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Gremlin Clarification


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I've been reading the forums for only a couple of days now and came across some interesting reading in regards to the Gremlin box sets.

The basic explanation I've been given of Malifaux is that any box set is learner friendly and you can pretty much just pick up and go. However, some reading on here has led me to question if that is the case with the Gremlins as well? I have a huge love for Gremlins and Goblins, that sense of humour is completely my style and between the Som'er Teeth Jones and Ophelia box sets I can't decide because they're both hilarious and great looking.

Are Som'er Teeth and Ophelia new player friendly?

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When it comes to box sets most of them are decent to run right out of the box. I know a couple of them are bad (Looking at you McMourning), but they are all a great place to learn the game from. Now, will you be Min/Max'd from the get go? No, but you have to start somewhere.

I know Som'er has a couple of different crew types you can run (gunline, skeeters, pigs, etc), his box gives you an okay mix of units to familiarize yourself with. He does have a lot of options, so stick with whatever floats your boat.

Ophelia is pretty straight forward. Take some time to read the cards and tacticas and you'll be proficient with her within a game or so.

Disclaimer: I don't play grems, but I think they're awesome! Hope you pick them up.

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Som'er takes some tweaking and getting use to and you really can't just get the starter and go. You will need to buy the extras to make him really decent.

Now Ophelia's box is ready to go straight out of the box but add in the Slophualers and Youngins for a little extra and it is tournament ready. Also if you want Som'er to go, adding in some of the LaCroixs' really helps him a lot. Ophelia herself prevents the Gremlins from shooting each other, and Rami is just a pain in everyone's @**.

So in summary, if you want a crew to go straight from the box go with the LaCroix box. If you want flexibility with play styles work on building Som'ers crew but expect to buy more than you would with Ophelia.

Just my opinion.

And looking at your forum name you are going to get stuck Green, which is all good.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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Due to the cheapness of Gremlins, Sommers box is lower in points cost than most of the others. If your opponent is happy to play at that lower point level it plays fine, but he is a cheap costing minion summoner, so owning more Gremlins that you put in the list is very handy.

I'd say His box works at the 15 pt level, where as most of the others are in the 20-25 pt range.

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Welcome to the bayou!

I picked Orphelia's crew after my first game, takes a lil getting used to but they'r awesome fun to play, I was also tempted with Mr Jones but I don't regret my decision to run the la croix's at all..

As mentioned above, throw in some young'ns, some slop haulers and a few standard gremlins and Youv got your self a mighty crew, the bonus of the la croix family, I feel, is the ability to alpha strike with the family, but with the cheapness of the other minions it very rarely leaves you being out activated after you dish out the pain.

Would advise reading pull my fingers tactica, there's a load of links in my earlier post about tips and tricks for gremlins, also.. remember you objectives.. very easy to get carried away.. Hehe


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Somer is a great master but not what I would consider a good beginer crew mainly due to his higher initial cost (you are going to need a lot more models then are in his crew box) and a slightly more difficult playstyle (regardless of whether you decide to go with the Gremlin Gunline, The Alpha Stank, or the Pig Boomerang). They are great fun though.

Ophelia is a much more beginer freindly crew because of her rather strait forward playstyle and much lower initial crew cost. The Lacroixs are also great fun and it often amazes people how much damage they can pump out.

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The thing to remember also is if you get the Ophelia box and decide to go Som'er later you will still get use out of the LaCroix becuase they all still work and work well with Som'er. So if you are still debating on how to start that is something to chew on.

Also it should be noted that there are several new Gremlins coming out in Book three that will change some of Som'er's tactics, but it could take up to a year for them all to be released.

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Now before anyone here thinks we are suggesting you should go out and try home made Shine just ask yourself; Do you want to wake up feeling worse than you ever have before in your 'Life' wondering to yourself , "Where are my cloths?"

"Why is my wife burning my stuff?"

"Why is my house trashed?"

"Who's yard is this?"

"What state is this?"

"Why is there a video of me holding a goat screaming 'I'm Buck Rogers and this is Twiki and if you guys don't show me where Wilma is I will blast you all with my time powers. Beedy beedy beedy mother%#@$&!s!'?"


Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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If you like both Gremlin crew boxes, I'd recommend starting with Ophelia. Her box has a more complete package to play with than Som'er's does. You don't NEED the other stuff to play Som'er but with just some Bayou Gremlins and a War Pig, you're not gonna have much in the way of options or synergy out of the box with Som'er.

However, if and when you decide to get Som'er definitely start with his box as the 4x Bayou Gremlins and War Pig at a discount over their blisters is a great deal still and you'll use all of them routinely.

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Ophelia is one of the better starting crews in that the box is all useful and needs only two blisters to make a very formidable crew. Get a blister of basic Gremlins and a blister of Slop Haulers. Young 'Uns are also good, but they are insignificant so if getting just two blisters, I feel that the first two I mentioned are better. But once you have the Young 'uns, there is not much more to the crew and you can start either looking at expanding to Som'er or another crew altogether.

So yeah, an excellent crew to start with. Plus, they are really powerful. The only downside is that they really struggle in a couple of match-ups (Hamelin, Dreamer, Pandora) so if your regular opponents favor those crews, I would go with something else than Gremlins altogether.

Also it should be noted that there are several new Gremlins coming out in Book three that will change some of Som'er's tactics' date=' but it could take up to a year for them all to be released.[/quote']

I thought there was only one new Gremlin? Edit: oh yeah, and the non-gremlin gator dude who can can be hired by gremlins.

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