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New Faction?


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I kind of think Malifaux has the potential to adopt a maketing strategy similar to Magic the Gathering, where at specific intervals some material is retired from the official play environment.

Perish the thought. This is one of the things that turned a lot of people away from GW....me for 1.

Buy some nice models, devote hours painting them - only to have the company turn them into pretty paper weights. No thanks.

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As I said, it's likely to alienate part of the fanbase. However, it is a highly successful markeing strategy and it could be applied to Malifaux. The company will have to do something to maintain sales or Malifaux, like so many games before, it will be forgotten. Anybody remember Void? My fully painted Syntha army is beautiful on the shelf.

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As I said, it's likely to alienate part of the fanbase. However, it is a highly successful markeing strategy and it could be applied to Malifaux. The company will have to do something to maintain sales or Malifaux, like so many games before, it will be forgotten. Anybody remember Void? My fully painted Syntha army is beautiful on the shelf.

I don't think anyone here would venture to state that there will be no Malifaux 2nd edition. I think we're a long ways a way from starting threads about it, as I think most of us would prefer to get at least another three years out of 1.5.

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I don't think anyone here would venture to state that there will be no Malifaux 2nd edition. I think we're a long ways a way from starting threads about it, as I think most of us would prefer to get at least another three years out of 1.5.

Sadly, books are a very small portion of the revenue stream. This is precisely why GW rejigs every new army list to make figures obsolete and introduce new must-have models. Adopting a strategy similar to MtG would at least permit you to continue enjoying your crew in casual games.

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Sadly, books are a very small portion of the revenue stream. This is precisely why GW rejigs every new army list to make figures obsolete and introduce new must-have models. Adopting a strategy similar to MtG would at least permit you to continue enjoying your crew in casual games.

There's always diversification. Puppet Wars, Licensing, CCGs, etc.

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Absolutely. Diversification is essential if the company is going to continue to prosper. However, that isn't a good reason to leave any single property fallow. The Malifaux skirmish game can continue to be a highly profitable and popular game, but to do so it has to stay fresh. That means changing things, one way or another.

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Absolutely. Diversification is essential if the company is going to continue to prosper. However, that isn't a good reason to leave any single property fallow. The Malifaux skirmish game can continue to be a highly profitable and popular game, but to do so it has to stay fresh. That means changing things, one way or another.

Agreed, but I think people expect to be able to continue using the models they've put effort into. If Malifaux we're a garbage Clix game, we'd be fine with rotating blocks.

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Unfortunately, that doesn't support continued sales. A loyal and happy fanbase that doesn't buy new models every month isn't going to do the company any good. So I guess it comes down to the question of what would you prefer? Planned obsolescense or continuous dillution and inevitable power creep? I mention inevitable power creep because there will need to be some incentive for players with complete crews to keep buying and it seems like the easiest option.

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So I guess it comes down to the question of what would you prefer? Planned obsolescense or continuous dillution and inevitable power creep?

Neither. Again, I think Henchmen and modes of play are the way to go, as well as introducing more terraclips. I don't think a CCG concept such as blocks works at all for tabletop minis.

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That could work. And if Wyrd goes in that direction I will be interested to see what happens. However, I think that strategy also has the potential for power creep and runs the risk of spreading the company's resources too thin. Another advantage of adopting a block system is that it would permit Wyrd to focus its creative and production resources on a smaller line of models, maintaining quality and meeting deadlines. An ever-expanding range would most likely lead to problems in both areas.

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As I mentioned in an earlier post, I can see a time when there may be a problem with the number of models getting out of hand. but, I believe that there are answers to this problem...I don't know what they are, but I never claimed to be a smart fella'....fortunately, the guys at Wyrd seem pretty smart and I believe they'll come up with something.

I also don't believe that this particular problem is actually going to be a problem for several years to come, so there is time to figure it out. Wyrd has already shown a trend that they are thinking years down the road.

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imp, I am also of strong opinion that a block cycle would do more harm than good for Wyrd. Too many hours of hard work go into painting up a crew proper to have it useless after a book or two. Clix figs or Magic cards require the time it takes to get them out of the box or wrapper to be ready. No real investment required after the fact. GW is losing a lot of ground, I think, in part because of their codex cycling, power creep, and unit obsolescence. After 10 years PP is stronger than ever, and all their units are more or less like theyve always been, and still present in the rules. I can see new strategies and schemes cycling in and out, but I cant see the figs doing the same. People will keep buying Wyrd's stuff if we're given the illusion that we want to buy it, not because we HAVE to. :happypuppet1

As for a new faction, I dont think there will be one. I think they planned out the factions pretty well, and unless the Tyrants get their own faction, I cant think of any reason to add a 6th. I hope there will be new masters down the road, but im fine with the current 20. Im sure book 4 will be all about special forces and henchmen. I think they will be the key to diversity. Im sure Wyrd has been thinking about what Malifaux's direction is for several years ahead. Just trust them. They have been doing pretty awesome the past two years if you ask me.

Also, a prediction on henchmen: there will be rules to make any minion a henchmen(take a look at the ronin's drifter rule), making tons more crew leaders.

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It's true that Privateer continues to be a major

force. However, I think they have achieved that by exiting the skirmish market somewhat. When Warmachine got started, five figures to a side was common. The last Hordes game I saw looked closer to twenty pieces per side. Malifaux following suit would make me very sad. And I'm not sure if the card mechanics are really suitable.

Anyway, it's all just meaningless speculation. And even if they were to shift to a cycling format, I doubt that it would be more often than every couple years. Or that an entire collection would become obsolete. It would merely require the purchase of a new master figure and learning how thier abilities best synergize with the rest of your collection.

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Book 5 possible, without question it will be the three kingdoms, there's a lot fluff on them and they are rumoured to have their own breach into Malifaux

In Malifaux, China digs hole to you!

It would merely require the purchase of a new master figure and learning how thier abilities best synergize with the rest of your collection.

There's already too much of that with building a crew around a Strategy.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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There are four winds of Aetheric magic in Malifaux, each of the Factions mainly uses one of them, with the exception of Outcasts that mixes them together in interesting and new ways. Even if Sonnia leaves the Guild she will probably still draw power from the same wind so would fall into that Faction. I could see henchmen appearing that use the wierd versions of a wind but would still fall into one of the Factions. Eg. A rebel group of Death Marshals that use what they have learnt chasing the Resurrectionists and start using the Carrion Wind to extend their life after death and improve themselves would fall under Resurrectionists, but they could have very strict hiring limitations that stop them mixing with their own faction, or could all be Special Forces mercenaries.

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I don't think anyone here would venture to state that there will be no Malifaux 2nd edition. I think we're a long ways a way from starting threads about it, as I think most of us would prefer to get at least another three years out of 1.5.

I kinda think the rules manual was 1.5. But 2nd edition I would hope is a few years out.

I think a company can stay successful expanding there minions without brand new factions. Especially with Malifaux system of open drafts crews. You can keep play 35 stones games but have 200 stones in models usable at a tourney.

I really hope Wyrd never makes models obsolete or forces us to play larger games. Know the guys in charge I don't see that happening.

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Coming from both GW and Privateer Press, I'll be content with more minions and possibly more henchmen. I really got sick quickly of the number of 'new' warcasters since Mark II came out who no one takes...it's hard to balance models that are supposed to be as powerful as a Warcaster or Warlock, (or Master) and it just became annoying to see release after release with high expectations followed by: What's the point of this guy? We know what he does, but we already have others who do better.

I think so long as Wyrd keeps making Minions who are worthwhile and characterful, they'll be fine as they keep going.

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Instead of seeing a new faction I would like to see things like the tyrants show up in the game. Something where it's one massive figure that basically plays itself (pending card flips) and is tough to beat, so you can play a game by yourself or do a co-op mission to see who can survive the longest/kill the tyrant quickest. Another thing I would like to see along those lines is more gameplay lie the carver, a tough universal enemy that gets controlled at random. Objective based minions, like the guild governor, where every other faction wants to kill him but the guild wants to keep him alive (if that changes at the end of book 3 don't tell me). Basically, I think story based figures that are fun to play with would be a good idea.

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I think easiest way to introduce a new faction would be to make them an Outcast. As it is now, each Outcast master is it's own unique sub-faction; Levi with constructs and undead, Som'er with the gremlins, Viks with the mercs, Hamelin and his rats. It's not ideal, but it would be much easier than creating a whole new faction with 4 masters, a henchmen and a billion minions.

Faction books are inevitable, I think. It's unfortunate for the veteran players, but consolidating all of the information for each faction really helps anyone new getting into the game.

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I see some people are getting back to the OP. Although the conversation about what Wyrd should do to stay in business overall was entertaining, I'm going back to the OP as well.

The main point of the thread was really to gauge if people were thinking about or desired a new faction at all.

Ratty's point about the Aetheric winds and how they coincide with the factions is fairly obvious, but I don't see how that in itself should limit the number of factions.

I like the idea of a Ten Thunders faction, but I see that going more as a Henchman route with Misaki getting the bump. Although the fluff certainly hints at a pretty big society (allies and rivals) back on this side of the breach that should have plenty of info to draw from to form a new faction.

If the Ten Thunders conquer or unite other families, I'm sure there would be plenty of unique characters.

I like Gollum's idea of the masses against a Tyrant. And I've always liked models that are bad nasties and are randomly controlled.

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Seems like you could do Ten Thunders without creating a new faction. They're already Outcast.

Agree. I just think that if a new faction was possible, Ten Thunders could do it. That of any "good" Kung-Fu Theater movie or a jap-anime and there's always tons of good characters of Master and Minion variety. All with different styles and abilities. All the different martial styles would easily translate into casting styles.

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