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A discussion of Book 3's Big Big Spoiler

Jonas Albrecht

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I agree he was interested, but healing the undead monstrosity, dominating it (So he could call on it for assistance later) then allowing it to bound off into the woods and saving it from its demented creator.....at least that's the angle I read and with most things in life people always disagree.....its what makes everything interesting.

But your angle ignores the story written. McMourning gives him the RN.

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I love Malifaux and though some of the book three fluff was very good (Loved the Stalker story) I think that the fluff is moving away from a nice small stage. By this I mean that the conflict between the fractions now seems to be of a lower concern than these huge tyrant entities. I liked the idea of a much smaller level of conflict, the Guild imposing a rigid law, the arcanist crime syndicate twisting the work force of malifaux against the guilds brutal control. The resurrectionists working to abuse the magic and arcane tech of old malifaux. The outcasts with there own agendas and loyal only to themselves and with the neverborn as "the monsters in the shadows".

However we now have a background building up to some huge world shattering calamity that could even threaten earth? Its all gone a bit...to big and quite distant from what could have been a much tighter narrative.

Just my opinion anyway.

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The Myranda/Douglas link was the most fun bit of fluff for me in the Book, next to the Adventures of Molly and Phillip. Who has now gone completely nuts apparently.

I found the fluff in this one interesting. It was a lot slower paced than the previous two (lacking something on the scale of Kythera or the fight at Nicodem's castle), more picking up the pieces from Book 2 and buliding up to the next one.

Still a tad bothered by a lack of page time Somer has. I know he's a Gremlin but everyone else in Malifaux is chasing after these Tyrants, whilst he's still trying to find the right end of a Boomer.

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Until Douglas met up with Marcus, I was almost certain that he had been tutored by a certain someone, since it mentions that he studied under someone in Ingolstadt.

That Marcus would've lectured in Ingolstadt seems almost too much of a coincidence.

Is Marcus... *drumroll* Victor Frankenstein?!

I thought he was Moreau?

Nice catches! Bit of a tip of the hat to those.

McM would be more Frankenstein, as both studied in Ingolstadt. Marcus is definitely more Moreau, and taught/lectured in many places - each of them slightly tributary to different characters in literature. Which is why, earlier in this thread, it's odd to think of Marcus as all druid-y and loving his animals. He's out to twist and turn and break them into something much different than nature created, right? Himself and Myranda included. Would he care than McM tore animals apart to create what he did? I don't think so. He's doing it, too! He's much more brutal and violent - much like nature.

The Myranda/Douglas link was the most fun bit of fluff for me in the Book, next to the Adventures of Molly and Phillip. Who has now gone completely nuts apparently.

I found the fluff in this one interesting. It was a lot slower paced than the previous two (lacking something on the scale of Kythera or the fight at Nicodem's castle), more picking up the pieces from Book 2 and buliding up to the next one.

Still a tad bothered by a lack of page time Somer has. I know he's a Gremlin but everyone else in Malifaux is chasing after these Tyrants, whilst he's still trying to find the right end of a Boomer.

To your second point: I don't think there's a lack of exciting moments - just much more expository narrative surrounding it. If you look at the conflict, there's actually more in Book 3 than previous books, but there's much more writing all over in the core storyline, certainly contributing to the slower pace you perceived. More like a small novel, I suppose. But, I tried to create tension in alternative ways than always rely upon the basic formula of "this crew has a very violent conflict with this crew". The book opens with Hoffman all freaked out and confused as he attacks Ramos but then welcomes Ramos' help.

That's part of the idea anyway. :)

Thanks, all, for the criticism. Good to see what's working and not!

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To your second point: I don't think there's a lack of exciting moments - just much more expository narrative surrounding it. If you look at the conflict, there's actually more in Book 3 than previous books, but there's much more writing all over in the core storyline, certainly contributing to the slower pace you perceived. More like a small novel, I suppose. But, I tried to create tension in alternative ways than always rely upon the basic formula of "this crew has a very violent conflict with this crew". The book opens with Hoffman all freaked out and confused as he attacks Ramos but then welcomes Ramos' help.

That's part of the idea anyway. :)

I used a wrong turn of phrase. Everything was still excited and I loved all of it. What I meant (like you pointed out) was there wasn't a big, summer action blockbuster explosion filled ending. Which was fine. The story didn't need it.

Now what it does need is more Peaches! =)

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I loved the fluff. I love that there is a definite feeling that the Masters all know each other and are not necessarily aware of their conflicts of interest.

Also, that they'll all be struggling to survive in a war that is way above the faction level. Factions seem so unimportant in real game terms (cross hiring being rife etc), nice to see the same in the story.

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I like that we got more Marcus info. I think a lot of peoples assumptions of him was that he was some magic doctor doolittle with a hippy girl sidekick. Which honestly didn't fit well with the other arcanists.

Doctor Moreau, on the other hand, fits much better.

Now I want special rules that let Marcus and McMourning team up in a brawl.

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it's odd to think of Marcus as all druid-y and loving his animals. He's out to twist and turn and break them into something much different than nature created, right? Himself and Myranda included. Would he care than McM tore animals apart to create what he did? I don't think so. He's doing it, too! He's much more brutal and violent - much like nature.

I guess it all depends how you view the Malifaux universe and how you interpret the bits of fluff. I personally don't really see everyone in faux being dark and twisted. I think there are already enough games out there with "Grim 'N' Dark" being the base line of everything and everyone.

Until something is written which in my mind explicitly shows Marcus being twisted or evil etc I will continue to see his character as an animal lover.

But as always this is only my opinion.....

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