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Help me sell Malifaux please!


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Does anyone have a suggestion for a few lines from the Malifaux background that really captures the essence of the world or story? I'm trying to put together some store signage and would like to put together a slick display for this game, seems worth it! Probably less than four sentences, one or two would be better.


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I wanted to give him a little more to work with, but I want a baseline, because comparisons make it much easier to sell.

Like D&D 4e, but requiring less paperwork is -not- valid, when no one you are trying to get into the game even knows what D&D 4e is. Same with like 40k only cheaper, easier to carry around, more balanced, and when one faction updates, they all update.

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Really just looking for some flavor text. I've read a bit of the fiction but I was wondering if there was a line that just hits people on an emotional level and gets your juices flowing.

"In the 41st millennium, there is only war."

"A Grim World of Perilous Adventure."

Simple, succinct, tells a story. Is there a "catch-phrase" for Malifaux?

I've often wondered why there are no memorable lines in movies to the degree that the '80s seemed to dole them out. Don't tell me our society has just lost the talent!

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Not sure how well it would work for a display but I point out that it is mini game that is on a small scale, with starter armies easy to pick up and play, but that the story line that goes with it adds a darker flavor to the game then the others, and then point out my favorite line from the Game Designer Notes on the first book and let them read it "There is no problem in Malifaux you cant fix by throwing a few dead hookers at" (don't have my copy with me sorry for the paraphrase), and then just hand them Seamus's box. They either balk and are offended and probably wouldn't play any way or interested and look at the other factions available. But I will admit I haven't Put that up as a sign over the Malifaux display (Yet)

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@Gryphon:Not really. 40k is really the only game that has taken on such a thing and that's simply a meme, created by the 3rd edition main rule book. A meme that people took a little too close to heart, which has lead to the phrase grimdark, which eventually lead to grimderp. Even if not everyone's heard the word grimderp before.

Sadly, I was a little too young when 40k didn't take itself seriously.

I suppose you could use "Bad things happen" or "Cheat fate or lose your soul".

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"Cheat Fate or lose your soul!" has been an ongoing one for a while now as I recall. I'd resort to that first. Something like cheating fate is one of those kind of ideas that just captures the imagination. Should be a good first line.

If you have room at the bottom, I'd include the "Bad. Things. Happen." If you can give any feeling of the game such as the iconic speared voodoo doll from the original Black Joker, this last line can really kind of seal it.

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I agree with the Voodoo Doll and BAD THINGS HAPPEN

I'd take the copy right off the back of Book 1, shortening one of the best sounding 40-word run-on sentences I've ever seen; editing an equally daunting 44-word run on; mention somewhere it's a skirmish game:

"Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish game using gothic, steampunk, victorian horror elements with a schnazzy dash of the wild west.

No longer trust the fickle fate of a dice roll, in Malifaux you use cards to lead your Crew to victory with strategy, tactics and resource management, and if that isn't enough, you can Cheat Fate.

Start a Scrap with as little as 4-6 miniatures ensuring a quick brutal fight. Take it to a brawl, brining in additional members of your faction or hire out mercenaries to do your dirty work!"

Make sure you've got a Seamus and a Pandora boxed set w/ Teddy in stock (Fluff-enuff to get the imagination going), Book 1 (for the artwork and base storyline), decks and the $15 rulebook on hand (for an even more economical start for your patrons)

... that would get me in -- the deal breaker was my FLGS owner telling me Kade and Teddy's ability to transposition during the game! Totally hooked!

Before that I had no interest in miniature wargames for 6 years...!

Edited by Seventeen
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Does anyone have a suggestion for a few lines from the Malifaux background that really captures the essence of the world or story? I'm trying to put together some store signage and would like to put together a slick display for this game, seems worth it! Probably less than four sentences, one or two would be better.


"A character-based skirmish game, where all characters are equal, but some are more equal than others"

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It's a great aspect of the fluff that gets one in! It's doesn't have to be in the Advert or poster you create... just slip it in as a little bit of extra info when you're talking about the game AFTER someone starts asking about Malifaux...

Dead hookers for the guys, giant evil teddy's for the ladies. It works every time.

I'll usually talk up the cards, the small crew size, the great story, and when the interest starts to wane, hit 'em with the hookers.

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-put up some posters that you are doing demo nights'

-give demos to store employees

-find a friend and game in a highly visible area

-run tournaments

-if you are in a middle of a game and you are approached, offer to give a demo after you are done or whenever they may be free.

-don't be pushy and don't be a used car salesman

-don't look down on other games, because they may like another game and they may want to play malifaux on the side. So do not insult games they enjoy in your sales pitch

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I must say I don't like Viktoria's Avatar art that much. I think the Book 1 Cover is still the one which is the most characterful when it comes to Malifaux as a game. Rules Manual front and back cover is OK too.

Rising Powers and Twisting Fates' covers are more about showcasing new things than trying to sell the entire game, IMO.

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I was trying to explain Malifaux to a friend and gave up and just pointed them to the web page. With all that info and background on there the one line they picked up on and commented on first was 'Bad, things, Happen'.

I think that phrase really sets you up to get into the background stuff so I'd use that. It means very little on it's own but does make you interested enough to find out more.

That phrase and some box art or even the wallpapers from the download area printed should do the trick.

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Rising Powers and Twisting Fates' covers are more about showcasing new things than trying to sell the entire game, IMO.

Strongly dissagree. The Rising Powers cover is what sold me on the game and the Arcanists as a faction, and I hadn't even seen any of the other showgirls at that point.

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