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Mako's Crew(s)


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Well, it seems like the mould came out ok so thats good.

I tried the first casting today, which is probably best described as a learning experience! There was a bit of a glitch injecting the resin into the mould which caused resin to leak in a very thin sheet across the whole mould. But aside from that and a couple of areas that got bubbles in them which I'll need to sort out a way to avoid, I reckon I've not done too bad for the test casting. I sliced away the worst of the sheet for this picture (sorry for the rubbish quality of the photo!). The childs hands cast brilliantly which I was worried about, the other bubbles aren't massive problems to solve I don't think.


There'll be more, with much better pictures, after the weekend once I've had time to improve my rig and method...

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There was a lot of vents, they came off when I cut away the flash sheet. Across the whole piece, I reckon there were 8 or 9 vents. Otherwise, I'd have stood no chance!

There's also an upright at one end that I cut off as well where the injection point was.

When I get a better casting, I'll try to keep them all on for a photo so people can see the mould shape.

But yeah, getting away with such a tiny inlet surprised me too! But I guess degassed low viscosity resin and gentle pressure injection works better than I thought. Lucky me!

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My pleasure guys, I enjoy posting up regular updates. That way, when I make mistakes, someone else catches them and points them out! And thanks for the comments, it helps to keep the momentum at times when I start to flag.

Oh, and there'll be more sculpting, but it'll be some stuff of my own design that will happen to fit into malifaux. A little gang of breach runners, the first one is nearly ready but given that I'm quite busy at the moment, it could take a while to finish the last little bits!

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Oh, and there'll be more sculpting, but it'll be some stuff of my own design that will happen to fit into malifaux. A little gang of breach runners, the first one is nearly ready but given that I'm quite busy at the moment, it could take a while to finish the last little bits!

I can't wait, sounds just like my kind of thing =]

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While I do my long sculpting projects, I'll be painting up the last of Kirai's stuff and also working on another crew. At the moment, it's a choice between Lady J's lot (Judge, death marshalls and austringers) and Collette's crew. I've got Kaeris' box set as well but was going to save that til I've got one of the other two fully done.

Since I know what I want to do for both crews and can't decide which to do first, I thought I'd throw the choice out to everyone else. There's a little while for people to shout out whichever they want to see first (if anyone actually minds which they see :-P) since I have to paint up the night terrors and would like to paint Jaakuna and Kirai's avatar before getting fully distracted by a different faction.

So, would you rather see showgirls or death marshalls?

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As funny as that would be, I'm just painting these guys *wink*

The sculpting is reserved for models I don't really like (such as the shikome), models I need more of (like the seishin were), and my custom gang. Otherwise, I end up with a ton of sculpting to do and nothing to paint, and it stops being fun!

Showgirls are winning at the moment, but the deadline isn't over yet...

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My own attempts at sculpting have so far been,.. less then stellar. may be some while before I'm anywhere near your level. But I suppose that practice makes perfect,.. so I'll keep at it a while and see if any improvements come along.

---------- Post added at 10:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 AM ----------

I guess I should ask,.. is your sculpting style additive or subtractive? (ie: do you add small bits of green stuff until you get the desired result? Or, like stone sculpters, do you start with a larger block of material, and then chip away at it, removing the unneeded bits until the desired result is all that's left?)

Do you bother with things like underpinning? (building up the muscle layers under the clothes) or do you just sculpt the clothing into a shape and ignore the mass inside that can't be seen?

Sorry for the million and one questions, but the only way to learn sometimes is to ask.(if you don't mind,.. and thank you)

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Sorry for the million and one questions, but the only way to learn sometimes is to ask.(if you don't mind,.. and thank you)

No probs, that's how I learned it. Ask anyone I could find that was getting it right, and keep trying their suggetsions and my own methods mixed til it worked! And I still mess up stuff regularly and redo it. My Jaakuna Ubume's face is about the 4th version I did...

I add rather than subtract, because that's a lot easier with Fimo in my experience. I have sliced green stuffed parts (and things like blades) back sometimes, as it's just too much hassle to get right first time out when it's thin and sharp edged.

In terms of underpinning, I often bulk the armature with rough muscle shapes, but be careful because that's a good way to get oversized people that look like the stay puft man! When it's loose cloth, it's a bit easier to get the shape without underpinning. And practice makes it even easier. But for bare flesh (or tight clothes!), it often does help to have a small roughly shaped layer underneath that you then 'skin' with the final shaping.

Hope that helps! An feel free to ask stuff, if I can help I will. And if I don't know, I'll admit it and then make a wild guess at stuff to try out :-P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I realise this is the most wimpy update on record, but I've started painting Jaakuna Ubume. So far, I've just got the basic layers of her kimono sorted out, although they're darker than I planned so I'll be neatening the blends up and brightening it a bit too. Then I'll cover it in pale freehand and move onto the child.


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Ugh. just gone back through my thread and hadf to fix a load of links to photos. Possibly the most dull thing to do in an evening. But here's a little preview of what I'm doing to Kirai's avatar:


I've also basically finished my foray into monochrome, So if people are still interested I'll write it up and post it up as a guide on here?

Here's the model:


And now, back to painting my crews!

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It's an Okko miniatures model called Oni bushi. He's 54mm and has a ridiculously bendy and breakable sword! Other than that though he's good fun to paint. I'll try to get the guide written up soon, got some last photos to add and then one bit more painting to do on him and put in.

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Ok, I just realised I'd already taken the photos I needed to finish the guide, so now all I havea to do is write the last bit and I'll post it up. There's a couple of tiny adjustments to make to the NMM on the sword, then a finishing touch, and if I get that done quickly I'll add a final complete photo in at the end of it. So, soon it'll appear. Honest!

Also going to get some painting done on night terrors tomorrow, and maybe break out another model. Namely Cassandra, because if I'm not careful I'll start painting austringers (I have a thing for birds of prey, done some falconry and think they're dead pretty). And the showgirls definitely won the vote...

That said, I can't decide whether the austringers should have Harris hawks or harpy eagles. Or one of each, but I think that may look a bit odd given how ones brown/black and the other is black grey and white!

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nice... i think you should just paint the austringer next! i love me some birds of prey.. had a good week... saw an owl in the morning... next day saw a bald eagle... hoping do get a tri-fecta... maybe a hawk before this weeks over since they all roost in sight of my big bay window..

after i finish my seamus and kirai... im gonna do a nicodem and swap out the vultures for owls.

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