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I don't believe they've been released yet, perhaps they'll be in packs of 2?

EDIT: Ah, I see on thewarstore preorder they are listed as a 3-pack being released in November. Its a little odd, yes, but you can use 4 in a brawl, perhaps some people will want to be able to use 4 unique official minis in certain official tournaments?

Edited by Mach_5
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Stitched are rare 3 and they only sell them in packs of 2, so wierd things happen. However. I would asssume this is a misprint

Or Hollow Waifs being restricted to two yet coming in a pack of two while many players are likely to start Leveticus with his box and end up with a spare. I haven't even picked him up yet and it's still bugging me.

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Or Hollow Waifs being restricted to two yet coming in a pack of two while many players are likely to start Leveticus with his box and end up with a spare. I haven't even picked him up yet and it's still bugging me.

Could always use the third as a Belle proxy, or a stolen...Or just mix it up a bit in games...

I like the fact there are three sculpts..but then i love alternate sculpts being available... ;)

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