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I don't think we're in Malifaux anymore.... (WIP)


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Absolutely Fantastic Tuesday, she has come out brilliantly. The colour palette really suits the model. What type of base are you looking at sticking her on?

Since I'm going with kind of a western theme for her, I've got a small stretch of desert land with the Yellow Brick Road running through/alongside it. (It's about 50/50 road/sand.) I went a little crazy about it in my head-- if I get a sign done in time, she'll be going to 'Rio Esmeralda.'

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Since I'm going with kind of a western theme for her, I've got a small stretch of desert land with the Yellow Brick Road running through/alongside it. (It's about 50/50 road/sand.) I went a little crazy about it in my head-- if I get a sign done in time, she'll be going to 'Rio Esmeralda.'

Sounds fun :)

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Oh jeez, 40k and skulls. I have to say I've never played the game, but I painted a GW/Warhammer tower for the local game store and was astounded at the number of skulls just crammed into every space. I wondered if the tower's occupant was compulsively hoarding them, or had just gotten creative with the materials he had on hand.

But I did get plenty of practice at highlighting them. XD

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Oh jeez, 40k and skulls. I have to say I've never played the game, but I painted a GW/Warhammer tower for the local game store and was astounded at the number of skulls just crammed into every space. I wondered if the tower's occupant was compulsively hoarding them, or had just gotten creative with the materials he had on hand.

But I did get plenty of practice at highlighting them. XD

:D Even their game board (Which is actually pretty decent although way overpriced) has these weird random pits full of skulls.

But yeah.. that's the only criticism I can come up with! ;) I'm guessing adding a house with some legs of a crushed Witch sticking out would be over the top? Or a wheatfield next to the path?

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It looks a little too greenish to me. But meh. The original Yellow Brick Road was actually orange or something on set, because early Technicolor first made it look too green on camera. So color manipulation is nothing new to Oz. XD

Also, I... I'm going to upload it! Aaah!

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Entry's up! (EDIT: Fixing. One sec.)

My pictures are terrible. I'm not quite sure what happened to them, and I don't know what the rules are as far as trying to fix them/replace the image, but oh well. I'm just glad to have made the deadline and entered. I finally accomplished something, mini-wise. I have a cool little thing to stick on my desk so when someone asks about it I can go 'Oh, yeah, I painted that, took me a couple weeks, it was nothing really' and toss my hair around.

And also I can finally stop worrying about it. XD Thanks for following the thread, everyone. The comments and criticisms really helped.

Edited by Tuesday
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My pictures are terrible. I'm not quite sure what happened to them, and I don't know what the rules are as far as trying to fix them/replace the image, but oh well.

Needs new photos! The others ones in this thread make the mini look much much better. You can apparently post again with new photos, some other entrant did that already.

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I just tried that-- I saw an 'update image' button but apparently that doesn't actually allow you to change the picture itself. But I fixed the colors somewhat, I think, and uploaded it again. Just waiting on the new one being approved, and then I can even just remove the old one.

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She looks fantastic, I love the desert theme you put her in I've been having a hard time deciding what base to use, and I think yours is a lot different than a lot of the other street scenes currently on cmon.

I wish you a lot of luck! Will definitely throw a vote in.

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I might. I just have to get up the willpower to do so, haha. XD And I hope they don't mind me resubmitting 3 times.

Although I don't know-- yours is definitely one of the best ones there. I don't know if my best photography skills could capture something that'd knock it down anywhere.

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