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Avatar Marcus


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Hello there, Shawn again. Well I ended up going to GenCon this weekend signed up for the Master of malifaux and the story event. I brought rasputina and marcus, hoping to take advantage of the new avatar form marcus had. Well, lets just say I'm completely and utterly dissapointed and I will try to go in depth as to why. Lemme turn around and get book 3 out of my backpack before I continue this post. Might as well bring out book 1 for comparison.

So, everyone knows marcus's crew problems, He is just alittle slower than collette's crew with not as much damage output as rasputina. Still I do pretty well with him. I think personally he would be so much better with even just nimble. Not fast, as I think that would be asking too much and make him too good at certain strategies and schemes. So basically to become a avatar you gotta either hit someone with your built in primal reaction trigger or cast feral twice. That's all good, you can pretty consistantly bring out avatar marcus on turn 3-6 every game. What does it get you though? Not much in my personal opinion.

So avatar marcus, I paid like 30 something bucks for this single model I thought was going to be a must have. Looking to my right at book 3, he doesnt change alot. Gains 1 wp, 1 base df, 1 wd.Companion two beasts, You get flight, +1 cb to beasts, fast. I don't wanna explain chimeric assaulst but its just terribad. God awful bad. Evolution confluence is a spell he gets to make it better but you need a 8 or better of books and It becomes 3/4/6 with poison 2. Onslaught trigger. There are non master models with damage output similar to that. Then he gets instinctive behavior which requires a Ram, and Roar which requires a Book. Honestly, I think instinctive behavior followed by roar are his strongest abilities and needs, perhaps nimble on top of fast to help with schemes, or a serious bump to something. Your playstyle with marcus doesnt change at all. He loses what makes him barely playable and thats wildheart, which is where he gains all his speed from. This isnt completely comprehensive complaint, just the highlights. You have to pay two points for it and either engage a model in combat or waste a 1ap to use feral.

Basically this Ugly model, with a terrible face by the way, is a complete waste of money in my opinion because the rules don't make marcus much better except in the combat area if you can get onslaught going. And in many ways he is much weaker. Especially in the speed department, which wins games. 99 percent of the time you don't even have to kill a model to win a strategy or a scheme, and if its announced he is most likely too slow to catch it.

I didn't play with rasputina all weekend, because I wanted to use marcus as much as possible. All I gotta say is there were several raspy players in the bottum rungs of the tournament and mostly neverborn at the top. On her avatar form which is unreleased, I think everything I have to say on her may be expressed by letting you know, she loses decembers curse. And glancing at the rules to my left I can say her avatar is practically worthless. Decembers Maw and hungry winds look good. She can summon a gamin, discarding a corpse counter. YAY! Big deal. Watch out now, ice golems get +1 walk. Oh $$$$$$$$. LOok OUT. Basically she is much hard to kill and it'd help once she got in base to base, which was her biggest problem. I still want decembers curse back.

Honestly, I didnt even stick around for the story encounter tournament as I was so dissapointed with my performance and the book 3 rules for my crews. The masters whom were already good have amazing rules and marcus and rasputina got the shaft again.

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I'm confused by some of your points on pre-avatar Marcus. He doesn't need nimble at all. He can currently charge an effective 20", or move 16". He's an absolute awesome character for objectives, with an ability to hit stuff so hard, so much harder than Collette.

If you think instinctive behaviour and roar are two of his best abilities, somethings going wrong! But seriouisly, pre-avatar Marcus was much better than everyone said, he's fast enough with the ability to hit hard enough, and I can't help but feel you're looking at aMarcus and aTina in the wrong light too.

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Well, marcus is a bottum tier master. There isnt any denying it at this point or your just living in your own world. It's completely common knowledge. And Colette doesn't hit as hard as marcus, but she is a monster with magicians duel and her doves. As fast as marcus is, her crew is still faster.

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Her crew might well be faster but it's a ton, and i mean a ton, less flexible/adaptable. Especially in terms of crw building. Add into that that when I played shared destroy the evidence vs collette at a tournament, I managed to destroy the centre evidence on my first activation, before the Collette player. Speed ftw.

He isn't a top tier, but I also think that he's miles ahead of Ramos, Tina, Som'er, Hoff, Nicodem and quite a few others. I would say he's middle tier as opposed to bottom.

I do often live in my own world when it comes to wargaming, as I often manage to find ways to make the 'lower tier' become very good indeed, often in tournament settings.

I do deny marcus is a bottom tier master, as I have had next to no bad experiences with him.

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Her crew might well be faster but it's a ton, and i mean a ton, less flexible/adaptable. Especially in terms of crw building. Add into that that when I played shared destroy the evidence vs collette at a tournament, I managed to destroy the centre evidence on my first activation, before the Collette player. Speed ftw.

He isn't a top tier, but I also think that he's miles ahead of Ramos, Tina, Som'er, Hoff, Nicodem and quite a few others. I would say he's middle tier as opposed to bottom.

I do often live in my own world when it comes to wargaming, as I often manage to find ways to make the 'lower tier' become very good indeed, often in tournament settings.

I do deny marcus is a bottom tier master, as I have had next to no bad experiences with him.

i don't like the idee of tier masters, i can beat lilith with marcus, and i can play realy good with my nicodem crew and raspy crew.

but i have to agree with the part about finding ways to make "lower" crews/armies better and even annoyingly strong

here again i make my point about just having some fun, painting models you like, and not because they are strong.

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As for Tina if she is the same as she was. Giving every body shatter then being immune to it as well is good. Not to mention if she still has her trigger of, if she kills a model in melee they get shatter 4. Four points of damage is pretty good. December's maw is good, wish it was kill instead of sacrifice.

But overall she isn't horrible, she changes her playstyle.

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i don't like the idee of tier masters, i can beat lilith with marcus, and i can play realy good with my nicodem crew and raspy crew.

Yeah and don't hassle the Hoff. He has the strongest Melee attack in the game(pre book 3).

Marcus is not bad, he is just tough to learn and tricky to play. He could be better and more straight forward but if all the Masters were easy the game would be boring.

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Looking to my right at book 3, he doesnt change alot. Gains 1 wp, 1 base df, 1 wd.Companion two beasts, You get flight, +1 cb to beasts, fast. I don't wanna explain chimeric assaulst but its just terribad. God awful bad. Evolution confluence is a spell he gets to make it better but you need a 8 or better of books and It becomes 3/4/6 with poison 2. Onslaught trigger. There are non master models with damage output similar to that. Then he gets instinctive behavior which requires a Ram, and Roar which requires a Book. Honestly, I think instinctive behavior followed by roar are his strongest abilities and needs, perhaps nimble on top of fast to help with schemes, or a serious bump to something. Your playstyle with marcus doesnt change at all. He loses what makes him barely playable and thats wildheart, which is where he gains all his speed from. This isnt completely comprehensive complaint, just the highlights.

Dude, that wasn't the highlights at all.

I think you need to take a closer look at AMarcus, because from what I understand of him you've explained maybe a third of his rules and didn't even go into some of the best bits (instinctive behaviour being one of the reasons I'm particularly excited about this guy, not to mention some of his actions). For reasons related to something I signed a few months back ( :rolleyes: ), I can't discuss it myself (at least until I have the book in my hands), but I hope someone else does.

AMarcus may lose Wild Heart and some other things but as with all of the Avatars, what he gets in return is worth the loss.

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While I am not at Gen Con and don't yet have the book in my hand I can't help but to feel your being totally unfair to poor Marcus. I'm still very new to the game and play with some guys that have been playing quites sometime and I have had pretty good luck with him as long as i keep my eye on the true goal of the game.

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Not to mention this kinda seems a little like rage because of a bad showing with him. Not a shot at the OP, I just feel like you should slow down a little and get to know aMarcus a little better. There is no way you got a complete perspective on him after just a weekend. (btw sry for 2 posts i got a little happy with the reply button!)

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Dude, that wasn't the highlights at all.

I think you need to take a closer look at AMarcus, because from what I understand of him you've explained maybe a third of his rules and didn't even go into some of the best bits (instinctive behaviour being one of the reasons I'm particularly excited about this guy, not to mention some of his actions). For reasons related to something I signed a few months back ( :rolleyes: ), I can't discuss it myself (at least until I have the book in my hands), but I hope someone else does.

AMarcus may lose Wild Heart and some other things but as with all of the Avatars, what he gets in return is worth the loss.

Agree completely here with you Rath, Marcus is a little trickier to get to use well but I think he can ceratinly be competitive. He may be my Arcanist master if I branch out into that faction.

Edited by osoi
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I guarantee you the winner of the masters could have won with marcus. He played nightmare chompy because that is the model that made him want to pick up the game in the first place. I believe he will be going for arcanists next year.

I told him by playing chompy and "using" avatar zoraida that he was just going to be proving all of the forum chatter right...

You just bought the model, like every model you need to learn it and probably won't pick up everything on your first try through, especially one with as much text as an avatar.

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