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The Literature that Inspired Malifaux

Vlad the Mad

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I'm not a Malifaux contributor, though I hope to be at some point. For myself, I would list as inspirations for my interest and ideas would be classic writings from H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes mysteries. I also loved the take on Victorian heroes and hints of steampunk-ness in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Probably fairly obvious examples, but all very strong influences. :)

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Wow, that's a hard question to answer inasmuch as it seems to well up from the scary place inside my head.

Cambris has a few of mine covered, as well as authors/directors like Joe Abercrombie, Cherie Priest, Tim Powers, Dante, Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Joel Rosenberg (without the C. in there), Tim Burton, Ridley Scott, David Lynch, Lous L'amour, Larry McMurtry, Ian Fleming, Cormac McCarthy, Jim Butcher, and dozens of other folks I don't have the time to come up with at the moment. ;)

Not to mention 25 years of gaming and thinking 'wouldn't it be cool if...' and finally getting a chance to let the imagination run wild.

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When I get my assignments for Keltheos. I'm inspired by a bunch of genres. Mostly Lovecraft style horror and spaghetti westerns. I love Howard, Lovecraft, Poe, L'amour, King, (I could list authors all day long). It's not just books. Television, old movies, and music from Kung Fu to the Murderdolls. It all gets mixed up in the jumble of thoughts I call my imagination:)

It is a lot about years of gaming and the wouldn't it be cool factor..or hey that's creepy, that'll keep them up at night. Thus you get stories about trains with the passengers that disappear, or aethervoxs that drive men to murder, last entries of constables fated to die all that kind of goodness:)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for all the names guys, I've spend the last hour on Wikipedia checking all the authors I wasn't familiar with.

Now, let's say you were to recommend one novel/story/series from each of the following authors, which one would it be?

Louis L'Amour:

Cormac McCarthy:

Tim Powers:

Jim Butcher:

Cherie Priest:

for Cormac the go to novel for me is "Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West" . The road is very good, but not very malifauxy.

I've not read a ton of Tim Powers, but I have read The Anubis Gates and liked it alot. I've seen pirates of the carribean, which I think is based on his book "On Stranger Tides"

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It has been a while since I read Perdido Street Station, but I think the towers in that city had cable cars on them, whereas the aircars are essentially tethered dirigibles. The influence there was general steampunk rather than that book specifically.

Not sure about the Widow Weaver's thought patterns. They seem fairly normal to me.

Oddly enough, the Widow Weaver had another name originally. If you notice, she doesn't actually do any weaving in the story... ;)

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Too many to name.

When I'm channeling creepy, though, I tend to think of House of Leaves.

I don't want overt slasher "He's the bad guy" kind of stuff, but more "What's out there" kind of stuff. The chapter of Pandora trapped in her nightmare had me carefully plotting to be sure there was nothing really coming to get her but still had some tension and anxiety.

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Cormac McCarthy is hands down the best author named in this thread, -he's the greatest living writer alive, and probably of the last 100-150 years- I'd highly recommend ANY of his books, but can't exactly say they are very Malifaux-y. Actually they aren't similar at all, except for general Western themes. Still, read them all.

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