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A Bioshock-Themed Malifaux Blog [Warning: Game Spoilers]


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I say prime them black. I love the rosie! And Xander start painting your killing me with anticipation........AHHHHHH!

Haha, why black? Convince me! ;)

I am glad you like the Rosie. I was really pleased with how he came out!

Painting starts tonight, but I will be doing the non-cool guys to start: just the foot soldiers!

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awesome idea and great work indeed!

does make me wanna play the games. Only ever played the demo a while ago...and then the red ring of death. *casts a wistful look over to the as yet untouched 'Alice'-Game.* Soon. *sniff* I promise.

Anyway, carry on the awesomeness! I'll keep checking back to witness ur progress :)

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Man I want this crew. If you get rid of it, I Call dibs. Lol ;)

Haha, well, if I ever need to make some quick cash, I'll know where to turn. ;)

It looks great, I've just rebeaten bioshock and will hopefully be playing 2 soon. Just getting ready for bioshock infinite.

Wise decision! I can't wait for Inifnite... ideas have already been brewing in my head for a Columbia Crew...

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This is awesome! Very cool to see someone doing some heavy conversion work with Malifaux minis (not something I see very often, but I think thats a side effect of the range being such high quality).

Particularly awesome job on Alice/Big Sister.... I really can't wait to see her painted up.

Did you not consider doing some sort of Andrew Ryan model instead of Levi?

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Looking sweet! Suprisingly few puddles or water effects for rapture though.

I may yet add some water effects, though I have no real experience with them. The bases themselves are somewhat unfinished as they are currently in a very clean state.

This is awesome! Very cool to see someone doing some heavy conversion work with Malifaux minis (not something I see very often, but I think thats a side effect of the range being such high quality).

Particularly awesome job on Alice/Big Sister.... I really can't wait to see her painted up.

Did you not consider doing some sort of Andrew Ryan model instead of Levi?

I appreciate the comments about the conversions. I think we rarely see conversion work for Malifaux due to it's character-driven nature. You can't modify them too much or they lose their personality.

It's largely for this reason that I chose to use Leveticus as Jack instead of Andrew Ryan. Andrew Ryan doesn't really have an active combat role in Bioshock. He could hardly be considered a Steampunk Necromancer. Conversely, Jack, the player character, is, with the use of his plasmids, essentially a magic user.

He "casts" lightning, fire and bee "magic", and he can also use all sorts of other plasmids that give him control over things (like a Necromancer). For example, you can use a plasmid to make Bid Daddies act as body guards for you (summon a Desolation Engine), but this ability is temporary and will fade away (as the Desolation Engines do indeed fade away -- additionally, this is why I have chosen a blue/green colour for the light being emitted from their helmets, to show they are under Jack's control). Jack can also use plasmids to enrage Splicers - not quite control them, but similar enough to fit thematically. So to make theis work, I replaced Levi's metal hand with a Plasmid-shooting one, and his wand with the iconic Bioshock wrench. A bit of a hair trim, and this model can easily represent Jack; they key here is that the model is still instantly recognizable as Leveticus as well.

Representing Alyce as the Big Sister works great on a number of levels. First, the Big Sisters are young women who are eager to fight -- they are also a pretty good shot! Second, the body types align perfectly, and the clothes were a perfect start for the conversion. Since I magnetized the head, she can remove her helmet and be even more recognizable as Alyce (or Eleanor).

The Splicers are pretty self-explanatory. They work well as Steampunk Abominations, so I didn't convert them much.

Desolation Engines are vital to the Leveticus crew and are perfectly represented by Big Daddies - something alive, but essentially assembled from living and non-living parts with no real mind of it's own. These were the only non-Wyrd models I used as I felt the hard Suit model was simply too perfect to pass up. This is too bad since this apparently renders my army illegal for use in official tournaments. Yes, I probably could have converted them out of the Desolation Engine, but I would not have been able to achieve the same look. Sculpting them from scratch doesn't really work either, as they could easily be contested as non-representative of Desolation Engines (though the lore for these seems to indicate they are an assortment of living and non living parts, for which a Big Daddy could conceivably qualify).

I may try to scratch sculpt a Rumbler Big Daddy (and maybe an Alpha Big Daddy) in the future. If I did, what do you guys think - would it be tournament legel? Would it represent the idea of a Desolation Engine sufficiently?

I really tried hard to stay within the letter of the law otherwise and make sure everything still felt extremely Malifaux-themed. The fact that Bioshock has many steampunk elements certainly helped.

Thanks again for all the feedback everyone! :)

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I appreciate the comments about the conversions. I think we rarely see conversion work for Malifaux due to it's character-driven nature. You can't modify them too much or they lose their personality.

It's largely for this reason that I chose to use Leveticus as Jack instead of Andrew Ryan. Andrew Ryan doesn't really have an active combat role in Bioshock. He could hardly be considered a Steampunk Necromancer. Conversely, Jack, the player character, is, with the use of his plasmids, essentially a magic user.

He "casts" lightning, fire and bee "magic", and he can also use all sorts of other plasmids that give him control over things (like a Necromancer). For example, you can use a plasmid to make Bid Daddies act as body guards for you (summon a Desolation Engine), but this ability is temporary and will fade away (as the Desolation Engines do indeed fade away -- additionally, this is why I have chosen a blue/green colour for the light being emitted from their helmets, to show they are under Jack's control). Jack can also use plasmids to enrage Splicers - not quite control them, but similar enough to fit thematically. So to make theis work, I replaced Levi's metal hand with a Plasmid-shooting one, and his wand with the iconic Bioshock wrench. A bit of a hair trim, and this model can easily represent Jack; they key here is that the model is still instantly recognizable as Leveticus as well.

Representing Alyce as the Big Sister works great on a number of levels. First, the Big Sisters are young women who are eager to fight -- they are also a pretty good shot! Second, the body types align perfectly, and the clothes were a perfect start for the conversion. Since I magnetized the head, she can remove her helmet and be even more recognizable as Alyce (or Eleanor).

The Splicers are pretty self-explanatory. They work well as Steampunk Abominations, so I didn't convert them much.

Desolation Engines are vital to the Leveticus crew and are perfectly represented by Big Daddies - something alive, but essentially assembled from living and non-living parts with no real mind of it's own. These were the only non-Wyrd models I used as I felt the hard Suit model was simply too perfect to pass up. This is too bad since this apparently renders my army illegal for use in official tournaments. Yes, I probably could have converted them out of the Desolation Engine, but I would not have been able to achieve the same look. Sculpting them from scratch doesn't really work either, as they could easily be contested as non-representative of Desolation Engines (though the lore for these seems to indicate they are an assortment of living and non living parts, for which a Big Daddy could conceivably qualify).

I may try to scratch sculpt a Rumbler Big Daddy (and maybe an Alpha Big Daddy) in the future. If I did, what do you guys think - would it be tournament legel? Would it represent the idea of a Desolation Engine sufficiently?

I really tried hard to stay within the letter of the law otherwise and make sure everything still felt extremely Malifaux-themed. The fact that Bioshock has many steampunk elements certainly helped.

Thanks again for all the feedback everyone! :)

Thanks for the in depth explaination! I love the theme even more after hearing your ideas behind it.

I agree competely with the Jack idea, much better than Andrew Ryan..... I went back through the thread and found your Levi conversion afterwards, brilliant job, I must have missed it on the first glance at this thread.

Have you considering using Ryle with Levi? He'd be really easy to convert into a Big Daddie.

As for alt models in official tournaments- are you sure there would be no exceptions? With a very clear theme, beautiful execution and 75% of your crew being Wyrd minis, I cant see any Tournament Organiser being THAT anal....

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Hard to say if there would be exceptions. I mean, I hope so. I'd like to think a small company like this wouldn't mind. After all, aren't we all trying to get away from the very totalitarian attitudes that GW seems to promote?

Still, as it stands, the letter of the law says my army would be disqualified in tournaments.

Ryle eh? Lemme see here...

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Originally Posted by yslaire

Awesome work... alas not legal in official tournaments....

People can correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe that once correctly based, these WILL in fact be tournament legal.

In reading the rules for tournaments, I remember a clear distinction, whereby proxy models are NOT allowed but conversions ARE, provided they use Wyrd-manufactured parts and original sculpt. I believe that you are even allowed to use up to 33% of bits from other ranges.

My models are 99% green stuff, 1% paperclip, so along with official Malifaux stat cards, I am reasonably sure they are tournament legal.

Appreciate all the replies guys, the feedback is a huge motivation for me!

Edit: Source: Gaining Ground Document 2011, pages 2-3 under "Proxy Rules" and "Conversion Rules"

Quoted from scratch built daydream thread, I agree with this idea. I'd love to see someone from eyed come on and give this the stamp of approval but I agree with what others have said, if a tourn organizer told you you couldn't field that they'd have to be a bit daft. Youve got hollow waif (you need more..) youv got steampunk abominations and leveticus, if youv got the cards and say to your opponent hey this big thing here is my des engine it should not cause there brain to melt out there ear.

They look fantastic btw, i was expecting one fig painted maybe two but your nearly done!! Love the bases and how they look as a whole crew, well done

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