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The Big Fat Tier Debate

Jonas Albrecht

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Are you seriously going to keep doing this for a full year? Because man... It was amusing the first time or two but you're laying it a bit thick.

On serious thought provoking threads with constructive advice and criticism. No

On the silly threads, like the OP meant this one to be judging by his first response. Yeah

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Tiers are a bit silly because 80% of it is personal skill....the other 20% is this tier you all speak of.

Tier 1 Masters: Hamelin, Perdita, Lilith, The Viktorias, Seamus

Tier 2 Masters: Lady Justice, Ramos, Nicodem, Pandora, Somer

Tier 3 Masters: Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, %*&^ing fix Marcus

I am hesitant to put people like Pandora, Colette, and/or Kirai on there because they are truly "SKILL" masters, very finesse-y sort to deal with.

No, Marcus and/or Ramos are not like that because even at their best they don't stand toe-to-toe with someone like Perdita, Hamelin, or Lilith.

Argue if you will, this is a debate...and I suspect constant debasing or at least doing your best to ignore me.

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What about Hoffman's Rainbow list (copyright Zee)

Hoffman (Red)

Mechanical Attendant (Red)

Hanged (thanks to Jack Daw) (Green)

Steampunk Arachnid (Blue)

Copellius (Purple)

Jack Daw (Gold)

34 Stones of fun. And yes, it can be effective as well as fun. :)

When they combine does captain planet show up?

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I cannot wait to get home on a pc to tell you all off for putting Marcus so low!

To be honest and not sarcastic at all...I would love to hear it.

I've tried to play with him and against him and even in a Triple Threat match and 2v2s and he doesn't hold up to the other people we play with/against.

Maybe you guys have some key that we're forgetting.

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To be honest and not sarcastic at all...I would love to hear it.

I've tried to play with him and against him and even in a Triple Threat match and 2v2s and he doesn't hold up to the other people we play with/against.

Maybe you guys have some key that we're forgetting.

That would be the Blue Key.

It was back in the room with the bull demon.

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You having success with Marcus does not make Marcus a good master.

But apparently it means he's obviously having astonishing luck in spite of how bad Marcus is. Give him the benefit of a doubt that he may have actually figured out how to make him work, if you don't mind.

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But apparently it means he's obviously having astonishing luck in spite of how bad Marcus is. Give him the benefit of a doubt that he may have actually figured out how to make him work, if you don't mind.

I'm sure he has. And that's good for him. However, his argument boils down to "I win with him."

I have won 20-plus player tournaments with Ogres. I wouldn't call them competitive by a long stretch. ;)

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Ukrocky Just ignore JPRoth he has some hatred for Marcus and I don't think we will ever know why. Odds are is that he started with Marcus wanted him to be great and lost a ton of games with him or he believes the internet which is against Marcus and JP is now the prime vocal piece of. Or Marcus stole his girlfriend and mother in the same night.

To the actual opp I only go with master no Henchmen.

Tier one. Pandora, The Dreamer, Kiari, Colette, Haimlin, Levi, Perdita, Nico.

Tier Marcus. Raspy, Marcus, Mcmorning, Lady J, Hoff, Criid, Lilith, Z, The Viks.

Tier Three. Seamus(I think its his minions/ Summoning ability), Ramos(I really just don't get him), Som'er(I have yet to see him played so he can change.)

This being said I think there is not a huge gap and I could easily move some master up or down one notch.

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