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Circus Tent

Pious Van Dorn

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Paper towels soaked in watered down PVA glue draped over a balsa frame make some pretty realistic looking tents. If you can lay your hands on some surplase mini wagon wheels then it shouldn't be hard to mock up some wagons and carts. Definately going to need some bleachers for the crowd. A few animal cages along with some carnival game booths.

Just make sure you dont include anything that is $$$$$$$$$$ like...the Lord Governor does not allow those in Malifaux.

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Outcast for sure (though there would probably be a lot of cross faction hiring shenanigans).

outcast would work

resser too, going from town to town, showing of hybrid beasts ad stealling bodies as they go

arcanists would be kinda Colette

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Neverborn definately. Actually I think any faction could be done with some conversions


-Lady J the tighrope walker: Not much needed. Just base on a tightrope

-Perdita lead acrobat

-Sonia the magician

-C. Hoffman the Juggler ( with that many hands how could he miss?)

-Lucius the Ringleader (add a tophat from the hats booster)

-Executioner the Strongman (add barbells)

-the ortegas could be acrobats (Nino is already in a flying flip position

-Witchling Stalkers the $$$$$$$$$$$$

-Death Marshalls Trapees Artists (some artistic posing on trapeeses)

-Samael the Lion Tamer (he's got a whip already)


-Seamus the Ringleader (What needs to be done?)

-Belles tighrope Walkers

-Sybelle Animal wrangler maybe?

-McMorning ($$$$$$$$$$)

-Sebastian ($$$$$$$$$$)

-Flesh construct (Strongman)

-Nurses (Beautiful assistants)

-Nicodem (Psychic or Ringleader if Seamus goes somewhere else)

-Mortimer (worker)

-Samurai punk Zombies (sword dancers)

-Kirai (Fan Dancer)


-Lelith the Ringleader (Top Hat addition and replace the sword with something)

-Terror Tots Freakshow Creature

-Adult Nephilim Freakshow creature

-Pandora Animal Funhouse Carnie

-Candy midget $$$$$$$$$$

-Baby Cade midget $$$$$$$$$$

-Woes $$$$$$$$$$$$

-Zorida Gypsy Fortune Teller

-Silurids Freakshow Creatures

-Bad JuJu Freakshow Creature

-Dreamer and Lord Chompy Funhouse Monsters

-Collodi Puppet show stage Master obviously


-Ramos Juggler

-Spiders tighrope Walkers...I know..it's the best I got right now.

-Steamborg Food and Drink Vendor

-Rasputina Knife thrower

-Ice Golem $$$$$$$$$$ (cause it's funny)

-Ice Gamin $$$$$$$$$$$$ (again)

-Marcus The beastmaster...Duh!

-Sabertooth Cerebus...Lion

-Razerspine Rattler another dangerous beast

-Myranda model a chair and whip into her hands for beast tamer two

-Colette the Ringleader


-SoMer Teeth and the gremlins $$$$$$$$$$$$

-Victorias Jugglers

-Johan that's a toughy...I'll think about it

-Bishop carnie (calling to the crowds to sucker them into a game)

-Lady Hammerstrike (ring the Bell Carnie)

-Leveticus Ringleader (with a top hat)

-Rusty Alice sharpshooter

-Steampunk abomination Freakshow

-Hollow Waif Alice's target

-Hamlin tighrope walker (standing on the platform with his balance pole)

That's with five minutes of thought. I could do better with more time.

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Neverborn definately. Actually I think any faction could be done with some conversions


-Lady J the tighrope walker: Not much needed. Just base on a tightrope

-Perdita lead acrobat

-Sonia the magician

-C. Hoffman the Juggler ( with that many hands how could he miss?)

-Lucius the Ringleader (add a tophat from the hats booster)

-Executioner the Strongman (add barbells)

-the ortegas could be acrobats (Nino is already in a flying flip position

-Witchling Stalkers the $$$$$$$$$$$$

-Death Marshalls Trapees Artists (some artistic posing on trapeeses)

-Samael the Lion Tamer (he's got a whip already)


-Seamus the Ringleader (What needs to be done?)

-Belles tighrope Walkers

-Sybelle Animal wrangler maybe?

-McMorning ($$$$$$$$$$)

-Sebastian ($$$$$$$$$$)

-Flesh construct (Strongman)

-Nurses (Beautiful assistants)

-Nicodem (Psychic or Ringleader if Seamus goes somewhere else)

-Mortimer (worker)

-Samurai punk Zombies (sword dancers)

-Kirai (Fan Dancer)


-Lelith the Ringleader (Top Hat addition and replace the sword with something)

-Terror Tots Freakshow Creature

-Adult Nephilim Freakshow creature

-Pandora Animal Funhouse Carnie

-Candy midget $$$$$$$$$$

-Baby Cade midget $$$$$$$$$$

-Woes $$$$$$$$$$$$

-Zorida Gypsy Fortune Teller

-Silurids Freakshow Creatures

-Bad JuJu Freakshow Creature

-Dreamer and Lord Chompy Funhouse Monsters

-Collodi Puppet show stage Master obviously


-Ramos Juggler

-Spiders tighrope Walkers...I know..it's the best I got right now.

-Steamborg Food and Drink Vendor

-Rasputina Knife thrower

-Ice Golem $$$$$$$$$$ (cause it's funny)

-Ice Gamin $$$$$$$$$$$$ (again)

-Marcus The beastmaster...Duh!

-Sabertooth Cerebus...Lion

-Razerspine Rattler another dangerous beast

-Myranda model a chair and whip into her hands for beast tamer two

-Colette the Ringleader


-SoMer Teeth and the gremlins $$$$$$$$$$$$

-Victorias Jugglers

-Johan that's a toughy...I'll think about it

-Bishop carnie (calling to the crowds to sucker them into a game)

-Lady Hammerstrike (ring the Bell Carnie)

-Leveticus Ringleader (with a top hat)

-Rusty Alice sharpshooter

-Steampunk abomination Freakshow

-Hollow Waif Alice's target

-Hamlin tighrope walker (standing on the platform with his balance pole)

That's with five minutes of thought. I could do better with more time.

Forgot about the Coulrophobia. All the $$$$$$$ are the scary guys with white face paint and smiles.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback :)

The Circus tent was suppsoed to be my contribution to the scenary that my friend Fettster is putting together (I think he's posted on this thread)... I'm not modeller or terrain builder so it would be a real challenge for me that's why I'm looking at a resin cast tent that I can paint up suitably...

However it has got me thinking... I've got a Seamus crew that I'm putting together & maybe I'll paint Seamus up like the Joker with the white face paint & green hair.

Maybe I'll do my Hanged with stripey trousers etc etc any ideas welcome guys keep them coming!!

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If you can find it, I recommend tracking down and reading Carnival from the old AD&D 2nd Edition range for Ravenloft. It is a great source book for anyone wanting to run a circus, carnival, side show, etc from around that period with a host of freaks thrown in for good measure. In the time Malifaux is set it would be heyday of the Freak Show with less circuses around as most Circus troupes had yet to travel to America. Unless you are having them have come through a breach in Europe.

Both of those smaller tends would work well for side attractions, from fortunetellers to tends containing Pickled Punks (basically, things pickled in jars).

As for a faction, Ressers, Arcanists and Neverborn fit the bill best, using the Circus/Freak Show as a front for other, more nefarious schemes. The Neverborn lure in the innocent to corrupt them or even steal them away. The Arcanists are hiding a smuggling ring or a black market of sorts. The Ressers... well, they're after more bodies :D

The Guild would work as a undercover operation, Outcasts could simply be a troupe that have come to Malifaux in hopes of finding greatness and wealth. However, both of these seem the weaker options.

The reasons don't need to be complex, keeping things as simple as you can has more or less always worked for me, I work out the little details later on.

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The Circus tent was suppsoed to be my contribution to the scenary that my friend Fettster is putting together (I think he's posted on this thread)... I'm not modeller or terrain builder so it would be a real challenge for me that's why I'm looking at a resin cast tent that I can paint up suitably...

Something like this would be a pretty good piece to learn on since the materials will be relatively cheap. A few pieces of Balsa wood from the craft store (for the tent framing), some thick paper towel (the blue mechanic shop towels would probably be best), some watered down wood glue, some jute cord, and black spray paint (to prime for paint). There is your circus tent. If you wanted to embelish a bit more, some craft sticks (popsicle sticks) can quickly make bleachers and a wood sewing brace (not sure if that is what it is called but it is basically two pieces thata nest together and stretch the fabric for embroidery) for the ring. Fot the smaller "Side show" tents and carnival games, get your hands on a few small popcorn boxes (the ones that are flared slightly), cut, prime, paint, done. Just a few thoughts...

One last one that would make the tent even easier. Get a cheap lamp shade and use that for the tent frame. Layer on the glue soaked paper towel and done.

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It seems to me that a circus tent would really dominate most of the terrain on a 3'x3' board. Unless you were going for more of a carnival atmosphere with a lot of small tents holding individual attractions. In which case you'd need some form of "Funhouse" :D

As for the Circus, I think doing an entire table up as the interior of a Big Top tent with a full three ring circus setup in there would be fun. One could hold a wild animal cage; another, the acrobats and such, while the third would house the $$$$$$$$$$$$. There would be bleachers for the audience and all sorts of stuff to get in the way.

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I've not used any civilians in my games (to me they legit the instant the spells start flying), but you could always throw some in for added effect. You could have it so that when a player activates one of their models, they also activate a civilian who's trying to get away (or running to find cover) who could act as Ht 2 moving cover that could ruin a opponents shot or whatever.

Actually, I like that idea and I'm going to steal it from myself to try out in my games :D

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