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What is an Alternate sculpt?


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I see all the GenCon alternate sculpts and I have no clue what they are for? Are they the same character with the same stats and just a different sculpt or does it come with different stats? They look awesome, I just want to know if they do more than just look awesome for game play?

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The only thing I find strange is that alternative sculpts like Seamus seem to show him after his Avatar transformation, even though he can't do it in game.

But I'm still very grateful for these sculpts and hope it continues with other non-unique models. I imagine them doing sidekicks (Sybelle, Myranda, etc) then the major minions (Belles, Gremlins, etc) and possibly popular rare models (Flesh Construct, Mature Nephilim, etc). I say it bring it on :D

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  • 2 months later...
The only thing I find strange is that alternative sculpts like Seamus seem to show him after his Avatar transformation, even though he can't do it in game.

Actually, I believe it is a reference to a very certain movie poster.

And if you don't know which one I'm talking about, Dr. Alv is prescribing you a night of Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and capping it off with the incredibly awesome Army of Darkness. If you still can't figure out what I'm talking about, there is no help for you.

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actually i've been musing over the lasst release schemes and the quantity of m iniatures released per month and i came up with something quite interesting:

- every month since October we've been getting 2 alternate MAster sculpts with the according Avatars. makes a 10 months release period as we have 20 masters in the game.

- Book 3 gives us 30 new minios: according to the release plans they will come in alternating 2 and 3 Packs... so one Month is 2 of them, the next 3 and then the naex 2 again and so on...

makes a time Period of 12 months.

- The alternate sculpting of "old" minions... we'll they seem to come as a "boost" in the months when the "new" minios are consigned to 2... makes 6 alternate minios in the next 12 months...

altogehter as long as the masters "last" this gives us a solid 7 minis per month....

what do you guys say...? just pushing numbers or might there be some truth in it...

btw. 12 month would mean perhaps there is a 4th book in the making....

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I can't say how happy I am to see Wyrd releasing alternate sculpts. I like doing conversions and such, but but this is something I'd always hoped to see some other companies do in the past, but very rarely saw.

It gives Wyrd more product to sell without glutting the game with an overabundance of minion types which too often leads to a lot of OP combos popping up. A couple new choices per book for Masters is just fine.

And most players I know really dislike having two (or more) of the same model on the table, so are either converting models or looking elsewhere for suitable models'

So I see alternate sculpts as a win/win situation for everybody.

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