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Alternate Avatars


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I don't have the book yet but would that mean that in a brawl I just have to say I have an avatar but not which of my 2 masters it is?

Nope. It specifically says to state which masters have avatars attached, but not which avatars.

I think its open ended so they can add more Avatars to masters if they want later. Who knows how it will pan out.

This is my thought also - I believe it is either just like this - which is nice that they at least have the forethought that it might happen, or the sneaky devils already have something semi-planned - they are known for planning pretty far in advance.

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Actually, I'm quite curious to know what they're planning for future books. As of Twisty Fates, everything they appeared to have planned during book 1 seems to now be complete.

Didn't they say, that there would be a book about special Forces (more than in rising powers) ?

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Yes they have said the next book will flesh out the special forces. I am guessing another henchmen or two for each faction and then a large number of minions as most of the special forces are abit bare. Dont think there will be any more masters.

We may also see the rules for upgrading minions to henchmen.

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Yes they have said the next book will flesh out the special forces. I am guessing another henchmen or two for each faction and then a large number of minions as most of the special forces are abit bare. Dont think there will be any more masters.

We may also see the rules for upgrading minions to henchmen.

I have a feeling they have scratched the idea of upgrading minions into Henchmen. It probably was in the initial plan, but the new Henchman rules don't seem to have any place for upgrading.

It is going to be strange if and when they add new masters to the game. Rules wise, to make it fare they would need to have an Avatar form, but story wise they would really have to pull it out of their ass. Were they effected by the event? Where were they when they were effected? How are they affiliated with their set faction? I'm sure they have it figured out though, so far Wyrd has not done things half assed.

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It is going to be strange if and when they add new masters to the game. Rules wise, to make it fare they would need to have an Avatar form, but story wise they would really have to pull it out of their ass. Were they effected by the event? Where were they when they were effected? How are they affiliated with their set faction? I'm sure they have it figured out though, so far Wyrd has not done things half assed.

There's no reason a new master couldn't be new to Malifaux, our newly awakened to their power since the event in book 2. An avatar form wouldn't even be necessary for balance (not right away at least) since the game isn't designed to be balanced master-to-master but faction-to-faction.

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Hell, I'm still expecting either master versions of henchmen or maybe even avatars. I mean, Lucius is pretty heavily hinted that he is packing a very big secret that makes him a monster and Molly having constant contact with the Gorgon's Tear can't be a good thing.

That and I hope a master can't be the avatar of two things, it would feel too much like digimon "Seamus digivolves into... AVATAR OF PIMPING!".

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