end baseless speculation

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I'll chime in to say Necropunks are amazingly good if you have a model like Bete or Killjoy. I know Rezers use both. Slow to Die means they can be used as Homing beacons for Killjoy as they can do his (1) sacrifice action. With Bete you can get an extra move in before she pops into play.

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Personally i love the necropunk models (well, 2 of them) and will use them quite often with McMourning, but their leap just isn't reliable enough even though overpower and their combat abilities are reasonable (for a 3pt model anyway)

Night Terrors have become my go to objective pieces for both McM & Seamus at the downside of not leaving behind a corpse but Spirit & Hard to Kill makes them a nightmare for people to take out and i've only been using 2 at the moment... splitting a pack with our marcus player soon so i'll then have 3 to really work Flock Together some more

My biggest issue currently is resisting using them to jump anything, the only useful thing they've done for me in combat aside from die was tie up Rasputina (and NEVER use them to jump anything with black blood, fail fail fail, worse than dogs for that)

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Yeah, I'm afraid Crooligans don't really stack up against the current crop of low cost resser models. I *might* think they could be useful in packs of like 6 or more but at 4 SS a piece that is too much to spend on purely mobile units with low offense and low base movement with no ability to get an extra action of some sort.

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Yeah, I'm afraid Crooligans don't really stack up against the current crop of low cost resser models. I *might* think they could be useful in packs of like 6 or more but at 4 SS a piece that is too much to spend on purely mobile units with low offense and low base movement with no ability to get an extra action of some sort.

If one of their movement related abilities - Fog, Teleport - cost 0, or if they didnt have such a bad base move, they'd be cool. As it is, they have movement tricks, but they aren't maneuverable. Their interact+move is being massively overhyped. About their best use would be Line in the Sand but even then, 4 pts is just too much when you can have Night Terrors.

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From Nicodem point of view Crooligan are not bad at all. Necropunks suffer from dying fast when they separate from his block of troops. If you want to deliver Bête Noire or Killjoy, that's ok, but it means more reanimating to get all objectives too.

Night Terrors are awesome, but Nicodem at least cannot summon them - they cut into your initial crew budget and leave no Corpse Counters once they die.

Crooligans can be summoned for the cheap and the teleport lets them escape the threat and return to the block when needed (needs some luck too, most probably). Pretty good synergy with Nicodem's style of play.

So I have Molly's block on order and I'll be testing Crooligans excessively, but I think they'll generally be better choice for Nico than the Terrors (which may be situationally better).

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As others have said, I am a fan of the Night Terrors with Seamus and Kirai. Seamus even more so than Kirai because of their aura and because Kirai doesn't really need help getting objectives, and if she does, an insidious madness works well. With McMourning I typically play them in games of 40ss or more, in smaller games I find that 1 Necropunk acting on the flanks can get the job done with some Belle support. And that leaves me with 3 extra ss to spend on murdering. (I use Belles anyway.)

With Nicodem, I often find myself summoning a couple of Necropunks late game for last minute dashes to schemes and strategies, and because at that point, I should have the cards in hand for leaping. Or I start with a couple of them for Killjoy's Seal Team Six. (Shock and awe.) Night Terrors don't really see a spot in my Nicodem lists because of the no corpses and not being able to summon them.

Crooligans. I have yet to test them out, but they seem pretty solid in a bigger game with Seamus + Molly or Nicodem. Other than that...3ss > 4ss.

Edited by OldSundown
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If one of their movement related abilities - Fog, Teleport - cost 0, or if they didnt have such a bad base move, they'd be cool. As it is, they have movement tricks, but they aren't maneuverable. Their interact+move is being massively overhyped. About their best use would be Line in the Sand but even then, 4 pts is just too much when you can have Night Terrors.

I agree with this completely.

Crooligans are neat little models with Molly and Seamus, though.

But Night Terrors seem to work better in practically all fields related to objective grabbers.

And their bonus Wk after objective grabbing is nice if Molly's around, otherwise 4" isn't too much.

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Depends on master. I would say for most part a nurse and Necropunks can get objective turn one back to deployment. In 3-4 activations all for 8 ss cheaper than 3 night terrors and can provide the needy corpse counters for Nico and the doctor. Just need a high enough mask so 2 necros to ensure. This works great for treasure hunt.

For other objectives I will use mix of punks and crooligans.

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