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The Lawyer: Does Anyone Use Him


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Love the model, no fan of the way he plays. I find he's too slow to reach objectives in time, he's bloody expensive and as soon as he gets any attention he goes belly-up faster than you can sneeze (be especially mindful of models with paired weapons). I think he's best used in support of a gunline list. His most powerful ability is definitely the morale duel (but that doesn't work against half of the models out there), although Censure and HtW2 shouldn't be underestimated. Quick note on Censure though: if your opponent is sufficiently motivated he'll just drop the cards and whoop you anyway, so never make the mistake of thinking you've stopped the target in any reliable way. Both Censure and HtW2 require the Lawyer to activate as early in the round as possible, forcing you on the defensive where a good offense could prove at least as effective.

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I've used him on a few occasions, useful but as said above he needs to activate early to be of use, from the 2nd turn onwards I usually just furious cast 3 HtW2 spells on key models like the Executioner and LJ. The morale duel I can see as being useful I've just personally not used it yet.

For me I think he's better in high SS games where the 7ss is less out of your total.

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as said above the second i saw his concept art i thought it was one of the coolest things i've seen. Love the model but game wise... disappointing so far. In every occasion that i've used him i thought to myself "judge would of been better". Not having a model that cannot damage the enemy at all really is hard.

don't get me wrong he has great abilities but i haven't played with him enough to see the value in bringing him in anything but a casual game yet...

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as said above the second i saw his concept art i thought it was one of the coolest things i've seen. Love the model but game wise... disappointing so far. In every occasion that i've used him i thought to myself "judge would of been better". Not having a model that cannot damage the enemy at all really is hard.

don't get me wrong he has great abilities but i haven't played with him enough to see the value in bringing him in anything but a casual game yet...

I think that's part of the problem - I value the abilities I have, but I'm not sure I value them at 7pts... Some of the best Guild Models are in the 7pts range (Nino, Santiago, Judge, Executioner, etc) and unlike those other options, he just can't bring the pain...

He's a great support piece, but I'm rarely playing a large enough game to justify such an expensive support piece... I need to play him more, but its hard to think of exactly when I'll be needing him to complete the strategy over something else...

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Both Censure and HtW2 require the Lawyer to activate as early in the round as possible, forcing you on the defensive where a good offense could prove at least as effective.

Actually, Censure lasts until target's next activation, so nothing wasted.

I agree with most of the above posts, and see him an expensive utility piece. I run him occasionally in my Marcus crew with Myranda (because of her ability to use his spells for herself, getting lots of HTW's and morale duels out there) but generally save him for when I'm going against hoard crews that have low weak/moderate damage attacks. And prosecute the first engagement turn is a nice annoying disruptor with a not horrible range of a foot.

But yeah, it can be a tough sell for him over a nice damage-dealer of the same cost.

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Lawyer = awesome. I've been meaning to rant about this for some time because I hardly ever see any lawyer love on the forums but he's one of my favorite minions.

Defense has a 12" range so he doesn't have to be near the action or move to be effective on your half of the board. Defense goes really well with guild guards. Hard to wound 2 + armor 1 makes for a VERY hard to kill guy. I havent gotten a chance to try it with the non-Lucius masters yet but I'm looking forward to wrecking house.

I've never used Cross Examination because my friends all play spirits, constructs, etc., but I imagine it's nice.

Censure is delicious. I like to lock enemies into melee and censure strikes so he essentially loses his turn if he doesnt discard two cards per victim. They may be his lowest two cards, but if you land two or three censures he'll have to choose between devastating his hand or losing turns with his models. Either is good for you. It also gets his hand empty for those decapitates and headshots. Besides, just because its the lowest card in his hand doesn't mean it's not useful. I often use my lowest cards to some effect during the turn.

Closing argument = death. It's got a one inch range, but anything I've ever hit with it has been dead before the victim gets his next non-paralyzed action. My favorite so far was Coppellius. The --flip on defense and resist is wonderful.

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I've only used the Lawyer once, but he was amazing. I was of course playing against gremlins who have low wp, but making Ophelia run across the table like a pansy with cross examine was just fulfilling. Plus she lost her next activation to rally.

I can also see where his usefulness could be lessened depending on who I was facing or how big a game I was playing, but I have to go with Therapist on this one. Getting your opponent to worry about a model that can't even do any damage is great, and helping them burn ANY cards out of their hand is always a plus, especially when you've got Nino or an Executioner on the table.

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Cost is high but i use him in Every Elite Division list i run. He neuters certain models if you dedicate your cards to it.

Making certain models not count as friendly is amazing and Defense is great. I usually walk him near my posses of Guild Guards and Captain or near Ryle and Lucius.

But he's expensive. Very very unfairly priced.

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Used him a few times and not a fan. Like others I loved the model and fluff. But I find him useless. Far to slow and df 3 with 6 wounds means he will die to most hits. Yes he has red tape but all the enemy has to do is used paired weapons or a focus strike and he is dead.

His spells are good but with needing 7+ to cast them all, you are going to have to cheat to get most off. Tried him in a Lucius crew but lucius needs all those high cards for issue command.

He a non-lucius crew I find him far to slow. With a 3" walk in a game he can only travel 36" a game if I use all AP for walk which you arnt going to do.

7ss is far too much for him, if he was 5ss or 6ss I may take him.

Real shame as he was my favourite Guild minion in book 2 in terms of fluff.

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He is a very good model. A lot of people on the boards underestimate censure (I personally feel its his best ability).

The best thing about him to me is he is like abuela in that he is a support mechanism. He can do alot of stuff except damage and lets be honest if your running guild you really shouldn't worry about possibly one model in your crew (minus totem) that doesn't do great damage.

I find censure on "good" models is a great way to hand deplete your opponent lining up a later activation executioner/nino for one hit kill abilities.

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