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popg0estheworld's Kirai Crew Spirit Journey

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***UPDATE*** 10/30/2011

THIS CREW IS FOR SALE- http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180747715220#ht_500wt_1413











More details posted later in the thread. Otherwise, here is the original WIP post, for progeny's sake-

Greetings all!

So, I had some crazy-ass ideas on some epic basing for my Kirai crew. I got to work, and though I would make a progress blog out of it, as it is going to take freaking forever.

Here is the premise- I wanted a multi-tier mini diorama made up from the bases of Kirai and her most important crew members. I want it to look as if she is in the Qi and Gong, getting ready to unleash some vengeance. In he crawlspace of the Qi and Gong, she has been doing quite a bit of storing, as the Guild trash piles up quickly.

Here is what I have so far-




The parts of the base are just kind of pinned together at this point, so they will be more flush when everything is painted and glued into place. The fusama screens will have some kind of detailed mural on them, and they will be kind of bloodily melting away on the edges (as kind of depicted in Kirai's fluff, with the nightmare murder rooms).

For the rest of the crew, I wanted to go with a kind of Japanese garden theme (Kirai is a gardener after all). I have had all of two ideas so far.

Onryo- Floating next to a bridge




Datsue-ba- On a Boat


The Onryo will have some water, foliage, and maybe paper lanterns on the water. Datsue-ba will have a more complete boat, as well as some chunks of skin and flesh inside (to go along with her mythology)

So, this is where you come in. What other base ideas should I use for the other models? How can I improve the existing ones? The only other special idea I have so far is to include a stone lantern on the Shikome's base, so she can be hind of swooping by. Otherwise, I am out of unique ideas.

Comments and criticism very welcome.


I am going to post some of the other progress pics up here on the jump page for the benefit of future viewers- Check the thread for details on each stage-








Edited by popg0estheworld
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While a scale bonsai tree would be stupid tiny, perhaps something with cherry blossoms would be cool... thanks for getting the creative juices flowing.

Dammit, I was hoping to evoke more if a 'I'l show you you jerk' response and see you rock an awese tiny bonsai or implode trying... A cherry blossom would rock, backfire ;) I vote for the crazy mural

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What about a classically inspired mural that covers the back wall? Something like The Fisherman's Wife mixed with a steampunk octopus?

See the original post- that is the plan. I'm doing the mural on both sides, but I think I might stay away from tentacle porn. Then again, I might not- we'll see. It would be appropriate decor for the Qi and Gong, I suppose.

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Dammit, I was hoping to evoke more if a 'I'l show you you jerk' response and see you rock an awese tiny bonsai or implode trying... A cherry blossom would rock, backfire ;) I vote for the crazy mural

Don't tempt me.... goddamnit, now I have to do it. Thanks.

Also, it appears that the challenge to do steampunk justice to "Tako to ama" has also been raised.... I suppose that if it is on the back wall, I can hide it from my children in the display case...

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I've taken on the challenges set by thatnicguy and Saint Norton, and have reached show-offable levels of progress-

"The Fisherman's Wife," the back mural (the one that will face backwards, not the one right behind the models).


Dr. Zoidberg, Amy, NOOOOOO!!!!!

Before you all accuse me of being a total pervert, this is taken directly from a famous piece of early modern Japanese erotica, "The fisherman's Wife" (Google it- NSFW). I figured it would be appropriate for some place like the Qi and Gong. This will face backwards in my display case, as to not alarm guests. The front-facing mural will be much tamer, and more spirit based.

Speaking of spirits, here is one of my Seishin with his friend, the Bonsai tree-


Here are the rest of the Seishin- basing is not done, but they are.




Also, here is some of the more notable other basing I've been working on-

Datsue-ba's cutaway boat-



The stone lantern-


THe rest of the bases are going to have a Japanese graveyard theme, which will be hard, since I don't read or write Japanese.

Anyway, let me know what you think, call me a perv, whatever.

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